The Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius is the secretive Albedo, Teyvat’s least emotive and most threatening artificial life form. Chalk Prince, “Kreideprinz”, ticking time bomb, big brother – Albedo is a man of many titles and talents, conducting his Frankenstein-adjacent experiments squirreled away in the caverns of Dragonspine.
This 5 star Geo sword-wielder boasts some of Genshin Impact’s most interesting lore and controversial canon opinions: appearing in several limited events, we’ve seen various faces of Albedo from dubiously ethical to sweetly familial, and we’re sure to encounter Albedo again as the main storyline engages further with the deeper mysteries of Teyvat. He’s due for a banner re-run soon: will you be ready?
If you’re an Albedo stan and you just want Albedo and only Albedo, you could try a Hybrid build. It’s not recommended for Albedo’s chalky composition, but some may find his Normal/Charged attack design fun to play, and there’s nothing wrong with that. A well-built character will accomplish all they need to in-game until Genshin Impact becomes a competitive sport.
Artifact Sets:
- Pale Flame – 4 PC + 25% Phys Dmg Bonus & ATK + 9% for 7s when Skill hits opponent x 2 stacks, 100% Phys Dmg Bonus at 2 stacks
- Pale Flame/Bloodstained Chivalry – 2 PC + 25% Phys Dmg Bonus + Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus
- Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus + Gladiator’s Finale – 2 PC + 18% ATK
Artifact Stats: ATK % Sands, GEO DMG Goblet, CRIT RATE/DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %, DEF %
- Summit Shaper – ATK % bonus, Shield Strength + 20%, enemy hits = + 4% ATK for 8s x 5 stacks, ATK increase effect + 100% while protected by shield
- Skyward Blade – Energy Recharge bonus, increased Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by up to 40% for 12s post-Elemental Burst, CRIT Rate up to + 8%
- Primordial Jade Cutter – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 1.2% of HP
- Mistsplitter Reforged – CRIT Dmg bonus, +12% Elemental Dmg bonus, 8%/16%/28% at stack levels 1/2/3 (Albedo can trigger up to 2 stacks himself, Chongyun or C6 Bennet team enables 3 stacks)
- Blackcliff Longsword – CRIT Dmg bonus, ATK + 12% upon enemy defeat for 30s, 3 stacks
- The Black Sword – CRIT Rate bonus, Normal/Charged attacks + 20% dmg
- Harbinger of Dawn – CRIT Dmg bonus, CRIT Rate increased by 28% when HP above 90%
Team Players:
- TARTAGLIA: Increases party’s Normal attack level by 1, wide AoE Hydro application for reactions, needs Sub DPS for long cooldowns
- ROSARIA: Passive Talent increases party’s CRIT Rate by up to 15% post-Burst. C6: Burst decreases enemy’s Phys RES by 20% for 10s
- ZHONGLI: Geo Resonance, decreases Elemental RES & Phys RES of AoE opponents by 20% with Jade Shield
- XINYAN: Additional shield for HoD, low energy cost Burst. C4: Decreases opponents Phys RES by 15% for 12s
- CHONGYUN: Enduring AoE Cryo damage for Mistsplitter build
- BENNET: Healing, ATK bonus with Burst. C6: Pyro-infused Normal attacks for Mistsplitter build
PROS: Versatile enemy coverage
CONS: Normal/Charged attacks very weak comparatively
Like most Geo characters, Albedo is a fantastic Support – but unlike the others, he’s adept at leaving landmines in the form of his very own rock garden. His Elemental Skill “Solar Isotoma” deals AoE Geo DMG scaling off of Albedo’s DEF, and casting it before his Burst maximizes his ATK-scaling Geo DMG Burst with a significant AoE. His swift Energy Recharge, 12s Elemental Burst cooldown, and Crystallize capability allows him to perform as a great shielding battery, especially given his compatible artifact sets. Tenacity of the Millelith will buff not only Albedo’s ATK and shield strength, but the entire party’s as well – who needs Pyro Resonance? The 4-piece bonus is enough to compensate for the obsoleteness of the 2-piece’s, and Archaic Petra is a reasonable substitute.
As a Support, Albedo plays well with other Geo characters on an elemental team. Geo Resonance increases shield strength by 15% and shielded characters deal + 15% Dmg – plus, enemies hit by these characters have their Geo Res. decreased by 20% for 15s. Albedo’s Passive Talent “Homuncular Nature” is an unexpected yet vital aspect of his kit, increasing the Elemental Mastery of nearby party members by 125 for 10s after every Burst.
This ability results in a fun and flexible character who can mesh with just about any team comp in a variety of unique builds. For a support-only build, Elemental Mastery will be suggested to strengthen your shield. The EM-based Freedom Sworn sword with Tenacity of the Millelith is an example if he’s the sole shield Support with a small healer like Xingqiu: Albedo’s Solar Isotoma will trigger the party buff effect while he’s off-field. Albedo, always putting in work.
Artifact Sets:
- Tenacity of the Millelith – 4 PC + 20% HP & + 20% ATK/+ 30% Shield Strength for party, 3s duration may be triggered every 0.5s *even if set holder is off-field*
- Archaic Petra – 4 PC + 15% Geo Dmg bonus & obtaining Crystallize shards grants party 35% Dmg bonus of Crystallized element
- Substat goals: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %, Energy Recharge (only if you really need it – Albedo’s ER is already excellent)
- Skyward Blade – Energy Recharge bonus, increased Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by up to 40% for 12s post-Elemental Burst, CRIT Rate up to + 8%
- Freedom Sworn – Elemental Mastery bonus, + 10% Dmg; after triggering 2 Elemental reactions, nearby party members gain + 16% Normal/Charged/Plunging ATK Dmg & ATK + 20% for 12s.
- Amenoma Kageuchi – ATK % bonus, each Skill usage generates 1 seed; 6 energy refilled per seed x 3 stacks post-Burst
- Festering Desire – Energy Recharge bonus, Elemental Skill Dmg up to + 32% & Elemental Skill CRIT Rate up to + 12%
Team Players:
Geo Resonance: Shield Strength + 15%, shielded characters deal + 15% Dmg & decrease opponents’ Geo Res. by 20% by 15s when hit
- HU TAO: Albedo’s Crystallize & EM bonus would be great on a Melt/Vaporize Hu Tao team, Hu Tao needs low HP maintenance/shield support
- GANYU: EM bonus, awesome DPS with large Elemental AoE for reactions, Passive Talent + Albedo’s Archaic Petra 4 PC = massive Cryo Dmg bonus
- VENTI: EM bonus, trap enemies with Skill placed beneath Venti’s Burst
- ZHONGLI: Geo Resonance, Geo battery synergy
- NINGGUANG: Geo Resonance, passing through Jade Screen increases Geo Dmg
- XIAO: EM bonus. Xiao can lose HP fast, so shielding would be helpful to prevent additional enemy damage when plunging. C4 Albedo: Characters within Skill field have Plunging Attack Dmg increased by 30%
- KAZUHA: EM bonus. C2 Kazuha increases party’s EM by another 200 for super shield. C4 Albedo’s Plunging Dmg bonus complementary to Kazuha, esp. C6
- SUCROSE: EM bonus, Passive Talent increases party’s EM by 20% of Sucrose’s. C6: 20% Elemental Dmg bonus for absorbed Element, Albedo + Sucrose boosting Elemental reaction-triggering DPS
- KLEE: EM bonus, Pyro-reaction pro
PROS: EM bonus supports almost any DPS, shield, potential artifact buffs
CONS: Solar Isotoma may be destroyed or difficult to place, EM-built Albedo not making the best use of his talents
Supported by another Geo character, Albedo has the potential to generate and absorb a cacophony of Geo particles that’ll sustain a Skill/Burst spam with massive power. Keeping him constantly shielded and CRIT heavy with Zhongli and Harbinger of Dawn, he’s pretty unstoppable. The downtime will be less effective than other DPS contenders, but he won’t be down for long. You may want to swap DEF %/CRIT depending on your team, weapon, and constellation.
Artifact Sets:
- Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Defender’s Will – 2 PC + 30% DEF (Flower & Feather only) + Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus
- Archaic Petra – 4 PC + 15% Geo Dmg bonus & obtaining Crystallize shards grants party 35% Dmg bonus of Crystallized element
Artifact Stats: DEF % Sands, GEO DMG Goblet, DEF % or CRIT RATE/DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, DEF%, ATK%
- Skyward Blade – Energy Recharge bonus, increased Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by up to 40% for 12s post-Elemental Burst, CRIT Rate up to + 8%
- Summit Shaper – ATK % bonus, Shield Strength + 20%, enemy hits = + 4% ATK for 8s x 5 stacks, ATK increase effect + 100% while protected by shield
- Primordial Jade Cutter – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 1.2% of HP
- Blackcliff Longsword – CRIT Dmg bonus, ATK + 12% upon enemy defeat for 30s, 3 stacks
- Festering Desire – Energy Recharge bonus, Elemental Skill Dmg +16% & Elemental CRIT Rate + 6% (currently unavailable to new players)
- Harbinger of Dawn – CRIT Dmg bonus, CRIT Rate increased by 28% when HP above 90%
Team Players:
See previous builds for options.
PROS: EM boost for Sub Dps, shield for supports, super affordable Burst
CONS: Needs another Geo character for Resonance & Harbinger of Dawn support, sad Normal/Charged attacks, Skill & Burst scale off of two different stats
Similar to Burst Sub DPS, Sub DPS Albedo is excellent. We already know about his EM party Talent - but let’s not forget Albedo’s other Passive Talent, “Calcite Might”. This enables his Transient Blossoms to deal 25% more damage to opponents whose HP is below 50%. Allowing your main DPS to deal some crushing blows and then summoning Albedo as finisher is a sound strategy.
In a Sub DPS role, Albedo is going to utilize both his Skill and Burst equally, so we’ll revert to a DEF % Sands for his Skill scaling. If you whaled for him on his first banner or have saved in hopes of a bountiful second, C2 Albedo is perfect for this build – his second constellation incorporates his DEF stat into his previously ATK-exclusive Burst. Finally, that angst-inducing collection of insane DEF artifacts collecting dust and despair in the grimy depths your adventuring bag has a purpose.
Artifact Sets:
- Tenacity of the Millelith – 4 PC + 20% HP & + 20% ATK/+ 30% Shield Strength for party, 3s duration may be triggered every 0.5s *even if set holder is off-field*
- Archaic Petra – 4 PC + 15% Geo Dmg bonus & obtaining Crystallize shards grants party 35% Dmg bonus of Crystallized element
- Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Defender’s Will – 2 PC + 30% DEF (Flower & Feather only) + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Defender’s Will – 2 PC + 30% DEF (Flower & Feather only) + Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus
Artifact Stats: DEF % Sands, GEO DMG Goblet, DEF % or CRIT RATE/DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, DEF%, ATK%
See Burst DPS options.
Team Players:
- AYAKA: EM bonus for DPS Ayaka on Melt team/Cryo Dmg booster with Archaic Petra 4 PC
- YANFEI: EM bonus for DPS Yanfei on Melt/Vaporize team, shield ideal for fragile DPS; Yanfei with Retracing Bolide or Albedo with Archaic Petra 4 PC
- HU TAO: EM bonus on Melt/Vaporize team, shield for HP maintenance, both Burst-focused & deal off-field damage, boosts party’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 8s post-Skill
- NOELLE: Geo Resonance, complements DPS Noelle with Tenacity or Petra, infinite shields allow HoD to shine on Albedo
- DILUC: EM bonus on Melt/Vaporize team, similar low cooldown/low energy cost to Albedo’s Burst for quick Burst swap
- KLEE: EM bonus for easy Pyro-reaction setter, + 2 energy to party when CRIT. C6: + 3 energy regen for party during Burst
- BARBARA: Highly-effective healer for HoD users
PROS: Low cooldown, low energy cost, shield for DPS
CONS: Skill sometimes difficult to control, non-reactive Element
Albedo’s best suited for a Burst Sub DPS. The energy cost for his Elemental Burst is only 40 with a 12s cooldown, one of the lowest in the game. As previously mentioned, his Elemental Mastery buff is standout for a reaction-instigating main DPS, and he can Burst while maintaining off-field damage. Albedo’s shielding and short field time in this role surprisingly shines with a 3 star weapon: Harbinger of Dawn. Characters receive a substantial CRIT Rate increase when they maintain above 90% HP, and the untouchable Albedo is one of the few who can realistically meet this bar.
Mistsplitter is a unique option for Albedo that works with this build, as the sword’s impressive base ATK imbues his Normal/Charged and Burst with a bit more firepower. Albedo’s swift Burst cooldown enables 2 out of 3 16% Elemental Dmg bonus stacks combined with a 12% Elemental Dmg bonus innate to Mistsplitter. New sword Amenoma Kageuchi is another option for F2P accounts, as it’s craftable and Burst-friendly.
Artifact Sets:
- Noblesse Oblige – 4 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg + Elemental Burst increases party’s ATK by 20% for 12s
- Archaic Petra – 2 PC + 15% Geo Dmg Bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
Artifact Stats: ATK % Sands, GEO DMG Goblet, CRIT RATE/DMG Circlet (C2 Albedo can sub ATK % for DEF %)
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %, DEF %, Energy Recharge
- Skyward Blade – Energy Recharge bonus, increased Normal/Charged ATK Dmg by up to 40% for 12s post-Elemental Burst, CRIT Rate up to + 8%
- Summit Shaper – ATK % bonus, Shield Strength + 20%, enemy hits = + 4% ATK for 8s x 5 stacks, ATK increase effect + 100% while protected by shield
- Primordial Jade Cutter – CRIT Rate bonus, HP + 20%, ATK bonus + 1.2% of HP
- Mistsplitter Reforged – CRIT Dmg bonus, +12% Elemental Dmg bonus, 8%/16%/28% at stack levels 1/2/3 (Albedo can trigger up to 2 stacks himself, Chongyun or C6 Bennet team enables 3 stacks)
- Amenoma Kageuchi – ATK % bonus, each Skill usage generates 1 seed; 6 energy refilled per seed x 3 stacks post-Burst
- Harbinger of Dawn – CRIT Dmg bonus, CRIT Rate increased by 28% when HP above 90%
Team Players:
- DILUC: EM bonus on Melt/Vaporize team, similar low cooldown/low energy cost to Albedo’s Burst for quick Burst swap
- HU TAO: EM bonus on Melt/Vaporize team, shield for HP maintenance, both Burst-focused & deal off-field damage, boosts party’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 8s post-Skill. C4: Party CRIT Rate increase by 12% for 15s upon defeating Blood Blossom-ed enemy
- KLEE: EM bonus for easy Pyro-reaction setter, + 2 energy to party when CRIT. C6: + 3 energy regen for party during Burst
- MONA: EM bonus especially great for C1 Mona on Vaporize team
- GANYU: Awesome DPS who benefits from Albedo’s EM boost with AoE Cryo bonus – swap Ganyu, Albedo, then Pyro
- KAZUHA EM bonus. C2 Kazuha increases party’s EM by another 200 for super shield. Kazuha is a similar Burst DPS attacker. C4 Albedo’s Plunging Dmg bonus complementary to Kazuha, esp. C6
- YANFEI: EM bonus on Melt/Vaporize team, shield ideal for fragile DPS; Yanfei in particular could use Retracing Bolide with Albedo very well
PROS: Low cooldown, low energy cost, crowd control
CONS: Non-reactive Element, requires either a strong or enduring AoE Elemental support to take advantage of EM talent
In conclusion, Mihoyo: Albedo rerun when?
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Albedo building sources: