So, you want to commit some actual grand theft auto in GTA Online. Of course, why wouldn’t you?
But alas, not all cars are made equal, and the chances are good that you probably want to make some money from your criminal exploits.
Well, pull up a chair young grasshopper, and let’s talk cars.
10. Benefactor Schafter
A luxury 4-door Sedan with a decent sale price.
- The Schafter is a stock NPC car, and can thus be found all around Los Santos.
- It can be often found around Rockwood Hills and Vinewood Hills.
- It Is more likely to appear when wanted by Simeon.
- It can be sold at a Los Santos Customs for $6,500.
9. Benefactor Dubsta
A sleek 4-door SUV
- The Dubsta can be found all around Los Santos.
- It can be sold at Los Santos Customs for $7,000.
8. Ocelot F620
- Can be found in the Del Perro Pier parking lot and Galileo Observatory occasionally.
- It is more likely to appear if Simeon wants it.
- It can be sold at Los Santos Customs for $8,000.
7. Übermacht Oracle XS
A luxury 4-door Sedan common in Los Santos Traffic.
- It can be found frequently in La Puerta .
- It sells at Los Santos Customs for $8,200.
6. Obey Rocoto
A four-door luxury SUV.
- It can be found around Vinewood, Rockford Hills, Richman, and Del Perro.
- It can be sold at Los Santos Customs for $8,500.
5. Lampadati Felon GT
A strong and durable four-door coup.
- It can be found driving around Vinewood Hills, Rockford Hills, and Richman. It can also spawn by the right side of the Los Santos Customs closest to Los Santos Airport.
- It can be sold at Los Santos Customs for $9,000.
4. Gallivanter Baller
A sleek SUV with decent off-road performance.
- The Baller comes in two variations, the Gen1 and the Gen2.
- Though varying slightly in design, they both sell for the same amount, so I’m going to cover them both here.
- The Gen1 can be found commonly in the parking lot at the southern end of Vespucci Beach, it also frequently spawns on the Del Perro Freeway.
- The Gen2 can be found around Paleto Bay as well as Vinewood.
- They can be sold to Los Santos Customs for $9,000.
3. Übermacht Sentinel
A 4-door sedan with a long history in GTA.
- It can be found commonly in Vinewood Hills, Rockford Hills, and Richman.
- They can occasionally be found parked at Del Perro Pierre, and Vespucci beach.
- They can be sold to Los Santos Customs for $9,500.
2. Lampadati Felon GT
A 2-door convertible for middlingly wealthy.
- It can be found occasionally parked in Rockford Hills, as well as to the right of the Los Santos Customs by Los Santos Airport. It can also be found in traffic around Los Santos.
- It can be sold to Los Santos Customs for $9,500.
1. Benefactor Dubsta 2 (Enhanced)
A gold mine on four wheels.
- A gold or chrome painted Dubsta.
- Very rare, but can be found parked outside of the Burton Los Santos Customs between 07:00 am and 18:00 pm. It is more likely to spawn if you are also driving a Dubsta2 which amongst other ways can be acquired through Agatha Baker’s Luxury Car Service if you are a Casino VIP or if you are a Road Captain of a Motorcycle Club you can spawn one via your interaction menu.
- It can be sold to Los Santos Customs for a staggering $23,250 making it more than double the value of any other car on this list.
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