No one leaves a trail of destruction in their wake quite like our favorite lowkey god, Barbatos. The clandestine Anemo Archon of Mondstadt poses as a tone-deaf bard by day, and a drunk tone-deaf bard by night. Yet in that fragile sliver of time in which our Traveler has roused him to industriousness (we assume with liquid compensation), Venti is a one-man tornado-summoning demolition company. He was a little unnerving before, with his implied participation in divinely-ordered genocide and balloon shorts over white tights, but after the recent 1.6 Swirl buff – we should all be afraid.
Here are the best ways to put this lazy bard to work, sans harp.

Venti is pretty versatile in regards to his purpose on team compositions, but there’s never going to be a worthwhile investment in his physical abilities. He’s literally the Anemo Archon, you’re not allowed to do this.

Venti is a 5 star Anemo bow-wielder and the ideal support. His Elemental Burst “Wind’s Grade Ode” absorbs every element except for Geo, resulting in a powerful vacuum of potential reactions. The most common build for Venti combines the infamously unfarmable Viridescent Venerer artifact set with The Stringless bow.
There are some drawbacks to the Viridescent set, even on Venti for whom the artifacts seem tailored: many enemies have internal elements that will supersede your own intended Swirl reactions. Yet the 1.6 patch buffed Swirl so much so that stacking Elemental Mastery on Venti (to a point – the curve does eventually flatline) and investing in his Support build is worth it despite the occasions of Swirl redundancy.
Venti’s also considered by many to be the exemplary character for exploration: holding his “Skyward Sonnet” skill enables players to easily scale structures with few footholds, and the 20s wind current lingers long enough for your co-op partner to utilize as well. If you’re tired of climbing, his Passive Talent reduces gliding stamina by 20% for all party members, perfect for a lazy afternoon aerial treasure sweep. Wouldn’t gliding be faster?
Artifact Sets:
- Viridescent Venerer – 4 PC + 60% Swirl Dmg, Enemy Res to swirled Element – 40% for 10s
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Noblesse Oblige – 4 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg + Elemental Burst increases party’s ATK by 20% for 12s
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Wanderer’s Troupe – 2 PC + 80 Elemental Mastery
- Substat goals: Elemental Mastery, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %, Energy Recharge
- Skyward Harp – CRIT Rate bonus, CRIT Dmg + 20%, 60% chance to deal 125% Phys Dmg
- Elegy for the End – Energy Recharge bonus, increases party’s EM & ATK
- Thundering Pulse - CRIT Dmg bonus, increases ATK by 20%, increases Normal ATK Dmg
- The Stringless – Elemental Mastery bonus, Elemental Skill & Burst Dmg + 24%
- Windblume Ode – Elemental Mastery bonus, + 16% ATK post-Skill
- The Viridescent Hunt – CRIT Rate bonus, 40% chance to generate Cyclone dealing 40% of ATK
- Favonius Warbow – Energy Recharge bonus, CRIT Hits Energy Regen
Team Players:
Anemo Resonance: Decreases Stamina Consumption by 15%, shortens Skill cooldown by 5%, increases movement speed by 10%
- JEAN: Anemo Resonance, healing. C4: Enemy Anemo Res. – 40% in Burst AoE
- KAZUHA: Anemo Resonance, Anemo particles, Passive Talent boosts party’s Elemental Dmg by 0.04% of Kazuha’s EM post-Swirl. C2: Increases EM of characters within Burst AoE by 200.
- SUCROSE: Anemo Resonance, buffs party’s EM by 50 for 8s post-Swirl, buffs party’s EM by 20% of Sucrose’s EM for 8s post-Skill or Burst. C6: Party members gain 20% Elemental Dmg bonus for absorbed element when Sucrose’s Burst absorbs.
- XINGQIU: Rain Swords far-reaching, best sword user to hit floating targets & enact reactions. C2: Decreases Hydro Res. of opponents hit by Rain Swords by 15% for 4s.
- YANFEI: Best catalyst reach, great for Melt/Vaporize reactions within Venti’s Burst.
- FISCHL: Easy Electro application to clumped enemies with Oz, Passive Talent deals Electro DMG 80% of Fischl’s ATK when active character triggers Electro-related reaction with Oz.
PROS: Unmatched crowd control, great energy recharge, continuous off-field damage, versatile Elemental team comp
CONS: Large bosses will casually walk out of the Burst, Burst will absorb internal element of certain enemies
DPS Venti still wants the ability to spam his Burst, which means Elemental Mastery remains important. If Venti is your DPS, supplement him with another Anemo support like Sucrose or Kazuha to maximize the particles generated without wasting stats on Energy Recharge. However, since his Burst is standout for mobs yet lackluster against bosses, the pre-patch build for Venti is just as viable for maximizing Skill damage. Endgame Venti with perfect artifacts eventually performs best with CRIT over Elemental Mastery.
Artifact Sets:
- Viridescent Venerer – 4 PC + 60% Swirl Dmg, Enemy Res to swirled Element – 40% for 10s
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Gladiator's Finale/Shimenawa's Reminiscence – 2 PC + 18% ATK
Artifact Stats: ATK% or ELEMENTAL MASTERY Sands, ANEMO DMG Goblet, CRIT RATE/DMG Circlet
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, Elemental Mastery, ATK%
See previous build options. Skyward Harp or Thundering Pulse is preferable for this build.
Team Players:
- HU TAO: Most attacks Pyro-infused for Swirl, boosts party’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 8s. C4: Boosts party’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 15s
- ALBEDO: Passive Talent increases EM of party by 125 for 10s post-Burst
- ZHONGLI: Jade Shield decreases opponents’ Elemental Res. by 20%, paralyzes large bosses in Venti's Burst
- MONA: Wide Hydro Dmg AoE. C1: Hydro-related Elemental Reactions increased by 15% for 8s. C4: Increased CRIT Rate of party member who attacks Omen-marked opponent by 15%.
- QIQI: Skill follows active character to regen HP & inflict Cryo Dmg on nearby opponents, while Passive Talent increases Healing Bonus to affected character when they trigger Elemental Reaction
- JEAN: Anemo Resonance, healing. C4: Enemy Anemo Res. – 40% in Burst AoE
- KAZUHA: Anemo Resonance, Venti will boost particles. C2: Increases EM of characters within Burst AoE by 200.
- SUCROSE: Anemo Resonance, buffs party’s EM by 50 for 8s post-Swirl, buffs party’s EM by 20% of Sucrose’s EM for 8s post-Skill or Burst. C6: Party members gain 20% Elemental Dmg bonus for absorbed element when Sucrose’s Burst absorbs
- BENNET: Fantastic Voyage ATK% bonus + healing, Snapshots Venti’s Burst. C6: Infuses non-bow/catalyst attacks with Pyro for reaction team.
PROS: Huge damage potential, plays well with others, Spiral Abyss overlord
CONS: Heavily reliant on Swirl & Burst, underwhelming constellations & DPS performance against Swirl-resistant enemies
Venti inarguably boasts one of, if not the, best Elemental Burst in Genshin Impact. Sucking in nearby opponents and polishing them with Swirl procs like the world’s deadliest rock tumbler is pretty entertaining. With his quick Energy Recharge and helpful Talents, spamming Venti’s Burst is easy and complementary to a multitude of Elemental DPS leaders and Supports.
Venti’s Passive Talent “Stormeye” regenerates 15 energy post-Burst to not only himself, but party members who share the Burst-absorbed element. This reduces his Burst cooldown to 45s, so even as the solo Anemo representative on the team, he doesn’t need a hefty amount of additional Energy Recharge.
If you do pair him with another Anemo character, Anemo Resonance decreases stamina consumption by 15%, increases movement speed by 10%, and shortens skill cooldown by 5%. Venti could be a great partner for characters like Xiao, whose high plunges would benefit from the gathering effect of Venti’s Burst while compounding on speed.
Artifact Sets:
- Noblesse Oblige – 4 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg + Elemental Burst increases party’s ATK by 20% for 12s
- Emblem of Severed Fate – 2 PC + 20% Energy Recharge + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg (if you really need ER)
- Viridescent Venerer – 4 PC + 60% Swirl Dmg, Enemy Res to swirled Element – 40% for 10s
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
Artifact Stats: ELEMENTAL MASTERY or ENERGY RECHARGE (if you don’t have enough particles with your team comp) Sands, ANEMO DMG or ELEMENTAL MASTERY Goblet, CRIT RATE/DMG or ELEMENTAL MASTERY Circlet
- Substat goals: Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge, CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %
See previous build options. Elegy for the End or The Stringless is best with Elemental Mastery, and Skyward Harp or Thundering Pulse is best for CRIT-based.
Team Players:
- BENNET: Fantastic Voyage ATK% bonus + healing, Snapshots Venti’s Burst. C6: Infuses non-bow/catalyst attacks with Pyro for reaction team.
- ROSARIA: Increases party members’ CRIT Rate by up to 15% post-Burst, off-field pulse AoE Cryo Dmg for reactions. C6: Decreases enemy PHYS res. by 20% for 10s, great for Electro-Swirl & Superconduct for DPS Razor
- KLEE: Venti’s Burst gathers opponents & mines, great for triggering Melt/Vaporize/Overload reactions within cyclone. + 2 Energy for party members when Klee CRITs
- DILUC: Anemo Resonance team will assist with his stamina drain, Pyro AoE for Melt/Overload reactions
- TARTAGLIA: Formidable AoE Hydro Dmg application for Melt/Freeze Swirl, Element-infused ranged weapon option for Hydro addition to Venti’s Burst.
- LISA: Applies Electro & decreases DEF of affected opponents by 15% for 10s, can hit within Venti’s Burst.
- AMBER: Charged shot Pyro application, Baron Bunny AoE Pyro & Burst AoE Pyro can hit Venti’s cyclone.
PROS: Excellent damage output, hold Skill dodging/plunging, crowd control
CONS: Burst may cause issues with low-reaching DPS, constellations are lackluster
Swirl-focused Venti is amazing for Elemental reaction teams. The press option on his Skill boasts impressive numbers with only a 6s cooldown, staggering opponents mid-air and Swirling on this brief but potent hit.
Swirl scales off of two things: Elemental Mastery and character level. If you’ve promised Venti a few bottles of Dandelion Wine in exchange for crushing the Spiral Abyss like he crushed Khaenri’ah (oops), make sure you’ve also showered him with Cecilias and Hurricane Seeds to maximize your Swirl and displace enemies.
Though Swirl doesn’t CRIT, the full set of Viridescent Venerer will compensate for this drawback by lowering enemy resistance to the infused Element. Don’t neglect CRIT on your Venti completely, however: the Anemo Dmg itself will still deal CRIT Dmg.
Artifact Sets:
- Viridescent Venerer – 4 PC + 60% Swirl Dmg, Enemy Res to swirled Element – 40% for 10s
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Noblesse Oblige – 2 PC + 20% Elemental Burst Dmg
- Viridescent Venerer – 2 PC + 15% Anemo Dmg bonus + Wanderer’s Troupe – 2 PC + 80 Elemental Mastery
- Substat goals: CRIT DMG, CRIT RATE, ATK %, Elemental Mastery, Energy Recharge
See previous build options. Elegy for the End or The Stringless is preferable for this build.
Team Players:
- BENNET: Fantastic Voyage ATK% bonus + healing, Snapshots Venti’s Burst. C6: Infuses non-bow/catalyst attacks with Pyro for reaction team.
- AYAKA: Skill & Burst applies AoE Cryo, great Melt/Freeze on Venti Burst Pyro/Wet-infused enemies
- HU TAO: Most attacks Pyro-infused for easy Swirl, boosts party’s CRIT Rate by 12% for 8s
- TARTAGLIA: Formidable AoE Hydro Dmg application for Melt/Freeze Swirl, Element-infused ranged weapon option for Hydro addition to Venti’s Burst
- DIONA: AoE Cryo Dmg, ranged Cryo application, healing. C6: Party members within Burst AoE + 200 EM when HP above 50%
- KEQING: Wide Electro Dmg AoE, great for Superconduct or Overload Swirl. C4: ATK + 25% when Electro-related reaction triggered.
- JEAN: Anemo Resonance, healing. C4: Enemy Anemo Res. – 40% in Burst AoE
- KAZUHA: Anemo Resonance, Venti will boost particles. C2: Increases EM of characters within Burst AoE by 200
- SUCROSE: Anemo Resonance, buffs party’s EM by 50 for 8s post-Swirl, buffs party’s EM by 20% of Sucrose’s EM for 8s post-Skill or Burst. C6: Party members gain 20% Elemental Dmg bonus for absorbed element when Sucrose’s Burst absorbs
- ALBEDO: Increases EM of nearby party members by 125 post-Burst
- XIANGLING: Gouba & Pyronado both deal flexible AoE Pyro Dmg for Vaporize/Melt/Overload reactions. C1: Enemy Pyro Res. – 15% for 6s post-Gouba. C4: Pyronado’s duration + 40%.
- BARBARA: Easy Hydro application to disrupted enemies, healing duration extended when active character gains Elemental orb.
PROS: Massive Swirl damage increase and Elemental Mastery scaling makes this god, well, god-like
CONS: Internal element enemies like slimes will prevent Swirl, Elemental Mastery VV set grueling to farm
Venti is overpowered yet tricky to play: it may be challenging to time your team’s elemental outputs to synergize reliably with his Burst and perpetuate an explosive Swirl reaction. He’s one of the community’s most beloved characters for his whimsical attitude, disingenuous innocence, and significant role in Genshin’s story and lore. The astounding 1.6 patch is just another reason to love him. Those who take the time to carefully craft their team dynamic will certainly be rewarded by Venti’s outstanding performance (provided you’re not in the tavern).
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Venti building sources: