What executions are the best for your favorite Hero?
Executions are a big part of For Honor. They not only allow you to kill your enemies in stylish, brutal, and humiliating ways but also allow you to restore your health once the execution is completed. Each hero has two executions they start out with (up to 4 can be equipped at a time), then other executions can be bought with steel. Since most executions cost around 7000 steel you’ve got to be a bit smart with purchasing the coolest ones, so this list has been compiled to show off which execution is objectively the best for each hero in the game, including the new hero: the Zhanhu.
#1 Warden - End Them Rightly
Watch a Warden use this execution on the practice dummy
This execution is great because it is actually a reference to a very obscure longsword technique found in actual medieval manuscripts! The manuscript says that the best way to end your opponent rightly is to unscrew the pommel of your longsword and throw it at them, then to finish them off.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 4.8 seconds
- Total Duration: 7.2 seconds
- Heals 50 hp
#2 Conqueror - Feros Ferio
A conqueror crushes his enemies with style
This execution by the Conqueror goes a bit against the grain from their usual ones. This one contains a stylish flourish with the flail followed by a brutal smack to the face. Not as brutal as some of Conqueror’s other executions but that doesn’t detract from how awesome it is.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 4.6 seconds
- Total Duration: 7.3 seconds
- Heals 50 hp
#3 Lawbringer - The Horserider
Watch a Lawbringer play with his prey
This execution is the most recently released Lawbringer execution. It is a hilarious execution where the Lawbringer rides his poleaxe like a toy horse around his stunned enemy before finally finishing them off. It is a fairly long execution, so make sure you don’t get interrupted.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 7.1 Seconds
- Total Duration: 11.5 seconds
- Heals 50 hp
#4 Peacekeeper - Instant Regrets
Watch a Peacekeeper brutalize the training dummy
This execution is another pretty funny one. Peacekeeper stabs her sword and dagger into each of her opponent’s legs. They try to shuffle around in pain and shock as she looks on and laughs before she finally decapitates them. Makes for a good execution to humiliate an annoying opponent.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 7.9 second
- Total Duration: 9.5 seconds
- 50 hp regeneration
#5 Centurion - Ala Lacta Est
Centurion wastes no time beating the tar out of his enemies
This execution is brutal. Centurion cuts the arm off of his opponent then, as they are stunned by missing a limb, bashes their face in with the pommel of his gladius. He then kicks his opponent away with a mighty boot exclaiming “Movete!” literally telling his opponent to move aside.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 1.2 seconds
- Total Duration: 5.9 seconds
- 50 hp recovery
#6 Gladiator - Fun and Roses
The Gladiator thrives off of the roar of the crowd with this execution
Gladiator’s most fun execution by far. As his enemy tries to run away he throws bolas at their feet, causing them to fall to the ground. He then throws his trident into the enemy’s back, killing them for good. As he goes to retrieve his trident he roars, and claps from a crowd are heard as roses fall from the sky and he gives a graceful bow.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 4 seconds
- Total Duration: 9 seconds
- 50 hp recovery
#7 Black Prior - Severe Sentence
This video shows off all of Black Prior's harrowing executions
This execution is Black Prior’s most unique. The Black Prior sticks his kite shield into the ground and slams the enemy’s head onto it and then cuts their head off as they lay limp on top of it. It’s an excellent execution and looks amazing, perfect for putting down a player you hate.
- 7000 Steel
- Kill Time: 5.2 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.8 seconds
- 50 hp recovery
#8 Raider - Viking Press Back Breaker
This one is just magical. Have you ever wanted to recreate the scene from The Dark Knight Rises where Bane breaks Batman’s back over his knee? Except do you wish you could be a shirtless Viking with a huge ax doing it to other combatants? Then look no further than this execution.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 5.7 seconds
- Total Duration: 11.2 seconds
- 50 hp regeneration
#9 Warlord - Nailed Down
All of Warlord's executions show off his strength and skill
Ever wanted to pin your enemies into the dirt by using your sword as a nail and your shield as a hammer? Then look no further. This absolutely brutal execution has the Warlord savagely bashing his shield on top of his sword while its dug into his enemy on the ground, blood spraying with every strike.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 5.3 seconds
- Total Duration: 11.8 seconds
- 50 hp recovery
#10 Berserker - Vehement Axe Stomp
Berserkers executions are savage and brutal
Any self-respecting, angry, dual-ax wielding Berserker should have this execution. If not for the brutal double ax throw right into the enemy’s but for the cringe-inducing stomp onto the enemy’s more “sensitive” areas if you catch my drift.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 6.1 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.9 seconds
- 50 hp recovery
#11 Valkyrie - Warrior Meets Horn
This execution answers the age-old question: What would happen if you shoved a war horn into someone’s throat? Well, you get this brutal execution where you get to watch blood and pathetic notes come out the horn. Might want to wash that once you’re finished.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 5.5 seconds
- Total Duration: 10.4 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#12 Highlander - Fatal Toss
The Highlander uses his Claymore with deadly efficiency in this video
To truly be an angry Scotsman with a claymore in this game, you should be proficient at two things: Kicking and taking the heads of your enemies. So why not do both at the same time? Watch as your enemy struggle with their neck half embedded on your sword and then finish them off with a mighty Scottish kick!
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 6 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.7 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#13 Shaman - Really Get In There
Shaman shows off her feral side with brutal executions
While Shaman is known for leaving some nasty neck bites, with this execution we see that she also has a tendency to rip the hearts out of her enemies. Any lonely Vikings out there might want to think twice before trying to court the Shaman.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 3.8 Seconds
- Total Duration: 11.4 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#14 Jormungandr - Hammerhead
This one takes the cake for Jormungandr executions. Sure you can bash someone’s head off with a hammer but what if you replaced their head with a hammer? This is apparently one of the questions that were keeping the Ubisoft staff up at night and they just had to make this execution for us.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 1.7 seconds
- Total Duration: 12.6 Second
- 50 hp gain
#15 Kensei - Yasuraka
Kensei kills with style and grace
What is more Anime than staring into the camera as you shove your sword through your enemy’s back? Most of Orochi’s executions. However, this one comes close and is perfect for ending dramatic battles against your enemies.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 2.8 seconds
- Total Duration: 6 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#16 Shugoki - Shugoki Smash
Shugoki is a monster of a character and this execution shows just how strong he is as he literally picks up his enemy by one leg and slams them into the ground. The impact leaves cracks on the ground and a huge splatter of blood.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 5.4 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.2 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#17 Nobushi - Butterfly Dance
Nobushi's executions are almost as beautiful as her
Simply stabbing your opponent over and over with a naginata is fun and all but what is a Samurai without style and grace? This execution has both of those as Nobushi flips over her opponent, flips her naginata around with style and finishes them off with a stab to the neck.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 7.4 seconds
- Total Duration: 9.6 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#18 Orochi - Rokka No Shi
Orochi's swift strikes seriously slice through skin
This execution turns Orochi into an anime character. They slash their enemy multiple times and then right when they sheath their sword, blood flies out from their enemy’s cuts in a brutal fashion.
- 7000 steel
- Kill time: 7.4 seconds
- Total Duration: 9.4 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#19 Aramusha - Rebel Just For Kicks
Aramusha cares not for honor, only for style points
Throwing your sword into your enemy? Sure that’s cool and requires a lot of skill, but what about literally kicking your sword into your enemy? That’s even cooler. This execution lets you do just that plus you get to kick your enemy in the head at the end for good measure.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 10 seconds
- Total Duration: 11.8 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#20 Shinobi - Throwing Stars
Shinobi is deadly accurate with his shurikens
What is a Shinobi without his throwing stars? You won’t be asking that question with this execution because he throws them at his enemy in this one. He even pulls out an extra-large one, much like a certain popular anime show, for a deadly decapitation.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 5.3 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.5 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#21 Hitokiri - Kamaitachi
Another excellent execution that feels like its right out of an anime episode. The bright flash of light right as the Hitokiri slips their ax through the enemy’s neck really helps sell this one.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 4 seconds
- Total Duration: 6.4 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#22 Tiandi - Yi Ru Fan Zhang
A truly humiliating execution. Tiandi throws his sword down and then his enemy tries to punch his lights out. Like the true martial arts master he is, Tiandi doesn’t even look at his enemy as he deflects everything before slamming his enemy down on the sharp end of his sword. This is Tiandi’s longest execution however, best used after an easily won 1v1 situation.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 9.9 seconds
- Total Duration: 13.3 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#23 Jiang Jun - Ember Management
Jiang Jun's explosive execution shows off the ragdoll physics of the game
What better way to end your enemies than to send flying from an explosion? This execution has Jiang Jun doing just that, covering his enemy in a combustible oil then sparking the ground with his guandao causing his enemy to erupt in flames and fly back.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 7.5 seconds
- Total Duration: 10.2 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#24 Nuxia - A Short Rest
Another great execution for humiliating your opponents. Nuxia sits on top of her opponents playfully then slits their throat like it’s nothing. Perfect for showing your opponent that your fight took little effort.
- 7000 steel
- Time to Kill: 4 seconds
- Total Duration: 4.7 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#25 Shaolin - Maximum Shaolin
Ever wanted to kill an enemy without touching them? This one's for you then. The Shaolin stuns his enemy and then focuses, projections of himself appear all around the opponent as they’re mercilessly pummeled and finally finished off by a one-inch punch that sends them flying.
- 7000 steel
- Kill Time: 7.4 seconds
- Total Duration: 10 seconds
- 50 hp gain
#26 Zhanhu - Sun Da’s Rule
This execution shows off the Zhanhu’s skill and precision. The acrobatic roll into a backstab really adds a theatrical element here and makes it into a much more fun execution compared to the rest of Zhanhu’s executions.
- Free - one of Zhanhu’s base executions
- Kill Time: 3.2 seconds
- Total Duration: 8.7 seconds
- 50 hp gain
Hopefully, this list convinces you that these are the best executions for each of the heroes in For Honor. Save up that steel and then get to killing!
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