If you have emptied both of your main weapon’s magazines and still dance around your opponent in a panicky fashion, there is still hope: the pocket rocket. In this article, we take a look at all of them. Little spoiler: size doesn’t matter.
Handguns, also known as pistols, often serve as a last resort when you've failed to hit your target with both of your primary weapons. Swapping to a pistol can be quicker than reloading an empty magazine, providing you with one last opportunity to stay in the game.In PUBG, this is the usual use case for handguns, unless you find yourself in a pistol-only round. Before diving into our rankings, let's first examine the criteria that guided the ranking process.
Criteria for ranking
Generally, handguns play a minor role in PUBG, ranking above melee weapons but falling short compared to other firearm classes. Therefore, handguns are primarily ranked based on their hit damage. It's worth noting that as a weapon's power increases, certain downsides may become more significant, such as limited ammo capacity or intense recoil.
7. Skorpion
Skorpion stats
- Hit damage: 22
- Ammo type: 9 mm
- Rate of fire: 750 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 350 m/s
- Extended clip size: 40
It has a full auto mode and is fairly easy to handle when all attachments are in place. If you prefer more powerful weapons as your main weapons, consider the Skorpion as an alternative. Equipped with the extended mag, it carries 40 rounds, which is an awful lot for a sidearm.
Bottom line:
- Full-auto mode as a sidearm with a 40 round capacity; a unique characteristic.
- Spawns on all maps.
P18C stats:
- Hit damage: 23
- Ammo type: 9mm
- Rate of fire: 900 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 375 m/s
- Extended clip size: 25
This is needed since the P18C comes with a staggering 15 rounds per second. You are able to switch between single and auto fire, and while firing on auto, it only takes two seconds to empty the magazine.
Bottom line:- Extremely high rate of fire, which makes it very effective at lower ranges.
- You can find it anywhere.
P92 stats:
- Hit damage: 34
- Ammo type: 9mm
- Rate of fire: 600 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 380 m/s
- Extended clip size: 20
In PUBG, it is a modest gun. It has firepower and ammo capacity, so it might be beneficial to go for the P92 in the unfolding chaos of a hot drop, right at the beginning of the round. It also serves as a backup sidearm for potato fights.
Bottom line:- Great balance between hit damage and ammo capacity, you can’t go wrong with this one.
- Spawns everywhere.
P1911 stats:
- Hit damage: 42
- Ammo type: .45ACP
- Bullet speed: 250 m/s
- Extended clip size: 12
In PUBG, the P1911 is another reliable sidearm to get a hold of. Even though the clip size is relatively low, the hit damage partly makes up for it. It is recommended for beginners.
Bottom line:- High hit damage, suitable as a backup firearm.
- Find it anywhere on the map.
3. Deagle
Deagle stats:
- Hit damage: 62
- Ammo type: .45ACP
- Rate of fire: 300 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 450 m/s
- Extended clip size: 10
In PUBG, the Deagle comes with .45ACP ammunition and a relatively low clip size of 10, but with an extraordinarily high hit damage of 62. The Deagle is harder to control due to its high muzzle velocity. After all, it is rather suited for advanced players.
Bottom line:- High hit damage, with long range accuracy.
- Spawns on all maps.
R1895 stats:
- Hit damage: 64
- Ammo type: 7.62mm
- Rate of fire: 300 rounds/min
- Bullet speed: 330 m/s
- Extended clip size: 7 (standard)
Only four years after the Mosin Nagant was developed, the Belgian brothers Nagant introduced the Nagant M1895 to the Russian Imperial Army at the Tsar’s request. Due to its reliability, it is still in service to this day.
In PUBG, the revolver's sole advantage lies in its high hit damage. The weapon suffers from significant recoil when fired, and its maximum capacity of 7 bullets is not compensated for by a quick reloading mechanism. In fact, it takes approximately 6.8 seconds to perform a full reload, which is unacceptable in the heat of a battle.
Ah, there is another downside. You cannot attach any scope. Only a silencer. All in all, it is a challenge to master this weapon. Unless you are a hardcore 7.62mm fanboy or fangirl, it’s hard to find any other reason, really.
Bottom line:- High damage is the only benefit of this revolver.
- Find it anywhere on the map.
R45 stats
- Hit damage: 65
- Ammo type: .45ACP
- Bullet speed: 330 m/s
- Extended clip size: 6
All in all, it is a better choice if you want to go with a strong weapon with a low ammo capacity. The only downside is that you can only find this revolver on Miramar.
Bottom line:- Strongest handgun, suited for advanced players.
- Miramar exclusive.
Honorable mentions
Flare Gun
Flare gun stats:
- Hit damage: 0
- Extended clip size: 1
The Flare Gun spawn rate is set to an average of three Flare Guns per game for all maps where it is available. Only two sets of special care packages and two armored vehicles can be called in per game. Once the Flare Gun has been deployed, the entire map knows you are calling in for the good stuff. Get ready!
Bottom line:- Very useful feature of PUBG, should be used every time you find it.
- The Flare Gun crosshair displays as a circle when aimed at the correct position above your head.
- If you are inside the safe zone, you will get the Special Care Package. If you are outside the safe zone, you get the Uljanowski Awtomobilny Sawod (UAZ).
General tips and tricks on how to use handguns
Here are some general tips and tricks on how to use handguns:
- Always make use of all available attachments.
- Strafe while shooting.
- Holding your pistol while running is the same as running without a weapon in your hand.
- Head over to the training area to practice a few shots, to get a feel for them.
While handguns are not the first choice for any shooter, unless you are in the Cinema of the Dead, they could be your last chance to finish off the opponent once you miss all the other shots from your main weapons.
So in the beginning, it is advisable to go with the P92 or the P1911. Both pistols come with decent damage and a higher ammo capacity than the stronger handguns. Once you get a feel for the sidearms, you can gradually work your way up to the stronger ones. In the end, every bullet counts.
Further reading on weapons in PUBG:
PUBG Best SMGs (From Worst To Best)
PUBG Best Assault Rifles (From Worst To Best)
PUBG Best DMRs (From Worst to Best)
PUBG Best Snipers (From Worst To Best)