Finding the right getaway car in GTA 5 is an extremely crucial part of the heists you will be planning. You need something fast and capable. That wouldn’t be difficult right? Just get the best-looking supercar on Vinewood hills? Wrong! If you have tried to make a sports car a getaway car you will know that most sportscars are two-seaters making it extremely difficult to fit all of your heist members.
Today, we’ll take a look at the best GTA 5 cars that will help you get out of a sticky situation.
Obey Tailgater
Does this name sound familiar? Of course, it does! The Obey Tailgater is the main car of Michael DeSanta. It is an amazing car with performance and seating capacity to fit all of your partners in crime to escape the law. You must find this car on the road as you cannot use Michael’s main vehicle as a getaway car. It has great pickup speed and superb handling for those tight turns you will be taking to evade cops.
Details: here
Pegassi Toros
The Pegassi Toros is a SUV by the same company that gave you the Pegassi Infernus (or as I like to call it Batmobile in GTA 5). This SUV has the seating capacity to make sure you fit 4 heist members in your getaway vehicle. Don’t let the fact that it’s an SUV make you think that it will be slow. No Siree, the Pegassi Toros is a fast vehicle and perfect for any kind of getaway.
Details: here
Albany V-STR
The Albany V-STR is another high performing sedan with a roar that will give any muscle car a run for their money. It is a four-door sedan which, with the right performance upgrades can help you and your team out of any situation. It is a great alternative to the Obey Tailgater, if you’re looking for a high performing sedan. It is the fastest sedan in GTA 5 with a whopping top speed of 126.25 mph (203.18 km/h).
Details: here
Ocelot Jugular
The Ocelot Jugular is another sedan on this list that can work as an amazing high performing getaway car. It is not as fast as the Albany V-STR but the best part about this vehicle is that it is not that expensive. You don’t want a getaway car to eat up most of your heist budget, this is where the Ocelot Jugular comes into play as a high performing and easy-on-the-pockets ride.
Details: here
Pegassi Toreador
The Pegassi Toreador tops the list of the best getaway cars in GTA 5 because although it has an amazing top speed, the speed booster increases its speed even further. With amazing handling and superior speed control, this car will make sure the cops keep staring at that trunk for a very short time till you disappear in the horizon.
It has the power to outrun helicopters which is an important factor when running away from a high wanted-level of three stars and above. Not only that, the Pegassi Toreador has the capacity to seat 4 members making it a four-door race car.
Details: here
Getaway cars are a very underrated GTA 5 heist necessity. Without a good getaway car, you can’t evade the cops and the whole effort will be in vain. Not to mention, if you choose a two-seater getaway car with a team of 3 or 4 people, they will have to spend more time trying to look for another getaway car while the cops are on your tail.
It is best to be prepared with a reliable getaway car before proceeding to a heist. I hope this post will help you in deciding the best GTA 5 getaway car for you.
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