[Top 10] GTA Online Best Weapons
These are the best weapons in the game that excel at something in particular.
10. Proximity Mines (Best for unsuspecting victims)
A peaceful proximity mine sitting quietly on the ground, waiting to obliterate anything and everything after someone walks within 3 feet of it.
Proximity mine in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=egoush6Rq-0
The proximity mine is an incredibly powerful small explosive weapon that detonates if it detects movement within a small area around the mine. The proximity mine is a weapon that can be randomly placed anywhere. With careful thought, you might place proximity mines where you think players will travel in the near future and can destroy players, player vehicles, AI characters, or AI vehicles.
The proximity mine is a tremendously useful weapon and sometimes considered underrated. This weapon simply does not get a lot of use. The proximity mine deals tons of damage and will destroy most any car with only one bomb, so long as it is not an armored vehicle.
Weapon stats:
- Weapon class: thrown
- Ammunition capacity: 5 units
- Ammunition price: around $1000 each
- Appearance: Rectangular in shape, slightly smaller than the sticky bomb and has a dim blinking light. When selected, this weapon is held in the hand of the player.
- Damage rating: 8/10
- Fire rate: 1/10
- Accuracy: 3/10
- Range: 2/10
- Fire mode: Throw 1 at a time
- Reload time: NA
- Customization/Upgrades: NA
What makes the Proximity Mine awesome:
- When deployed, the proximity mine is nearly invisible due to its small size and relatively dim blinking light.
- Proximity mines deal major damage to un-armored vehicles and will normally destroy them.
- If a player places the proximity mine and died, the proximity mine stays on the ground until it's detonated. By comparison, the sticky bomb vanishes when its owner dies.
Where and when to use the proximity mine:
- GTA Races: The proximity mine is the most valuable weapon in the “GTA Race” mode. Toss the proximity mine out of your window while on a narrow straight road, near a checkpoint, or on a narrow turn and you can virtually ensure the destruction of the next player that crosses its path.
- King of the Hill: Drop proximity mines at an entrance to the King of the Hill area or at the top of a ladder to destroy players as they approach, buying you more and more time as the king of the hill.
- AFK player: Park your car at the end of an alley or inside a parking deck, place a few proximity mines around the entrance for an extra layer of protection.
- Informal 1 v 1 battle: A lot of times random overzealous players may want to fight you for no reason at all. Make use of the proximity mine when you're running down alleys or running/driving into small spaces by dropping them in your enemy's path.
- Trolling: The proximity mine is a great way to have some fun with your friends or strangers. Place the proximity mine outside of people's apartments, outside garages, or directly outside Beeker's garage to destroy unsuspecting absent-minded players.
How to get the Proximity mine?
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 1 (unlocks after "Friends Reunited" mission in story mode).
Youtube video guide: (how to get the Proximity Mine): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FhFH8hhfs4
9. Homing Launcher (Best for taking down air vehicles)
A normal day in Los Santos with a player carrying a beautiful new homing launcher.
Homing Launcher in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBtOAAsDKKE
The homing launcher has a very long range and is able to follow air vehicles for a very long distance. It normally only takes one shot to destroy an air vehicle. But for stronger and larger air vehicles, (like the Bombushka and the Avenger) it will definitely take more than just one shot.
While strictly looking at the damage, the homing launcher can indeed take down the majority of air vehicles with one missile. However, some of those air vehicles can dodge the lock-on feature altogether by flying behind buildings, trees, or behind other objects. Additionally, some vehicles have a countermeasure equipped, which totally disables the lock-on targeting feature of the homing launcher for a certain amount of time. They can also dodge the already fired missile by maneuvers or with sheer speed (by using a speed boost).
The homing launcher is also effective against ground vehicles but has more limitations because of the objects obstructing the view of the launcher. On the flip-side, there are no ground vehicles capable of outrunning a missile and no ground vehicles with a countermeasure equipped.
Overall, the homing launcher is an essential weapon that can be used in almost any environment, and there simply nothing like it. The only comparable weapon is the RPG, which lacks the lock-on ability but has a little more power.
Homing Launcher stats:
- Weapon class: Heavy weapon
- Ammunition capacity: 10
- Price: $75,000
- Ammunition price: around $750 each
- Appearance: Large and long when carried and when used. Has exposed warhead and "property of the San Andreas Government" written on the side. By default, the color is gray and brown.
- Damage rating: 9/10
- Fire rate: 0/10
- Accuracy: 3/10
- Range: 8/10
- Fire mode: Single-shot
- Reload time: 2 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades: Black tint, green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Homing Launcher awesome:
- Ability to lock-on destroy most air or ground vehicles and inflict significant damage to all air or ground vehicles.
- It can destroy the MK II Oppressor.
- Unique lock-on feature.
Where and when to use the Homing Launcher:
- MK II Oppressors: You may use the homing launcher, although not 100% effective against the MK II Oppressor, and you have a chance of defeating it with one missile.
- During supply runs: When performing supply runs, there are a lot of helicopters that attack in groups. Homing launchers can easily take a helicopter down with one missile. Step out of your vehicle and shoot them down, and continue your trek to your destination.
- Free mode: The homing launcher has a very wide range of use and can be used to destroy or at least cause damage to almost anything. Although the launcher does not lock on to people or players (when they're on foot), it is still effective in killing players and AI characters, but not as effective as the RPG in this sense. The homing launcher is very effective at locking on and destroying most ground vehicles. If the ground vehicle happens to be a war vehicle or armored vehicle, one missile will typically not be enough damage to destroy it.
How to get the Homing Launcher:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 1 (unlocks after "Minor Turbulence" mission in story mode).
- Other players can drop their homing launcher ammunition (they cannot drop the actual weapon) by going into the weapons menu and by using the "drop ammo function" (once or several times) to drop the ammo for you to pick up (this is free).
YouTube video guide (how to get the homing launcher): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef9TSoLf_VY
8. Gusenberg Sweeper (Best for missions)
A player holding a Gusenberg Sweeper looking like a gangster outside of Vinewood Plaza.
Gusenberg Sweeper in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTkhRmqfWTE
The Gusenberg Sweeper is a machine gun accessible in the gun menu alongside the SMGs. A truly beautiful gun with great stats as far as fire rate and damage go, but not as stellar when it comes to its shorter range and lighter ammo capacity.
Many players like this weapon purely because of its glamour factor since it is an attractive and enjoyable gun to own. After all, it is the Tommy gun.
Gusenberg Sweeper stats:
- Weapon class: Machine gun
- Ammunition capacity: 30 (extended clip: 50)
- Price: $14,600
- Ammunition price: $87
- Appearance: Larger than the typical sub-machine gun with a larger drum and a stock that is angled downward. Larger than the Combat PDW but smaller than the combat MG. The default color is black but tints, like most guns, can be changed.
- Damage rating: 4/10
- Fire rate: 7/10
- Accuracy: 4/10
- Range: 6/10
- Fire mode: Fully automatic
- Reload time: A little less than 3 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades: Default clip (default), extended clip, black tint, green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Gusenberg Sweeper awesome:
- It is held at a lower position and therefore it looks cooler than any other submachine gun.
- It sounds the best (the pitch sounds lower in first person).
- It has no scope available, which gives it a more raw feel.
- The high rate of fire and damage per shot is its best advantage.
Where and when to use the Gusenberg Sweeper:
- Literally anywhere. Best for daily use against other players, cops, or innocent pedestrians or drivers.
- Gang attacks: The Gusenberg sweeper is a great gun for gang attacks. Powerful enough to take down large amounts of enemies with its rapid rate of fire and damage dealt per bullet.
- Survival mode: The Gusenberg sweeper is a great gun for survival mode for the same reason it's great for gang attacks.
- Role-playing: Simply the best mobster gun.
How to get the Gusenberg Sweeper:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 1 (unlocks after "The Time's Come" mission in story mode).
YouTube video guide (how to get the Gusenberg Sweeper): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHZsrJSKjAo
7. Up-n-Atomizer (Best for stopping oncoming cars)
A player using the Up-n-atomizer to attack an innocent civilian's vehicle with it's extreme alien force.
Up-n-Atomizer in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZS8n4MOt1s
The up-n-atomizer is a small futuristic weapon that has a unique ability to emit a powerful beam of force, but at the same time, dealing little damage. While some criticize the futuristic weapons that were released in early 2019, no one can deny that this energy pulse weapon is truly interesting and powerful. It's typically described as "goofy", which is not a good thing, but it's also not bad.
Up-n-Atomizer stats:
- Weapon class: Handguns
- Ammunition capacity: NA
- Price: $399,000
- Ammunition price: NA
- Appearance: The size is like a bulky and awkward handgun. It looks like a ridiculous space cartoon gun with jetson style wing back things and round rings around the barrel of the gun. Its default color is blue and yellow and looks totally silly.
- Damage rating: 3/10
- Fire rate: 1/10
- Accuracy: 3/10
- Range: 2/10
- Fire mode: Single shot
- Reload time: 3 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades: Blue tint (default), purple tint, green tint, orange tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Up-n-Atomizer awesome:
It is not useful outside of a car window while driving. If it were, this gun would be similar to the MK II Oppressor. It would become the most hated weapon in the game as it would become overused and abused. The up-n-atomizer's power combined with the mobility and speed of a car would make it the most annoying weapon for bad sports to wield. Rockstar chose to limit the functionality of this weapon and thankfully left its “drive-by” use out of the equation. That limit of power makes helps this weapon and GTA online itself remain great.
- No one is exempt from the blast of the up-n-atomizer. While it does not deal much damage, the impact can command control of almost any car or person with its blast.
- Its impact can instantly disrupt and stun a group of bad guys. It gives you time to switch to a more serious weapon to finish them off.
- Its ammo is totally free and simply recharges after each shot. If you're budget conscious and hate wasting money on endless amounts of explosives, then this is your gun. In situations where it produces similar effects to explosives, this is the cheaper alternative.
Where and when to use the Up-n-Atomizer:
- Stopping oncoming vehicles: The Up-n-atomizer is a useful tool for the quick-thinking player who has an opponent speeding towards him. The up-n-atomizer can stop a car dead in its tracks. When used correctly, it can launch it up in the air.
- Launching yourself: The up-n-atomizer has the unique ability to emit a lot of force while inflicting little damage. A player is able to launch himself by shooting directly onto the ground in front of him. This provides little value in serious combat but serves unmatched comical value. Occasionally it will allow a player to get onto higher surfaces or hard to reach places.
- Survival: Believe it or not, the up-n-atomizer is by far the best weapon to use in later levels of Survival game mode on certain maps. There is no ammo so there’s no fear of running out. Hide behind a wall or barrier in order to get the job done.
- Getting unstuck: If your vehicle gets stuck somewhere, instead of wasting time to return the vehicle to your garage and calling your mechanic, just use the up-n-atomizer to get your car unstuck. An essential for anyone who likes to save time.
How to get the Up-n-Atomizer:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Unlocked at Rank 1.
YouTube video guide (how to get the Up-N-Atomizer): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i46QHa6iySw
6. RPG (Best for destroying big things)
A player shooting an RPG at an innocent civilian's vehicle in Los Santos near the Badger building in the Hawick area of Los Santos.
RPG in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=081gDAVCgz4
Short for Rocket Propelled Grenade, this weapon is exactly what you'd expect it to be. It is the most powerful handheld weapon available and the most basic explosive weapon in the series. It has been with the Grand Theft Auto series since the beginning.
While it doesn't have homing capabilities, it makes up for with the ability to carry 20 rockets at once (as opposed to the homing launcher's 10) and the highest damage rating possible. The RPG is the only thing you'd need in a crowded room.
RPG stats:
- Weapon class: Heavy weapon
- Ammunition capacity: 20
- Price: $26,250
- Ammunition price: $500 (each rocket)
- Appearance: Its size is similar to the Homing launcher. The shape is similar to the homing launcher but different in the sense that the end of the rocket is hexagonal and bulges out a bit. There appears to be a comfy shoulder pad on the end to help with potential kickback. The default tint color is black tint but the RPG has some brown and light greens mixed in as well as orange highlight points on the tip of the rocket and on the trigger.
- Damage rating: 10/10
- Fire rate: 0/10
- Accuracy: 0/10
- Range: 7/10
- Fire mode: Single shot
- Reload time: Less than two seconds.
- Customization/Upgrades: Black tint (default), army tint, green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, and platinum tint.
What makes the RPG awesome:
- The RPG is a classic iconic weapon that has unmatched power.
- It has a very long range.
- It is useful in many situations and an essential weapon for any player.
- No one is exempt from the blast of an RPG. Once a rocket is within a few feet of you, there's no escaping it. You might try to jump behind a wall or roll out of the way, but the blast will still probably kill you. Vehicles are especially vulnerable to the RPG.
Where and when to use the RPG:
- Missions: Anywhere where there are a collection of enemies concentrated in one small area, the RPG is effective.
- Free mode: The RPG's wide range of uses cannot be overstated. The RPG is useful in many free mode situations. If there are 2 players battling it out in hand to hand combat or in close range combat, there is a good chance one RPG fire will destroy both of them along with any innocent bystanders. The blast radius is large enough to compensate for your poor aiming ability.
- Approaching vehicles: If an overly confident murderous driver is looking to run you over, the RPG is a good choice in terms of stopping it in its tracks.
- During an informal sniper battle: There is this rare ability to mix the precision of a sniper with the explosive power of the RPG. No, it's not a glitch! To do this, use your sniper or heavy sniper to zoom into the desired area of impact. Without zooming out or changing anything else, switch your weapon to the RPG, then shoot. The rocket will end up in the exact area that you were zoomed into with your sniper.
How to get the RPG:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 100 (unlocks after "Blitz Play" mission in story mode).
YouTube video guide (how to get the RPG): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Qx9lG7EaI
5. Double Action Revolver (Best for head-shots)
Paramedics on scene, one of them bald, helping a pedestrian with multiple gunshot wounds, not at all concerned that the man beside them is holding a Double Action Revolver.
Double Action Revolver in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZiSPBNoYGo
This revolver is modeled after a real-life Colt M1892. It is gold plated with a floral engraving with a white grip. It was released as a promotional weapon for Red Dead Redemption II.
It is simply a beautiful weapon only obtainable by completing a treasure hunt in the free mode. It is not a purchasable weapon. Only the ammo can be obtained with GTA $. This weapon is unique in the sense that it has a very rapid-fire rate. Even though other revolvers excel in damage rate and ammo capacity the double-action revolver is still a fan favorite for its rapid-fire rate.
Double Action Revolver stats:
- Weapon class: Handgun
- Weapon type: Revolver
- Ammunition capacity: 6
- Price: Free
- Ammunition price: $28
- Appearance: The double-action revolver shape is just like any other revolver. The appearance is really over the top. It is mainly gold with what appears to be an ivory grip. The grip of this weapon reads "D.D.P. and "Repeating Arms Co.".
- Damage rating: 6/10
- Fire rate: 4/10
- Accuracy: 6/10
- Range: 4/10
- Fire mode: Double-action
- Reload time: 2 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades:
What makes the Double-Action Revolver awesome:
- Its ultra-fast fire rate really sells this weapon.
- It is a worthy opponent of the MK II Oppressor. Instead of focusing on destroying the vehicle itself, focus on shooting the player with a few shots to dismount him.
- It's a very attractive looking weapon. It is gold and shiny by default and therefore obviously better than other weapons.
Where and when to use the Double-Action Revolver:
- Drive-by head-shots: The double-action revolver is really the best weapon available for head-shots Its fast fire rate allows you to miss and still have a chance to get the head-shot in. If you're a pro at drive-by shootings or a pro at aiming, use the double-action revolver to get some nice head-shots in. Other revolvers are capable of this act... but the double-action revolver is gold in color.
- Survival: The double-action revolver is a supreme choice when it comes to survival modes. If you're looking to save ammo for other weapons or practice your aim on earlier waves, the double-action revolver will allow you the perfect opportunity to improve your personal skills and maybe even your character's in-game shooting stats.
- Surprise attack: Occasionally someone will walk up to you and act like they'll be your pal in GTA Online. They might make it rain or do some sort of dance or even drop some snacks or ammo for you. Pull our your double-action revolver to playfully and stylishly shoot out windows or tires, then shoot the player in the head.
How to get the Double-Action Revolver:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase ammo only (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 17.
- A hidden unlock-able weapon that is only accessible after completing a treasure hunt prompted by an email on your GTA virtual phone from vanderlinde@eyefind.com.
YouTube video guide (how to get the double-action revolver): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Qx9lG7EaI
4. Grenade Launcher (Best for 1v1 combat)
Player standing outside a residential area in Los Santos holding a massive Grenade Launcher and ready for action.
Grenade Launcher in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9E0tSs0O34
The grenade launcher is a beautiful weapon that launches grenades. It has a 5-second fuse and can fire several rounds before having to reload.
Grenade Launcher stats:
- Weapon class: Heavy weapon
- Weapon type: Grenade launcher
- Ammunition capacity: 10
- Price: $32,400
- Ammunition price: $250
- Appearance: The default color is dark gray. It is a relatively short weapon with a huge bulky midsection.
- Damage: 10/10
- Fire rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 1/10
- Range: 5/10
- Fire mode: semi-automatic
- Reload time: 2 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades: Grip, flashlight, scope, black tint (default), army tint, green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Grenade Launcher awesome:
- The high damage rate makes the grenade launcher invaluable to any player. It can destroy most any vehicle with just one grenade, so long as they're not armored or war vehicles.
- The fire rate is extremely fast. Compared to an SMG, of course, it is snail-like. But compared to throwing explosive grenades by hand, the grenade launcher is lightning fast as it employs semi-automatic functionality.
- These grenades bounce as real grenades do. This is a disadvantage in some situations, but a huge advantage when you need it. Grenades can bounce around corners or in hard to reach places without exposing yourself to damage. You can easily ricochet grenades around the corner.
Where and when to use the Grenade Launcher:
- 1 v 1 battles: This is a powerful and very effective weapon when it comes to 1 v 1 battles. Players might be waiting behind a fence, on top of a roof, or around a corner. In all these situations, the player can make use of the grenade launcher.
- Around the corner: The grenade launcher is useful in any situation where your enemies are too powerful for you to take head-on immediately or if your health is too low. It is essential in the sense that you are able to shoot around the corner by ricocheting the grenades off the walls, floors, ceilings, or any surface.
- Car meets: Just blow everyone up. It's smaller than the RPG and a faster fire rate than throw-able explosives, the grenade launcher is a great way to get a few shots into a crowd of polished cars before everyone turns on you.
- Into buildings: This is an ideal weapon for shooting into buildings like salons and clothing stores. Once the door is open, the grenade launcher is the perfect amount of explosive power and fire rate to fill the room with fire and smoke and pure shock factor. The RPG might be too directed and you might miss without an opportunity to reload. Any handgun, MG or SMG might take everyone out quicker, but it won't be as theatrical and it won't be as funny as using the grenade launcher. The faster fire rate and ability to unload several rounds into a small room will ensure that you have both ambushed your enemy or enemies in both a hilarious and effective way.
How to get the Grenade Launcher:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase both the weapon and ammo.
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 60 (unlocks after "Trevor Phillips Industries" mission in story mode).
YouTube video guide (how to get the grenade launcher): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4Qx9lG7EaI
3. Sticky Bomb (Best for drive-by kills)
An innocent female civilian wearing a polka dotted shirt cowarding on a wall in a strip mall parking lot getting a few highly explosive sticky bombs thrown at her.
Sticky bomb in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7oW252kND4
The sticky bomb is a C-4 like explosive that is throw-able and detonate-able. Sticky bombs are named because of their sticky nature. They will cling to anything, including cars, trains, AI vehicles, even player characters. They're incredibly useful and powerful weapons.
Earlier on in GTA Online, sticky bombs were deemed a "noob" weapon by much of the GTA Online community. Once more powerful weapons and vehicles were introduced, people were a little quieter about the sticky bomb. Sticky bombs are no match for tanks or most air vehicles but are very effective against other ground-based vehicles, pedestrians, or players on foot.
This is one of the best weapons to own in GTA Online.
Sticky Bomb stats:
- Weapon class: Throw-able
- Ammunition capacity: 25
- Ammunition price: $600 each
- Appearance: Small, rectangular explosive sticks with a remote-controlled timer with a bright red flashing light. Slightly bulkier and slightly larger than the proximity mine.
- Damage rating: 10/10
- Fire rate: 1/10
- Accuracy: 3/10
- Range: 1/10
- Fire mode: Throw 1 at a time
- Reload time: NA
- Customization/Upgrades: NA
What makes the Sticky Bomb awesome:
- It can be used in a very wide range of situations for trolling, actual combat, or on missions
- It can be detonated by a single button command.
- It's very powerful and has a nice blast radius.
- It has a surprisingly long range at high speeds. The range of the sticky bomb is directly correlated to the speed of the car it is being thrown from. This is one of the most interesting and little known facts about the sticky bomb! The sticky bomb can be thrown further and further the faster you go. if you're traveling down the freeway at speeds of over 120 mph, you can throw the sticky bomb very far into the distance. But at a standstill or at a crawl, the bomb can only be thrown a few car lengths ahead.
Where and when to use the Sticky Bomb
- MK II Oppressor: Teach an MK II Oppressor a lesson by destroying it with a sticky bomb. Allow an Oppressor to follow you into a structure like a parking deck, or an alley with a narrow entry. The Oppressor will be forced to fly lower to get you within their range. Use this opportunity to throw a sticky bomb up. If you’re using this method in conjunction with a heavily armored vehicle like the Nightshark, 95% of the time you will win this battle.
- AI vehicles: Throw your sticky bomb onto an AI vehicle and let it drive by an unsuspecting enemy. While you cannot control where the AI vehicle goes, you can control the detonation time. Hopefully, the AI vehicle will drive into the enemy's range. This is not the most practical use of the weapon.
- Player vehicles: Throw your sticky bomb onto a player's vehicle. Detonate the bomb by pressing "left". This is the most common use of the sticky bomb and will destroy any unarmored vehicle with just one bomb. Vehicles with normal armor like the Kuruma (armored) will take more than 1 bomb unless they’re already damaged. Vehicles like the Nightshark will take several bombs.
- Informal 1 v 1 battles: The sticky bomb can be used during battle with a player and techniques can be similar to the proximity mine. Compared to the proximity mine, more care must be taken with the sticky bomb. Because of it's brighter flashing lights, you should make use of bushes, structures, or walls in order to hide the bomb from sight. In the heat of the moment, a normal player will likely not notice the sticky bomb if they're chasing you around a corner or into an alley. Take note of where you threw the bomb and detonate it when the player is close to that area.
- Suicide bombing: One of the best perks of the sticky bomb is that you can drive into a car meet or approach a car in a seemingly innocent manner with a bomb hidden on the not so visible side of the car. You can either act undercover or drive-in at full speed and detonate as many as 5 bombs at once to kill as many players as you can.
- Criminal damage (free mode challenge): This is by far the most effective weapon to destroy a large number of vehicles during criminal damage and therefore the most effective way to win criminal damage. Simply toss as many bombs as you can out of your window and onto cars on the freeway or another congested area (preferably in a nice expensive car filled area like Del Perro or Pacific Bluffs) and you'll rack up the greatest damage dollar amount in no time.
- Car chases: Long-range sticky bomb throws require frightening accuracy and insane focus. In a high-speed car chase, they can be thrown very very far and hit the driver from very far away. This is not possible in a car that is too high off the ground, like the Insurgent. When driving a car that is higher off the ground, the sticky bomb will catch the wind and fly backward.
- With the cargobob: The sticky bomb can and should be stuck to the side of a car that is being carried with the cargobob. The car can be dropped onto players.
How to get the Sticky Bomb:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapon (a discount is sometimes offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase the sticky bomb.
- Unlocked at Rank 19 (unlocks after "Friends Reunited" mission in story mode).
- Other players can drop their sticky bombs by going into the weapons menu and by using the "drop ammo function" (once or several times) to drop the weapon for you to pick up (this is free).
YouTube video guide (how to get the sticky bombs): "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtlS9lmwZ3Q&t=109s"t=109s
2. Heavy Sniper (Best for long-range combat)
Player wielding a gold tinted Heavy Sniper outside of the iconic corporate office building of Badger Telecommunications in Los Santos.
Heavy Sniper in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7PwBSRkNvk
This is the best sniper (apart from upgraded weapons) in the game. It features armor-piercing rounds for heavy damage. This is the essential sniper to carry on you at all times.
Heavy Sniper stats:
- Weapon class: Sniper Rifle
- Ammunition capacity: 6
- Price: $38,150
- Ammunition price: $87
- Shape, size, and appearance: It is very similar to the normal sniper rifle but the default is a light brown color. The handguard is also more pronounced. The size is that of a typical sniper rifle and is very noticeable when the player carries it. It is thicker and bigger than the standard sniper rifle and a bit thinner than the modified Heavy Sniper Mk II (modified weapons are not considered for this guide).
- Damage: 10/10
- Fire rate: 2/10
- Accuracy: 9/10
- Range: 10/10
- Fire mode: Semi-Automatic
- Reload time: 3 seconds
- Customization/upgrades: Scope (default), advanced scope, black tint (default), green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Heavy Sniper awesome:
- The heavy sniper is the most powerful unmodified/unupgraded sniper and is essential for any serious player.
- The heavy sniper can be used to shoot players that are partially concealed by objects or vehicles. You can get away with shooting the player twice in the arm or leg and kill them.
- Another player might think you’re out of range, but you can be well within range and use the heavy sniper to defeat your enemy.
Where and when to use the Heavy Sniper:
- Sniper battles: What a novel idea to use the sniper during a sniper battle.
- Ambush from the bushes: What a really nice idea. Hide by the casino off the radar and wait for an unsuspecting person to drive up to the valet. Shoot them in the face either as they're getting out of the car or as they're entering the casino.
When your opponent is stealing a car: When an opponent steals a car, their character is forced to be totally still for a moment. This happens at two different points. First, when they're breaking into the car and second when they're first accelerating (stealing a car from moving traffic) or hot-wiring the car (stealing a car from a parked position). These are perfect opportunities for you to get a 1 shot kill head-shot with the Heavy Sniper.
How to get the Heavy Sniper:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase both the weapon and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 90 (unlocks after "Three's Company" mission in story mode).
YouTube video guide (how to get the heavy sniper): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtlS9lmwZ3Q
1. Advanced Rifle (best for multi-purpose use)
Player carrying the superior gold tinted Advanced Rifle and ready for action.
Advanced Rifle in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDHCHgJSCog
Overall this the best gun to carry around for general combat. Use this weapon in first-person view along with the scope for maximum effect in almost any situation.
While this rifle can't be used while hanging out of the window of a car, this is essential for any mission, gang attack, supply run, survival, ambush, 1 v 1 battle, death-match, or virtually anything that requires on foot combat between you and your enemies.
The strongest point of this gun is the damage per bullet, second to only the minigun. The weakest point is the accuracy, which is weaker at long distances.
Advanced Rifle stats:
- Weapon class: Assault rifle
- Weapon type: Carbine
- Ammunition capacity: 30 rounds (extended clip: 60 rounds)
- Price: $14,250
Ammunition price: $108 (60 rounds)
- Shape, size, and appearance: The size is similar to other assault rifles with not much difference. The shape is shorter than the assault rifle and almost looks like an SMG if you squint your eyes when comparing the two. Other assault rifles have a more pronounced stock that protrudes out, while the advanced rifle appears more compact and spunky by comparison. The color is black tint by default but the actual shade is actually gray and black.
- Damage rating: 4/10
- Fire rate: 6/10
- Accuracy: 7/10
- Range: 6/10
- Fire mode: Fully automatic
- Reload time: Less than 2 seconds
- Customization/Upgrades: Default clip (default), extended clip, flashlight, scope, suppressor, gilded gunmetal finish, black tint (default), army tint, green tint, orange tint, LSPD tint, pink tint, gold tint, platinum tint.
What makes the Advanced Rifle awesome:
- No gun can have perfect 10s across the board when it comes to fire rate, accuracy, range, and fire mode but the advanced rifle has a medium to a high rating in every category, making this the absolute best assault rifle and possibly the best gun to use in the game. The damage rating, accuracy, fire rate, and range all combined together make this a good daily use all-purpose gun.
- Its high fire rate and high capacity magazine combined together are especially helpful. There is a huge advantage at being able to shoot at a rapid rate and not even need to reload for a while.
- Low recoil is one of the biggest pluses for this gun. being able to stay on target at medium to longer ranges is one of the things that make this weapon so valuable.
Where and when to use the Advanced Rifle :
- 1 v 1 battles: This gun is especially effective when in combat with other players. Use the scope and first-person view in order to have the best chance at taking down your enemies, aiming for the head while shooting.
- Missions: When you need a reliable and versatile gun that can be used in all situations, use the advanced rifle.
- Anywhere at any time: There is a huge range of weapons in GTA Online. This cuts down on the use of MGs, SMGs, and assault rifles. But when you do need a go-to gun for a planned attack or on the fly use, the advanced rifle is the way to go (not for use out of the window of a car).
- Ideal for player ambushes: Enter into a barbershop, clothing store or gun store as you’re shooting, to almost certainly take down every player or gun-wielding AI character in the store.
How to get the Advanced Rifle:
- Visit Ammu-Nation to purchase weapons and ammo (sometimes a discount is offered here).
- Access the quick menu to purchase ammo.
- Unlocked at Rank 70 (unlocks after "The Big Score" in Story Mode).
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