If you’re someone who browses Steam a lot, you might have seen this game a few times. That’s because this game is a sequel to the hit game from 2014 called Insurgency. Insurgency: Sandstorm is a first-person, team-based tactical shooter that mainly focuses on infantry combat and while playing you will experience the intensity of modern combat in close quarters.
The game is currently 29.99$ on Steam and when it’s on sale it drops to 14.99$. It isn’t expensive, especially when you consider the fact that it gets updates regularly. If you’re someone who is thinking about getting the game but you’re not sure about it, this is the perfect article for you.
10. Maps
The first thing that I’ll be reviewing are the maps. Insurgency: Sandstorm has 17 maps in total, and a new map is added to the roster each time a new operation or huge update comes out. Each map in the game is crafted around infantry combat, but some maps have large open areas where you can drive a Ford pickup truck or pick the sniper class to sit in one place for the whole match.
Every single map in the game feels unique and different from one another. You will never get the feeling that you’re playing on the same map over and over again. In one match, you might be in a snowy desert, while in another, you might be fighting in a prison or trying to raid a power plant in the forest. Some of the community’s favorite maps are Prison, Citadel, Ministry, and Power Plant.
9. Graphics
When it comes to the graphics, the game looks visually stunning, with an emphasis on the graphics of the weapons. These are some of the best weapon models I have seen in an FPS game. Of course, you can only get these amazing details when you crank up the settings to high or a mix between high and medium, but anything lower and you can expect to see some muddy textures.
Even though the engine of the game isn’t that optimized you’ll be sure to get some stunning visuals. The effects of the game are amazing, especially when you shoot at a wall and you can see some dust come off it. Additionally, the shadows are also crips and look sharp. You don’t get those kinds of shadows in real life, trust me. Also, I have to mention that the character models look detailed and nice except for the hair which could do a tad bit better.
8. Progression System and Customization
There is also a progression system and a way to customize your soldier however you want. The only purpose for the progression system is so you’re able to earn in-game currency, which you can use to buy clothes. The only way to level up in the game and gain XP is by playing PvP or PvE matches.
When it comes to customization they are purely cosmetic and don’t offer any sort of advantage in the game. The customization system is more advanced, as it allows you to change every piece of clothing that your character can wear. You can mix and match however you want.
7. Sound Design
The sound in the game is simply phenomenal, as the game has won multiple awards for its immersive sound effects. Every weapon in the game has a unique sound effect, and they sound powerful. Especially the.50 Cal BMG sniper rifle, which can make your ears start ringing after firing it and can make you deaf in-game if you decide to spam it.
But one sound effect that the whole community loves has to be the “brrrrrt” sound from the A10 Warthog. Additionally, the in-game voice chat is fantastic, and you’re even able to hear the enemy team talking if they are using it, which results in some great and funny moments.
6. Animation Design
When it comes to first-person animations, they are almost lifelike. The game has two different reload types, which are “normal” and “fast,” and both of these have unique reload animations attached to them. There’s also a different reload animation if you have a bullet in the chamber or if your gun is empty.
Sadly, the third-person animations aren’t anything special. They are good but don’t expect them to be on the level of Red Dead Redemption 2. That’s not a big issue, as you can never see yourself in the third person. The only time you can see the third-person animations is when another player is around, but even then you won’t be paying attention to them.
5. Weapons
Now the main focus of the game are the weapons and oh boy there are a lot. The best part about them is that every single one is unique. Each weapon has unique animations and sounds, and each weapon functions differently in the game, so you’ll never feel like you’re using the same gun just with a different model.
You can also modify the weapon however you want, and you’re able to put different attachments on them. The attachments you can place aren’t immersion-breaking, and they’re something you’d see in real life, which is a nice touch.
4. Different Game Modes
When it comes to the game modes, there is something for everyone. In total, there are 12 unique game modes. The game modes are separated into PvP and PvE content. In PvE, there are 4 unique game modes to choose from, while in PvP, there are 6 unique game modes.
Each game mode offers different objectives that you have to complete to win. The length of the match depends on the game mode, as some can go up to only 10 minutes while others range from 20 to 30 minutes.
3. Gameplay
I’ll be straight with you and say that the core gameplay of the game is fun. The time to kill is very short, and you can go on a rampage with almost any weapon in the game. Of course, some weapons are stronger than others, but that’s hard to notice unless someone is wearing heavy armor.
The recoil of the weapons isn’t that hard to control, but if you’re having issues with the recoil, just slap a bipod or a recoil grip on your gun and you’re good to go. Different classes in the game can change up the gameplay and maybe even the play style.
2. Class System
Along with different game modes, different classes can help you spice up your gameplay and add some variety. Each class is unique on its own and has a different purpose in the game. Depending on the game mode you’re playing and the map, in some situations some classes will be more useful and some will be useless.
For example, the breacher class might be useful in an urban environment, while the marksman class will be useful in more open areas. Additionally, each class has unique weapons that are only for them, and no other class can pick that specific weapon.
1. Balance
The key to a game’s success and longevity is good balance. The game’s balance is quite good when it comes to the weapons because of the low time to kill. But when it comes to map balance, that’s a whole different thing. Some maps are really enjoyable to play, and they put everyone on an equal footing, while on other maps, you might sweat your asses off to capture an objective because a map is more Insurgent or Security sided.
There is also team balancing, which is supposed to put every high-level or highly skilled player against each other so each team has an equal chance of winning, but sadly most of the time all of the high-level or highly skilled players are on the same team. It rarely works as it’s supposed to, but once you get the gist of the game, that shouldn’t be an issue for you. By taking your time and not rushing in, you’ll be sure to have a good KD/A.