10. Micro SMG (Best for low ranks)
It’s small, loud, and deadly. Just my type.
This fun little death machine has been in every game since GTA III, and it has always been a reliable option for both ground combat and drive-by shootings.
There are better guns later that fill this role, most notably the AP Pistol, but you won’t find anything as easily obtained from NPC’s, nor as quickly unlocked by leveling up.
You should definitely make this a permanent part of your inventory, at least until unlocking the AP Pistol. Though I do still use it and I’m nearly rank 90 at this point.
Stats:- Damage: 2/10
- Fire Rate: 6/10
- Accuracy: 1/10
- Range: 2/10
- Clip Size: 2/10
- It unlocks very early (rank 5)
- You can use it from a car window or motorbike
- It is carried by a lot of mission NPC's, making getting it earlier fairly easy, and making gathering ammunition for it reasonably easy as well.
- The Micro SMG can be purchased from Ammu-nation for $3,750, after reaching rank 5 online.
- It can also be picked up from a lot of NPCs in missions and gang hideouts.
9. Sawn-Off Shotgun (best for house-to-house combat early on)
A hard hitter that can remain relevant regardless of your level.
The shotgun has been a time-honored tradition of violent videogames going all the way back to the first shooters. It has become gradually more realistic as time has gone by in terms of its limited range, but it has stayed consistently one of the hardest hitters available.
This has never been more true than it is with the noble sawn-off. With some of the highest damage output in the game when it comes to close range, you will find very few more effective ways to take out your enemies in enclosed spaces.
Clearing out a house? Perfect! Mowing down enemies in a meth lab? Excellent. Having a shootout across a large street? Maybe switch to something else.
Stats:- Damage: 10/10
- Fire Rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 2/10
- Range: 2/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
- At close range, it can one-shot kill nearly all NPC’s and most players.
- It can be bought straight from rank 1, provided you have signed up for the Rockstar Social Club.
- Its massive spread makes it ideal for blind firing in hallways and tight spaces. You might not kill your target but you are virtually guaranteed to hit them.
- The Sawn-Off can be picked up at Ammu-nation for free after signing up for the Rockstar Social Club.
8. Sniper Rifle (Best for quietly dealing with NPCs)
Prefer taking out enemies before they even know you are there? Then you’re gonna like this one.
Sniper rifles are always a decisive choice in any competitive game. You either hate them or you love them, and usually, if you love them everyone else hates you.
But, if you are like me and love them all the same, you’ll like this one. It’s only the second most powerful sniper rifle of the three available in the game, but it makes up for it by being both available at a much lower rank, and by being able to be equipped with a silencer.
So the next time you want to quietly sneak into a place for a mission, try climbing up somewhere and thinning out the enemy a bit with this beauty.
Stats:- Damage: 10/10
- Fire Rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 5/10
- Range: 10/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
- You can take out enemies at a long-range.
- Headshots with this will always take out the enemy.
- The ability to silence it makes it ideal for stealth missions.
- This can give you an edge when it comes to players giving you a hard time from helicopters and Oppressor MK2’s.
- It can be purchased at Ammu-nation for $20,00 after reaching rank 21
7. Grenade Launcher (Best for early anti-vehicle combat)
What’s better than throwing a grenade? Launching one at a high speed of course!
Of course, no shootout would be complete without grenades. But instead of all the pain of working out the thrown trajectory and timing, why not just fire them from your handy-dandy grenade launcher!?
With this bad boy in your inventory, you’ll be taking down police car build-ups and helicopters with relative ease.
Stats:- Damage: 10/10
- Fire Rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 1/10
- Range: 5/10
- Clip Size: 2/10
- It allows you to more accurately use grenades
- It’s an easy solution to pile-ups of enemy vehicles
- It’s much cheaper than a rocket launcher to keep stocked with ammo.
- It can be purchased after rank 60 at Ammu-nation, for $32,400
- It can also be found in your bunker’s shooting range if you beat all tier 2 challenges.
6. Homing Launcher (Best for taking out airborne NPCs and players)
Take the best part of the rockets on a fighter jet or attack helicopter, and put that right into your hands.
The problem with rocket launchers is usually that whilst they are amazing weapons they are not always the easiest thing to aim.
The rockets are slow and usually not super hard to dodge if you are in a helicopter and definitely if you are in a plane. This is not the case with the Homing Launcher.
With this beautiful piece of hardware, you will be able to lock onto a vehicle and the rocket will do the rest.
Stats:- Damage: 10/10
- Fire Rate: 1/10
- Accuracy: 5/10
- Range: 8/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
- It’s the most reliable solution to airborne enemies.
- It can be purchased from rank 1
- The Homing Launcher can be purchased from Ammu-nation from rank 1 onward for $75,000
- It can also be found in one of the bedrooms on your Yacht (if you own one).
5. Heavy Sniper (best for long-range kills)
Combining anti-vehicle stopping power with long-range precision to create something truly beautiful.
The Heavy Sniper is probably one of my all-time favorite weapons in GTA Online. It has all the perks you expect from a sniper rifle, with the added benefit that it packs a ridiculous punch.
This sucker can bring down a police helicopter in just a few shots...and that is saying nothing about what it does to people!
Stats:- Damage: 10/10
- Fire Rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 9/10
- Range: 10/10
- Clip Size: 1/10
- It can make quick work of NPCs, players, and unarmored vehicles.
- Whilst headshots are still the best route to take, this can take out most players in one to two shots to the chest as well.
- It can be purchased from Ammu-nation for $38,150 after reaching rank 90
- It can also be found the player’s yacht, or on the high catwalk at the back of the player’s Hanger
- Alternatively, if the player owns a Mobile Control Center with a weapon’s workshop or an Arcade, then they can get it through the use of said workshop, without needing to reach rank 90
4.Assault Shotgun:
The answer to the question, “what if a shotgun had a decent rate of fire?”
The Assault Shotgun is a really good addition to any arsenal. It does a lot of damage, like all shotguns in the game, but with the addition of fully automatic fire, this one will shred just about anything you point it at.
It’s especially effective when blindfiring at enemies, as you can virtually guarantee that after a few shots from this no one caught in the open is going to be left standing.
Stats:- Damage: 8/10
- Rate of Fire: 6/10
- Accuracy:2/10
- Range:2/10
- Clip Size:2/10
- Automatic fire is a real game-changer when going up against groups of NPCs and even when playing competitively against other players.
- Its assault rifle-like clip, massively speeds up reload times over most other shotguns.
- The Assault Shotgun can be purchased from Ammu-nation after reaching rank 37 for $10,000
3. Combat MG (Best for high damage crowd control)
If it bleeds, we can kill it.
Sometimes when you want to hit the enemy really hard and really fast, you just can’t beat a good belt-fed heavy machine gun. This is the big brother of the standard MG, and once you unlock it you should definitely upgrade because it is better than its counterpart in basically every possible way.
Stats:- Damage: 6/10
- Rate of Fire: 6/10
- Accuracy: 4/10
- Range: 6/10
- Clip Size: 7/10
- It has a high rate of fire and high damage per shot, allowing it to outperform most weapons in a firefight.
- Its large clip size allows you to take on large amounts of enemies without needing to reload nearly as often as you would with most other weapons.
- It can be purchased at Ammu-nation for $14,800 after reaching rank 80.
- Can be found in some crates during gang attacks.
2. AP Pistol (Best for shooting from your vehicle)
Shoot accurately, and a lot.
The AP Pistol is really the perfect marriage between a pistol and a submachine gun. It has a very solid rate of fire, with a reasonably good amount of damage and accuracy along side it. If you get decent with this, you’ll be taking out players from the front seat of your car with ease. It’s become my go-to for bounty hunting, among other things.
Stats:- Damage: 5/10
- Rate of fire: 8/10
- Accuracy: 4/10
- Range: 3/10
- Clip Size: 2/10
- It’s reasonably accurate and is fully automatic, making it fairly easy with practice to headshot drivers of other vehicles from your own vehicle.
- In a firefight, it will win out over most anything that isn’t an assault rifle at least half of the time.
- The AP Pistol can be purchased from Ammu-nation for $5,000 after reaching rank 33
1. The Special Carbine (Best multi-purpose weapon)
There is basically no situation that can’t be improved by the Special Carbine.
The Special Carbine, after thousands of hours of gameplay in GTA Online, is without a doubt my most used weapon. There’s a lot of great guns in this game, but if you have the Special Carbine you will almost never need any of them. It’s good in almost all situations.
Stats:- Damage: 4/10
- Rate of Fire: 6/10
- Accuracy: 6/10
- Range: 4/10
- Clip Size: 4/10
- It can be purchased at rank 1
- It has one of the best damage per shot of the automatic weapons and is more accurate than most of the ones that hit harder.
- It can be upgraded to a 100 round magazine, making it equal to a stock Combat MG.
- The Special Carbine can be purchased for $14,750 from Ammu-nation from rank 1 onwards
- It can also be found on your personal yacht if you have one, and in the security room of your facility if you have one.
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