It's fightin' time!
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire brings a whole bunch of new armor for your watcher to acquire and wear. Like with the unique and amazing weapons, there are so many choices you have when picking what armor to wear before you set out to battle.
While I know everyone has their own preferences for what kind of armor to use, I found there are a few that stand out from the rest. It wasn’t easy to narrow my list down but here are the top ten best pieces of armor in Pillars of Eternity 2 and how to get them.
10. Swift Hunter’s Garb
The aptly named Swift Hunter’s Garb is a set of light armor especially perfect for all you rogue lovers out there. It was formerly owned by a huana huntsman, but forget about him. He’s dead and the armor is yours now.
The basic stats for Swift Hunter’s Garb:
- Base: 7
- Slash: 5
- Crush: 7
- Pierce: 7
- Burn: 7
- Freeze: 7
- Shock: 7
- Corrode: 5
Why this weapon is awesome: The main reason this weapon is awesome, as is the case with all PoE armor and weapons, is the enchantment available. One such upgrade gives you Hunter’s stride, granting you a great resistance to dexterity afflictions.
Where to get it: This weapon is acquired from Captain Aledlys after finishing the Goods and Services quest.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Swift_Hunter%27s_Garb
9. Miscreant’s Leather
The Miscreant’s Leather is a piece of light, leather armor with a very regal looking appearance. Depending on the personality of your watcher, this might be the perfect outfit. This is especially true if they tend to behave in a criminal manner. Ironic that the way you get this is from looting a dead body!
The basic stats for:
- Base: 7
- Slash: 7
- Crush: 5
- Pierce: 7
- Burn: 7
- Freeze: 5
- Shock: 7
- Corrode: 7
Why this weapon is awesome: The three available upgrades for this armor all deal with attacks. Two of the most interesting enchantments are:
- Chest Guard: causes -10% crit damage
- Lucky: 5% chance to ignore an enemy's attack.
Where to get it: During the Blow the Man Down quest it can be looted from Captain Benweth.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity2.wiki.fextralife.com/Miscreant's+Leathers
8. Effigy’s Husk
All right, all right I know it's never a good idea to rummage through someone’s coffin or sarcophagus. However, for Effigy’s Husk you may want to consider it. This light, cloth armor’s basic stats will be sure to help you in battle. Imagine what it’ll be like once you upgrade it!
The basic stats for Effigy’s Husk:
- Base: 6
- Slash: 9
- Crush: 6
- Pierce: 6
- Burn: 6
- Freeze: 6
- Shock: 6
- Corrode: 6
Why this weapon is awesome: Two upgrades that come with this armor are Armor of Flesh and Eyes of Blackstone. By using either of these upgrades, you become immune to either might or perception affliction. That alone makes it worth finding!
Where to get it: This can be found hidden in some rubble right above a sarcophagus located in the Forgotten Mausoleum (Main area: The Hanging Sepulchers).
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Effigy%27s_Husk
7. Robes of the Weyc
The Robes of Weyc is a light, cloth armor that is soul bound. It comes with a variety of enchantments, especially if you are in the Changer or Cipher class. If you're not, well then, you’re going to end up missing out.
The basic stats for Robes of the Weyc:
- Slash: 6
- Base: 6
- Crush: 6
- Pierce: 6
- Burn: 6
- Freeze: 6
- Shock: 6
- Corrode:
Why this weapon is awesome: These robes have 3 levels of upgrades.
- Level one gives you the memory material trait, which helps you gain +1 in armor against whatever type of damage you are taking.
- Level two depends on the class. The three possible upgrades are mirror emperor, muse of mystery, and soul weave.
- Level three gives the same upgrade for all classes. It gives you omnipotence, which helps out your allies.
Where to get it: These robes can be found in the Forgotten Sanctum after being dropped by Sissak. A guide on how to acquire it is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qv1BfeMR3Q
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Robes_of_the_Weyc
6. Gipon Prudensco
Here we have an actual pirate’s armor. The Gipon Prudensco is a light and padded armor set that comes with some great stats. It can be difficult to acquire, but don’t let that stop you. Just make sure to pack on the potions.
The basic stats for Gipon Prudensco:
- Base: 9
- Slash: 9
- Crush: 9
- Pierce: 7
- Burn: 7
- Freeze: 9
- Shock: 9
- Corrode: 9
Why this weapon is awesome: 3 out of 4 of the possible upgrades grant immunity or some kind of resistance.
- Fight another day: Immunity to attacks of disengagement
- Paranoid: Immune to flanked attacks.
- Safety at a distance: 5% resistance against ranged weapons.
Where to get it: This is a bit of a tricky piece of armor to get. It’s dropped by Aterio the Avenger during an encounter with him between Port Maje and Dunnage. In order to even have a chance at triggering this event, your reputation must be at a certain level. Follow this guide to find it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUmgUGJcwDI
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Gipon_Prudensco
5. Reckless Brigandine

The Reckless Brigandine is a heavy piece of armor in the brigandine category. Yes, not a creative name, but the basic stats alone make this armor stand out. One piece of advice, however, try not to let it live up to the reckless part of its name. Especially around water because you will sink. It’s science.
The basic stats for Reckless Brigandine:
- Base: 11
- Slash: 11
- Crush: 11
- Pierce: 7
- Burn: 11
- Freeze: 11
- Shock: 11
- Corrode:7
Why this weapon is awesome: The best part about this weapon is the seeing red enchantment/upgrade that you can add. Seeing Red lets you gain 1+ every 3 sec for about 9 seconds when you are low on HP.
Where to get it: Looted in the Forgotten Catacomb from a Death Guard Fanatic.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Reckless_Brigandine
4. Spider Silk Robe

Spiders can be scary, especially in video games where they are 5x the size. However, this light, cloth armor is too amazing to pass up. Just try to forget the spider part.
The basic stats for:
Base: 7
Slash: 10
Crush: 7
Pierce: 7
Burn: 7
Freeze: 7
Shock: 7
Corrode: 7
Why this weapon is awesome: This is a pretty awesome set of armor because of the poison aspect that goes along with it. In the poison master upgrade, it gives you 3+ on all poison levels and in spider blooded, you even get immunity to poison attacks.
Where to get it: You can acquire this from Menzzago (well technically) on the Glowing Outcrop in Splintered Reef.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Spider_Silk_Robe
3. Caista Samelia Legacy

Casita Samelia’s Legacy is a medium armor breastplate. This armor has survived being literally ripped off it’s original owner’s body. Let’s hope that fate doesn’t follow you!
The basic stats for:
- Base: 9
- Slash: 7
- Crush: 9
- Pierce: 9
- Burn: 9
- Freeze: 9
- Shock: 7
- Corrode: 9
Why this weapon is awesome: This armor enables your will to increase up to the max number of 20 while losing health. Obviously, you don’t want to lose your HP, but it can be quite powerful in a battle when you're on the verge of dying!
Where to get it: There is a condition that must be met in order to acquire this armor. In order to get your hands on it, you must side with the House of Bardatto. Once you do this, simply kill Atello Valera and get down to some looting!
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Casit%C3%A0_Samelia%27s_Legacy
2. Guardian’s Plate

Guardian’s Plate is a heavy, plate armor, but we both know you’re not considering it for that reason. Or even because it’s soulbound. It’s because of how shiny it is. I mean, look at it?!
The basic stats for:
- Base: 12
- Slash: 12
- Crush: 8
- Pierce: 12
- Burn: 8
- Freeze: 12
- Shock: 12
- Corrode: 12
Why this weapon is awesome: Now aside from how cool it looks, when this armor is at its level 3 upgrade, it grants you plagued strength. This restores health, might, constitution, and dexterity per 6 seconds while you are afflicted. A good pick me up after you’ve been badly injured by an enemy!
Where to get it: Looted from a frozen elf near the Vytmadh gate in the Temple of Decline. However, you’ll need a pry bar or hammer and chisel to get it.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Guardian%27s_Plate
1. Devil of Caroc Breastplate

The Devil of Caroc Breastplate is a medium armor breastplate with quite the morbid background. I’ve put this at number one because it’s a powerful piece of armor that comes from a former companion in the original game.
The basic stats for:
- Base: 11
- Slash: 9
- Crush: 11
- Pierce: 11
- Burn: 11
- Freeze: 11
- Shock: 9
- Corrode: 11
Why this weapon is awesome: Best part of this armor is some of the possible upgrades/enchantments available.
- Devil’s Due: Gives you 2+ health restoration every 3 seconds for about 6 seconds.
- Heart of Bronze: You gain a resistance to all afflictions on your constitution.
- Mechanical Mind: A resistance to afflictions affecting your intellect.
Where to get it: While this weapon can be bought from Marihi in Periki’s overlook, there is a condition you must meet first. In your PoE imported save, you must have had the Devil of Caroc spare Harmke.
Details: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Devil_of_Caroc_Breastplate
And that concludes the top ten best pieces of armor you can find in Pillars of Eternity 2: Dead fire. If none of these are to your liking, don’t worry. There are plenty more out there!