As the General Mahamatra, Cyno leads the Matra and strikes fear into the hearts of researchers of the Sumeru Akademiya.
He cares little for niceties or social gatherings and is known throughout Sumeru for his ruthless efficiency inupholding the law.
Cyno is extremely dedicated to upholding the Akademiya's rules and punishing any transgressions, to such an extent that even the sages of the Akademiya (ostensibly his superiors) are wary of him.
3. Normal Attack DPS build: Gladiator’s Finale
Gladiator’s Finale is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Bosses at World Level 2 and above.
The 4-Piece Bonus of this set increases normal attack DMG by 35% if the character uses a Sword, Claymore, or Polearm. “If it just applies to normal attacks, why is it good for Cyno?”. Hold on, Paimon, let me explain to you.
This build excels in:
- Even if Cyno deals a lot of DMG with his Elemental Skill and Burst, the most important things about him are his normal attacks since he’s a DPS.
- You can get Electro DMG from the Goblet and EM as a sub-stat, so Cyno will still deal DMG with his skills.
- Also, you still need a sub-DPS in your team to deal more DMG or someone that increases Cyno’s DMG. He also needs a shield so his Burst doesn't get disrupted.
Build main stats:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: EM
- Goblet: Electro DMG/EM Bonus
- Circlet: Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate 4.8%.
- 4-star option: the best option is Deathmatch, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to enemies along the way.
- Elemental Burst. Cyno's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be converted to Electro DMG that cannot be overridden.
- Elemental Skill. Performs a swift thrust, dealing Electro DMG to opponents along the path.
Best teams for this build:
- Cyno, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Bennet
Cyno deals elemental reactions with Xingqiu and Bennet, but they support him by buffing or healing him at the same time! Also, Kazuha regroups enemies and decreases enemies’ DEF so it’s easier for them to defeat them.
- Cyno, Xinyan, Zhongli, and Xinqiu
Cyno deals Physical DMG but Xinyan and Xinqiu still support him doing Elemental Reactions with his Skill and Burst. Also, these characters deal DMG too. Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
- Cyno, Hu Tao, Xinqiu, and Zhongli
Cyno deals Physical and Electro DMG but Hu Tao deals Pyro DMG too and does elemental reactions. Xinqiu supports him doing Elemental Reactions with his Skill and Burst. Also, these characters deal DMG too. Zhongli shields them and decreases enemies’ DEF.
2. Thundering Fury DPS build: Thundering Fury
Thundering Fury is an Artifact Set available at 4-star and 5-star rarities which can be obtained from Midsummer Courtyard.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Electro DMG by 15% and its 4-Piece Bonus increase DMG caused by Overloaded, Electro-Charged, Superconduct, and Hyperbloom by 40%
This build excels in:
- This build is perfect for those who want to deal a lot of Electro DMG with Cyno’s Elementals but also with Elemental Reactions.
- We still recommend using another Electro character alongside Cyno, since Electro’s resonance has a 40% chance to generate Electro particles through those reactions (the one mentioned in its 4-Piece Bonus).
- For this build, a varied team is the best option since you want to do as manyreactions as you can.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: EM
- Goblet: Electro DMG/EM Bonus
- Circlet: Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Staff of Homa, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate 14.4%.
- 4-star option: the best option is Kitain Cross Spear, whose bonus effect increases EM by 24.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Burst. Cyno's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be converted to Electro DMG that cannot be overridden.
- Elemental Skill. Performs a swift thrust, dealing Electro DMG to opponents along the path.
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to enemies along the way.
Best team for this build:
- Cyno, Raiden Shogun, Kazuha, and Bennet
Cyno works as a DPS here dealing DMG while Raiden Shogun, the sub DPS, is not in use. Bennet heals and increases teammates’ DMG and Kazuha decreases enemies’ DEF and spreads Cyno’s Electro DMG.
- Cyno, Xinqiu, Sucrose, and Bennet
Cyno works as a DPS here dealing all the Electro DMG. Bennet heals and increases teammates’ DMG, Sucrose decreases enemies’ DEF and spreads Cyno’s Electro DMG, and Xingqiu increases Cyno’s DMG and helps to do Elemental Reactions.
- Cyno, Xinqiu, Albedo, and Zhongli
Cyno works as a DPS in this team. Zhongli and Albedo decrease enemies’ DEF and shield their teammates while Xingqiu increases Cyno’s DMG and helps doing Elemental Reaction.
1. Elemental Reactions build: Gilded Dreams
Gilded Dreams is an Artifact Set obtained from Spire of Solitary Enlightenment.
Its 2-Piece Bonus increases Elemental Mastery by 80 and its 4-Piece Bonus, after casting an Elemental Reaction, the ATK increases by 14%, and Elemental Mastery is increased by 50.
This build excels in:
- The Gilded Dreams artifact set is a very good alternative if you neither have a good Gladiator nor Thundering’s artifact set yet.
- This build will heavily rely on how well you can trigger Elemental Reactions with Cyno to perform well.
- Since you have to do as much DMG as you can through Elemental Reactions, you have to have a diversity of elements in your team. You can deal even 3 elements with Dendro.
Build details:
- Flower: HP
- Plume: Flat ATK
- Sand: EM
- Goblet: Electro DMG/EM Bonus
- Circlet: Crit DMG/ Crit Rate
Artifact sub-stat priority:
- CRIT DMG. It’s not really important, but it’s the best sub-stat among the rest.
- CRIT Rate. If you don’t have enough CRIT Rate you may need this more than CRIT DMG.
- Elemental Mastery. Since this whole build works with EM, you’ll need as much as you can get.
- ATK%. Kind of necessary to deal some DMG while doing reactions.
Best weapons:
- 5-star option: the best option is Staff of the Scarlet Sands, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate 9.6%.
- 4-star option: the best option is Deathmatch, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate.
- 3-star option: the best option is White Tassel, whose bonus effect increases CRIT Rate by 5.1%.
Talent priority:
- Elemental Burst. Cyno's Normal, Charged, and Plunging Attacks will be converted to Electro DMG that cannot be overridden.
- Elemental Skill. Performs a swift thrust, dealing Electro DMG to opponents along the path.
- Normal Attack. Consumes a certain amount of Stamina to lunge forward, dealing damage to enemies along the way.
Best team for this build:
- Cyno, Kazuha, Xingqiu, and Raiden Shogun
Cyno and Raiden are the ones that will deal all the DMG! Raiden and Xingqiu help Cyno dealing Elemental Reactions, and Kazuha decreases enemies’ DEF and regroups them.
- Cyno, Xingqiu, Kazuha, and Bennet
Cyno deals elemental reactions with Xingqiu and Bennet, but they support him by buffing or healing him at the same time! Also, Kazuha regroups enemies and decreases enemies’ DEF so it’s easier for them to defeat them.
- Cyno, Raiden, Xinqiu, and Mona
This team focuses on Electrocharged. Cyno, Raiden and Mona deal Electrocharged DMG and Xingqiu heals his teammates and increases their DMG.