One of the real game-changing features added to the game with the gunrunning update that many of you might not know about (I know I didn’t until somewhat recently and I’ve been playing since launch) is the addition of Mark 2 variants to a handful of the guns in the game.
This list has been expanded slightly with the doomsday update as well. Basically, once you have access to a weapon’s workshop (either via a Mobile Control Center, Terrorbyte, Avenger, or via owning an Arcade) and a bunker, you will be able to start upgrading some of your weapons in pretty remarkable ways.
You will need to unlock these upgrades via the research option in the bunker however, so be prepared for a fair amount of time and money to go into setting this up.
Believe me, though, the difference it will make and the edge it will give you competitively cannot be overstated.
7. SMG Mk II (Best for motorcycle drive-bys)
(Start video at 3:04)
The SMG MK II is a pretty weapon. It gets a massive aesthetic upgrade over its MKI version, as well as some nice functional upgrades to go along with it. It’s the only MKII weapon to be useful for motorcycle players unless you are into pistols.
- Damage: 3/10
- Rate of Fire: 6/10
- Accuracy:4/10
- Range: 3/10
- Clip Size: 4/10
What makes the SMG MkII so awesome?
- It can be used from a motorbike.
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch targets on fire.
- It can be equipped with hollow-point rounds to do extra damage to unarmored targets (my favorite).
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
How do you get the SMG MkII?
- The stock SMG can be upgraded at a weapon’s workshop for $85,500 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
Ever been dishing out heavy, chained death and thought, “This isn’t deadly enough.”? well, you’ll have fun with this one.
The Combat MG is a perennial favorite of almost everyone. You will have trouble finding a top ten list of weapons without it on it, in fact, I myself have written one with it ranked in at the #3 spot. It’s hard not to love, with its high rate of fire and solid damage per shot. But despite what anyone says, you can sometimes improve on a good thing, and the Mark 2 update certainly does that.
- Damage: 6/10
- Rate of Fire: 7/10
- Accuracy: 5/10
- Range: 6/10
- Clip Size: 7/10
What makes the Combat MG Mk II so awesome?
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch targets on fire.
- It can be equipped with armor-piercing rounds for extra damage against armored targets (my favorite).
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
How do you get the Combat MG MKII?
- The stock Combat MG can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $119,000 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
5. Heavy Revolver Mk II (Best for 1v1 shootouts)
Do you feel lucky, punk?
This gun is...massively overpowered. The base Heavy Revolver already would kill almost anyone in 2 shots, and with this upgrade and some hollow point bullets, you can get that down to 1 shot nearly all of the time. Basically the only drawback of it is it’s relatively slow rate of fire and reload speed, but with clever use of cover and a steady aim, you should be able to dominate a firefight with this bad boy.
- Damage: 8/10
- Rate of Fire: 3/10
- Accuracy: 7/10
- Range: 4/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
What makes the Heavy Revolver MK II so awesome?
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch targets on fire. This is one of only two MKII weapons that guarantee to set your target on fire in one shot, rather than having a percentage chance. The other being the Heavy Sniper.
- It can be equipped with hollow-point rounds to do extra damage to unarmored targets. (My favorite)
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
How do you get the Heavy Revolver MK II?
- The stock Heavy Revolver can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $99,000 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
4. Special Carbine Mk II (Best for reliability in all situations)
It just got more special.
The Special Carbine was already more or less the most versatile weapon in the game. Deadly at close range and reasonably accurate to a fair distance, with a good rate of fire and decent damage output; I use it more than pretty much anything in the game. The upgrade of course, just makes this even better with extra ammo types and slightly increased damage. This one, however, does have the downside that you will have to settle for a smaller clip, as it cannot be upgraded to a box magazine, limiting you to a default clip of 30 rounds, and an extended clip of 60.
- Damage: 4/10
- Rate of Fire: 7/10
- Accuracy: 6/10
- Range: 4/10
- Clip Size: 4/10
What makes the Special Carbine Mk II so awesome?
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch enemies on fire.
- It can be equipped with armor-piercing rounds for extra damage against armored targets (my favorite)
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
How do you get the Special Carbine MK II?
- The stock Special Carbine can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $135,000 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
3. Marksman Rifle Mk II (Best for fast accuracy)
Storm the beaches with this death dealer.
The first thing that anyone should say about this gun, TAKE THE SCOPE OFF. It’s not decent competition for the longer-range sniper rifles, and the time it takes to scope at a closer range tends to leave you with a slight case of death before you can get them in your sights. However, if you opt for a nice holographic sight, you can benefit from both quick manual aiming and auto-aiming when available. Now you’ve got a gun that is accurate and packs a punch, but with the ability to quickly aim at close range not found in a sniper rifle. Now you’ll see this one really start to shine.
- Damage: 7/10
- Rate of Fire: 4/10
- Accuracy: 7/10
- Range: 9/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
What makes the Marksman Rifle Mk II so awesome?
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch enemies on fire.
- It can be equipped with armor-piercing rounds for extra damage against armored targets (my favorite).
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
- It can be equipped with a silencer for stealthy situations.
How do you get the Marksman Rifle Mk II?
- The stock Marksman Rifle can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $149,000 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
2. Heavy Sniper Mk II (Best for long-range combat)
Making an already terrifying weapon even more powerful
The Heavy Sniper in the hands of a marksman is already probably the most deadly weapon in the game. So, upgrading it already almost feels like overkill. However, it really is worth the money. The inclusion of explosive rounds will wreck enemies and vehicles, and even those players driving you nuts flying around on Oppressor Mk IIs. Then there is also a thermal scope that does a wonderful job of making it just about impossible for other characters and NPCs to hide from you. This is especially useful in battles with other snipers because it will make them glow like a beacon when you are trying to find them quickly.
- Damage: 10/10
- Rate of Fire: 2/10
- Accuracy: 9/10
- Range: 10/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
What makes the Heavy Sniper Mk II so awesome?
- It can be equipped with incendiary rounds to catch enemies on fire.
- It can be equipped with armor-piercing rounds for extra damage against armored targets.
- It can be equipped with full metal jacket rounds to do extra damage to vehicles, even armored ones.
- It can be equipped with explosive rounds (my favorite).
- It can actually be equipped with a silencer.
- It can be equipped with a night vision scope, or a thermal scope, as well as your standard long-range scopes.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
How do you get the Heavy Sniper Mk II?
- The stock Heavy Sniper can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $165,375 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
1. Pump Shotgun Mk II (Best all-around weapon)
This shotgun should almost be in the heavy weapons category…
The Pump Shotgun Mk II is basically the perfect weapon. With explosive slugs, you can one-shot destroy most unarmored vehicles, and obviously easily take down basically any NPC you come across. It will also one-shot kill most players. It’s also more accurate than you’d expect from a shotgun. This gun is not only massively effective but probably the most fun you will have with a gun in my opinion.
- Damage: 7/10
- Rate of Fire: 2/10
- Accuracy: 3/10
- Range: 2/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
What makes the Pump Shotgun MkII so Awesome?
- It can be equipped with Dragon’s Breath shells to catch enemies on fire.
- It can be equipped with Flechette shells to do more damage to unarmored targets.
- It can be equipped with Steel buckshot for increased armor penetration.
- It can be equipped with explosive slugs to fire a single projectile that explodes on contact.
- It can be equipped with attachments to increase accuracy and reduce recoil.
- It’s unique among the MkII weapons in that it has an ammo type for every situation. Armored? Check. Unarmored? Check, Vehicles? Check. Wanna set someone one fire? Check!
How do you get the Pump Shotgun MkII?
- The stock Pump Shotgun can be modified at a Weapons Workshop for $82,500 with additional upgrades available after being unlocked through bunker research.
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