[Top 20] Minecraft Bedrock Seeds That Are Fun!
Top 20 Minecraft seeds with something perfect for a variety of players
With each new world creation, there are an infinite amount of possibilities when it comes to spawning location and world generation. If you’re looking for something more specific when you boot up the game, finding a world seed to match your preferences can put you off to a good start. Pick through beautiful nearby scenery, perfect spawn points, and essential nearby structures while browsing this curated selection of seeds to find a great match for your Bedrock world.
20. Multibiome Crater (seed: 6555006771524994450)

Crater generated with multiple biomes
This seed has a multi-biome crater, which makes for breathtaking scenery for any build you put here. This is the perfect build location for a center lake base or a cliffhanging home. The contrast between the meadow biome and the snowy biome creates a beautiful atmosphere. On the snowy biome side, there is also a massive open cave with an exposed igloo basement hanging in the air!
Points of interest:
- The beautiful building location the crater makes is isolated and scenic.
- An exposed cave with a hanging igloo basement is perfect for resource gathering.
- Two separate biomes bordering make more diverse resources available.
19. The Hidden Mansion (seed: -2238350781986886782)

Mansion spawn in a cave
Decently close to spawn, you can find this interesting woodland mansion generation. It’s beautifully positioned within a cave just barely peaking out above the surface. The location makes for a great opportunity to have a cool secret base, as well as a good looting location.
Points of interest:
- The mansion is full of resources to gather right away.
- The cave location of the mansion makes it a perfect place to transform into a base.
- Massive cave opens the door to an abundance of resources.
18. Opposites Attract (seed: 93755696010991909)

Minecraft craters that spawned in opposite ways right next to eachother
Two craters with opposite generations of natural structures directly next to each other are an incredible find. A crater with a central lake and a river around a center island side by side makes for so many creative bases that could be done here! In the crater on the right, the top of the island exposes a cave deep down into the world, reaching an ancient city and exposed mineshafts.
Points of interest:
- Multiple massive exposed caves that lead to an ancient city and exposed mineshafts for looting.
- Unique build location perfect for a multitude of creative base ideas.
- Quick access to resources due to the massive caves, water, and land all in proximity.
17. The Tri-Village Area (seed: 8545986064268541400)

Three villages all spawned near eachother, with player spawn in the middle
Spawning in between three villages is a great start to any world. Along with the abundance of resources and trading, villages have perfect easy access to farm animals and other materials. A massive base in the middle connecting these villages into a city would be a big, wonderful project to take on in your world.
Points of interest:
- Three villages hold a massive headstart in resource gathering.
- Building in the middle would have convenient access to a plethora of villages.
- Perfect location for a city build.
16. Double-Whammy (seed: 1406941494423558089)

A secret structure has spawned within the woodland mansion
Within this woodland mansion is a hidden and dangerous secret. Spawned all the way inside is a pillager outpost. This seed presents the perfect opportunity to attempt a fun and coincidentally created Minecraft challenge by taking on this double structure and two sets of enemies.
Points of interest:
- Woodland Mansion holds lots of specific loot and resources valuable to players.
- The outpost inside presents a fun challenge to take on.
- Plenty of allays inside for players who love taking advantage of their uses.
15. Deep Dark Pit (seed: -294736379)

Gorgeous view of a huge open cave system
A beautiful open hole goes straight down all the way into two ancient cities in this incredible seed. The massive lava lake at the bottom is a beautiful yet dangerous view, bordering on the edges of the two ancient cities. The entrance provides easy access, as well as multiple cave levels visible on the way down.
Points of interest:
- Two ancient cities are exposed, ready to explore and loot.
- Massive selection of cave levels makes for abundant resources close by.
- Inside the cave, cliffs above the lava lake make for a perfect base location.
14. Diverse Resources (seed: 320198048010978612)

A perfect place with access to multiple Minecraft biomes
Being on the edge of multiple biomes is perfect for players who love to build with a variety of blocks from different biomes. That’s not all though, there’s a desert village perched atop a cliff, right above an exposed cave! Some of the villager houses even ended up generating in different layers of this cave, and a secret desert temple lies hidden in the stone.
Points of interest:
- Spawning near this desert village is a great opportunity to gather resources and explore the cave below.
- The access to multiple biomes makes for a great space to build with a variety of blocks from these biomes.
- The desert temple below provides a looting opportunity for players right upon spawning.
13. EXP Opportunity (seed: 8027769604411866328)

Two mob spawners next to each other overruning a village
Getting experience points and getting them fast is essential for the early game when trying to get all your tools and armor perfectly enchanted. This seed spawns you near a village that has two exposed spawners, skeleton, and zombie, perfect for a mob farm to grind that exp and get some bones while you’re at it! On your way here from spawn, you can find yourself at a marvelous exposed cave perfect for mining in the early game too.
Points of interest:
- Double exposed spawner for an exp grinding mob farm essential for early game needs.
- Abundant villages nearby for other resources.
- Exposed cave for some early game mining right next to spawn.
12. The Almost Volcano (seed: -6574012378133862552)

A volcano-like mountain generation split by two biomes
If you’ve ever wanted to live perched atop a unique mountain or create a beautiful volcano in Minecraft, this is the perfect seed for you. With badlands on one side and a forest on the other, this dual-biome mountain makes for a gorgeous view. This is a perfect spot to experiment with a range of colors using block palettes from both biomes.
Points of interest:
- Wonderful creative build opportunity with the massive mountain, from a volcano to a mountain base.
- Availability of a wide range of colors in blocks for an experimental build combining the two biome’s block palettes.
- Incredible view over the surrounding warm biomes.
11. Sunflower Island (seed: -5721553223140801329)

The center island is a beautiful field of sunflowers
There’s nothing like the perfect isolated piece of land that’s easy to terraform and build on. This sunflower island has a river separating it from the mountain wall surrounding the island, with a village perched atop a cliff. The village and island are in close proximity, making an ideal location for some creative cliff town builds with your base in the middle.
Points of interest:
- The island being sunflower plains makes it easy to terraform for the construction of builds
- The village atop the cliffs is a perfect place to set yourself up with resources to start building an incredible base
- The river and cliffs provide a safe and secure middle island, as well as easy river access for transportation
10. Structures Galore (seed: 3546842701776989958)

Tons of structures all generated in the same place
Nothing can get you off to a better start than spawning next to five whole structures all generated next to each other. With an outpost, ruined portal, shipwreck, desert temple, and village, the world generation gods smiled down on this seed. Positioned next to a warm ocean, this is a great spot to build a starter base and loot the structures.
Points of interest:
- Mass generation of structures in close proximity is a perfect looting opportunity.
- With a village so close, gathering certain items becomes quicker and easier with trading and looting.
- Ample resources close by to a group of structures is a perfect place to start a build.
9. The Floating Temple (seed: -7608792329594160283)

Jungle temple completely suspended above water
If you make your way to this coastal desert village, you will be greeted with a marvelous jungle temple spawn. Completely floating, this jungle temple is a perfect centerpiece for a city build or just a place to loot. Having a village right there too is great if you want to establish a base and need trading and resources.
Points of interest:
- The jungle temple is an obvious spectacle, making this a great spot for players to witness a unique world generation.
- The village being there makes it easier to establish a base nearby using the trades and other resources from villagers.
- A wonderful warm vibe with close sources of items and resources for building could make for a creative opportunity for a coastal city build as well.
8. Far Off Island (seed: 77924195675)

Stunning island with ample resources and cute village
Though this spot is a bit of a travel from spawn, its beauty is hard to pass up. This island is the perfect isolated spot for an incredible survival build. The village on the island provides generous resources, with five blacksmiths, as well as an outpost and a ruined portal in the center. Loot and trading are abundant on this island, paired with the diverse resources available in the area.
Points of interest:
- The center village with five blacksmiths, the outpost, and a ruined portal are perfect on an island like this to get resources.
- The island is home to multiple wood types for any creative builders to use on a beautiful island base.
- There is plenty of open space for easy terraforming, as well as a quaint river through the island for an even better space to transform.
7. Broken Waterfall (seed: -8466182745155114478)

A massive waterfall created by separately generated floating rocks with water flowing off
This gorgeously unique terrain generation made an incredible waterfall feature floating peacefully in the sky. Underneath the flowing water sits a village tucked away, and below there rests a massive cave. This is a perfect spot for some multi-level builds.
Points of interest:
- Multiple levels of this waterfall make for a very interesting place to build.
- The village below is a perfect spot to gather resources and trade.
- Next to the village is a giant pit in the ground for easy access to mining.
6. A Dangerous Village (seed: 6469937130995603706)

Outpost generated in the middle of a village
With an outpost in the middle of this village, eliminating them quickly may be your best option. Upon releasing this village from its shackles, there’s plenty to loot all around. There’s an exposed spawner ready to be turned into a mob farm, a woodland mansion in the distance, and a desert temple for further looting opportunities.
Points of interest:
- An interesting generation of an outpost in the village near a woodland mansion and desert temple is a perfect place to loot for quick resources.
- Building in a nearby forest presents easy access to many structures.
- Exposed spawner in a perfect location to turn into an exp farm.
5. A Badlands Spawn (seed: -3122719057099512664)

Badlands desert village and outpost with a hidden warm ocean sinkhole on the other side
This beautiful spawn location starts you off in the badlands, right next to a desert village and outpost. Behind the outpost is a unique warm ocean sinkhole deep in the ground. Tucked away at the bottom, a desert temple can be found inside an open cave.
Points of interest:
- Starting off with a village at spawn is a great way to get resources to take on the surrounding structures.
- The outpost and desert temple provide good looting opportunities.
- The unique location of the spawn and warm ocean sinkhole makes for a perfect base location if you love the feeling of warm biomes.
4. The Coziest Village (seed: -494460667990824802)

A tucked away village on a mountainside leading down to a lake
Hidden within these beautiful stony peak mountains right by spawn is a cozy village. This village cascades down the mountain towards the lake for a wonderful view. The other direction from spawn is a cute island village within close range and easy access from spawn.
Points of interest:
- The cascading village is a perfect place to get items but also set up a base near.
- The beauty of the location makes it perfect to settle down and get creative with a cozy build.
- The second village allows for an abundance of trading opportunities.
3. Mansion Marks the Spot (seed: 6075728530035550075)

An extensive cave system found by following an opening next to a woodland mansion
There is no landmark like a woodland mansion to lead you to a beautiful extensive cave full of looting opportunities. Spawning near a village with a beached shipwreck is the perfect way to gather the resources to embark on your way toward the mansion. Once you reach the mansion, peek over a huge hole on its side, and there past the dripstone cave you can find an ancient city with a zombie spawner, exposed mineshafts, and an exposed geode.
Points of interest:
- Starting near a village and cave puts players at a good vantage point to head to the mansion
- Structures like the shipwreck, mansion, mineshafts, and zombie spawner are full of loot just waiting to be collected
- The massive cave is a great place to start gathering materials to venture into the end city at the bottom
2. The Jungle Strip (seed: -6042814734455630265)

A clear cut biome separation by a line of jungle biome down the middle of two other biomes
With a very clear border, the biomes bordering this jungle strip are full of good places to loot and explore. At spawn, you will right away see a desert temple. Looking a little further, you see a desert village. Just through the jungle from that village is another one just for you!
Points of interest:
- The desert temple right at spawn helps boost early gameplay with the loot inside.
- Having two villages in close proximity near spawn creates an abundance of resources.
- The unique biome bordering the two villages creates an opportunity for some really cool base or city building.
1. Crater of Love (seed: 5247087368916921300)

This cute world generation created a mountain crater in the shape of a heart
A perfect place to build for any lovebirds is this heart-shaped crater. Full of wood types and above vast ancient cities, almost anything you need is inside this heart. A perfect and cute build location.
Points of interest:
- The heart shape naturally generating is a cute and romantic place for couples to have a build in.
- Sitting atop three ancient cities with exposed mineshafts and lush ceilings are great for loot and other resources.
- Within the crater are four different wood types perfect for a versatile build style between players.