[Top 5] Rainbow 6 Siege Best Wamai Loadouts That Are Excellent

Top 5 Best Wamai Loadouts in R6 Siege
10 May 2024

There’s been a lot of huge changes in Siege throughout the years, and the changes that came with the Year 9 Season 1 update may have been the biggest in recent years. It changed how a lot of weapons and attachments work, and even added a new attachment that brings a very different dynamic to Siege.

In this article, we’re going to discuss how Wamai players can take advantage of those changes and how those said changes affect the choices of players when it comes to choosing their loadouts for Wamai. Since Wamai is a defender that always has a huge contribution to the team regardless of the map and situation, it’s important for players to use the best loadout when playing him in order to maximize his potential.


5. AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Proximity Alarm

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The AUG A2 assault rifle may not be the weapon of choice for most Wamai players when choosing their primary for the operator, and that’s why this loadout setup is at a low rank in this list. That’s because the only available sights for the AUG A2 are 1.0x sights as opposed to the high-powered sights that are compatible with the alternative primary weapon for Wamai, the MP5K. Of course, without additional zoom level, it’ll be harder for the player to hit enemies, especially at medium to long-range.

That doesn’t mean, however, that the AUG A2 isn’t a viable primary weapon for Wamai. Many players still run with this weapon as their primary when playing Wamai because, as assault rifles go, it has a much higher damage than the MP5K which is a submachine gun. A lot of players just prefer having the maximum damage that they can dish out when selecting their loadout setups. Another weakness of this weapon though is its incompatibility with grips. But to reduce its challenging recoil, players can attach the flash hider on its barrel.

Excels in:

  • The AUG A2 assault rifle is the weapon of choice for players who wants to dish out as much damage as possible since it has a much higher damage than the other choice for primary weapon which is the MP5K
  • The flash hider on Wamai’s AUG A2 assault rifle will allow him to control its recoil better and that goes a long way when it comes to accuracy since the weapon has a pretty challenging recoil
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight will allow Wamai to target his opponents with pinpoint accuracy at close to medium range due to its large reticle area and simple center dot reticle design
  • The Keratos .357 handgun has high stopping power and destruction rate per shot so it’s not just great for fragging opponents, it’s also great for creating lines of sight on unreinforced walls and wooden floors
  • The two proximity alarms as Wamai’s generic gadgets will allow him and his teammates to have early warning devices on at least two flanking sights and that can also disrupt enemy momentum

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Flash Hider
  • Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm

Recoil pattern test on the AUG A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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4. AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Suppressor + Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Proximity Alarm

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The AUG A2’s weapon kick is quite strong, that’s why for most players, it’s better to equip it with a flash hider on its barrel for additional vertical recoil control. But for a lot of experienced players, the AUG A2’s weapon kick is manageable even without the presence of any recoil control providing attachments. And for those players, this loadout setup would be the best. That’s because the suppressor on the AUG A2’s barrel will provide great stealth benefits that’ll be great for both offense and defense.

The suppressor will remove the AUG A2’s shots’ directional threat indicator as well as greatly muffle its gunshot sounds. So with this loadout setup, it’ll be harder for enemies to immediately know where Wamai is shooting them from, and that’ll prevent them from effectively counter firing immediately and even protect themselves since they won’t know where the shots are coming from. The Keratos .357 in this setup will be ran with a muzzle brake instead of a suppressor for added recoil control since the AUG A2 already has a suppressor and can be used by the player to shoot down enemy gadgets silently.

Excels in:

  • The suppressor on Wamai’s AUG A2 submachine gun will remove the weapon’s directional threat indicator, making it much harder for enemies to immediately know where Wamai is shooting from
  • The suppressor will also silence the AUG A2’s gunshots so it’ll even be harder for enemies to determine where Wamai is through sound cues and it’ll also help Wamai detect sounds even while he’s shooting
  • The red dot A 1.0x sight is the best 1.0x sight for weapons in general since it has a large reticle area that’ll allow the player to see their targets well
  • The muzzle brake on the Keratos .357 will greatly lower its recoil and is a good alternative to the suppressor since the AUG A2 in this setup is already suppressed, so it will be redundant for the secondary to be suppressed as well
  • The two proximity alarms will allow Wamai to not be caught off guard from at least two angles as they will produce loud alarm sounds when enemies step into their radius

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - AUG A2 with Red Dot A and Suppressor
  • Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Proximity Alarm

Recoil pattern test on the AUG A2 in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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3. MP5K with Magnified B scope and Flash Hider + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade

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As mentioned before, most players would choose the MP5K as their primary weapon when playing Wamai and that’s primarily because it’s compatible with high-powered scopes. The magnified B scope provides a 2.5x zoom level, and while that might be intimidating for beginners to use at close range, I encourage them to get used to using it as early as they can. Because once a player gets used to it, they’ll be able to use it at close range just as well as a 1.0x sight.

And the magnified B scope provides a great accuracy boost because with it on your weapon, guaranteed that you’ll be able to see your targets well, and when you see your targets well, it’ll be easier for you to hit them. As for the MP5K’s barrel attachment, the flash hider is a great choice since it will lower the weapon’s vertical recoil by a lot. That’ll further increase the player’s accuracy, especially for medium to long range shooting. It’ll also hide the weapon’s muzzle flash which reduces the visual cues that enemies could react to when determining where Wamai is shooting them from.

Excels in:

  • The magnified B scope will provide Wamai with a 2.5x zoom level which will allow him to see his enemies really well regardless of the distance, and that will boost his accuracy by a lot
  • The flash hider barrel attachment on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun will allow him to have the best recoil control possible on the weapon as it’ll add a lot of vertical recoil control on it
  • The Kerators .357 handgun with a suppressor will allow Wamai to shoot enemy gadgets like drones or claymores silently which is important when he’s flanking and doesn’t want to alert enemies to his presence
  • The Kerators .357 is also a great secondary for Wamai because not only is its stopping power very high, its destruction rate per shot is high as well so it can be used as a utility for reworking the map
  • The two impact grenades in Wamai’s arsenal will allow him to quickly create rotation holes on unreinforced walls or destroy unreinforced hatch which is very important for outmaneuvering enemies

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Magnified B scope and Flash Hider
  • Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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2. MP5K with Magnified B scope and Extended Barrel + Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser + Impact Grenade

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Of all the barrel attachments in the game, only the extended barrel and the suppressor don’t add recoil control on weapons. And especially after they’ve both been buffed a few seasons ago, the rivalry between those two-barrel attachments have become heated in debates within the Siege community. For players who prefer inflicting the most damage possible within a given time, obviously, the extended barrel will be their barrel attachment of choice, and this will be the loadout setup for them.

Since it’s been buffed, the extended barrel now increases the damage of weapons. For the MP5K, it’ll go from 30 to 33, which may not sound like a lot on paper, but since the MP5K is a fully automatic weapon with a fast rate of fire, imagine the added compound damage that it’ll inflict on enemies. The extended barrel will also greatly lower the weapon’s range damage drop-off, so with this loadout setup, hits from Wamai will hurt, regardless of the distance. The suppressed Keratos .357 handgun on the other hand would be a great secondary weapon for Wamai, especially reworking the map and silently shooting enemy gadgets.

Excels in:

  • Having the best possible firepower on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun because of the extended barrel which will increase its base damage as well as greatly reduce its range damage drop-off
  • The magnified B scope providing 2.5x zoom level for Wamai when aiming-down-sight on his MP5K submachine gun which will allow him to see his targets well and hit them with great accuracy
  • The MP5K is usually the primary weapon of choice for Wamai players because of its compatibility to the high-powered scopes, slightly better recoil than the AUG A2, and faster rate of fire
  • The suppressed Keratos .357 can be used by Wamai to silently disable enemy gadgets such as drones and claymores and it can also be aimed faster than normal due to the laser attachment
  • The impact grenade is a great utility for Wamai since he can use it to quickly create rotation holes or destroy unreinforced hatches. It’s also a great weapon for countering shield operators

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Magnified B scope and Extended Barrel
  • Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Suppressor and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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1. MP5K with Magnified B scope and Suppressor + Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser + Impact Grenade

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This is the best loadout setup for Wamai because it suits his general playstyle really well. Most of the time, Wamai is used as an anchor because his special gadget, the Mag-NETs only become available to him through cooldown. So it’s best for him to stay around the objective spot so that he can deploy his Mag-NETs for countering enemy projectiles. That’s also why a loadout setup with a suppressed MP5K is best for him, because with it, it’ll be harder for enemies to determine where he is when he’s shooting them from hiding spots.

That’s because the suppressor will remove the MP5K’s shots’ directional threat indicator as well as the weapon’s muzzle flash. It will also greatly muffle the weapon’s gunshot sounds, so especially from medium to long range, it’ll take a while before enemies realize where the shots are coming from. That’ll prevent them from being able to counterfire effectively and immediately, and in some cases, they also won’t be able to protect themselves properly since they don’t know which direction the shots are coming from.

Excels in:

  • The suppressor on the MP5K’s barrel will remove the weapon’s muzzle flash as well as its directional threat indicator, preventing enemies from immediately knowing where its shots are coming from
  • The suppressor on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun will also greatly silence the weapon’s gunshot sounds so it’ll be even harder for enemies to determine Wamai’s location by sound
  • The magnified B scope on Wamai’s MP5K submachine gun will allow him to see his targets really well due to its whopping 2.5x zoom level. It also has an arrowhead reticle which is great for pinpoint shooting.
  • Since the MP5K already has the suppressor and Wamai can use it for silently shooting enemy gadgets, it makes more sense to equip the muzzle brake on the Keratos .357 instead for better recoil
  • The two impact grenades in Wamai’s arsenal will allow him to quickly rework the map to his team’s advantage with rotation holes as well as destroyed hatches. They’re also great for countering shield operators, especially Osa.

Build Details:

  • Primary weapon - MP5K with Magnified B scope and Suppressor
  • Secondary weapon - Keratos .357 with Muzzle Brake and Laser
  • Generic gadget - Impact Grenade

Recoil pattern test on the MP5K in this setup with the author’s own recoil control applied:

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Attention operator, please be advised. There is a new directive from Six. Read up on these related articles, and prepare for deployment:

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