10. SMG-11 (Sledge, Smoke, Mute)
The SMG-11 is a machine pistol weapon that is equipped as a secondary gun for the operators Sledge, Smoke, and Mute.
This gun has an insanely high rate of fire that will literally mow down anybody in your path. But, the high rate of fire comes with the price of an unstable gun since the recoil is hard to control.
Though, you can add on attachments like the vertical grip and compensator to help contain the recoil.
SMG-11 Stats:
- Standard damage of 33(0-18m), 22(28+m)
- Suppressed damage of 28(0-18m), 19(28+m)
- A rate of fire of 1270 RPM
- Damage per second of 698.5
- Magazine size of 16
Weapon Power: 7.5/10
See SMG-11 in action:
New SMG-11 Mute Is Amazing! - TTS - Operation Wind Bastion | Rainbow Six Siege
9. T-5 SMG (Lesion)
The T-5 SMG is a submachine gun that is equipped as a primary for the operator Lesion. The gun has a good rate of fire with controllable recoil that makes you question where this gun has been all your life. But if you are personally having problems with the recoil, then you’re in luck as this gun offers you a choice of muzzle break, compensator, or flash hider to take care of all your recoil problems.
T-5 SMG Stats:
- Standard damage of 30(0-18m), 20(28+m)
- Suppressed damage of 25(0-18m), 17(28+m)
- A rate of fire of 900 RPM
- Damage per second of 450
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 7.7/10
See T-5 SMG in action
Lesion's T-5 SMG Is Insanely Good - Pocket Rockets - Rainbow Six Siege
8. MP5K (Mute)
The MP5K is a submachine gun equipped as a primary for the operator Mute. The gun has a good rate of fire with a decent amount of damage. The recoil is usually very tame, so I believe you shouldn’t have a problem with it! But, in case you do, the MP5K offers the usual attachments of muzzle break, compensator, and flash hider. The bullet damage drop can be annoying, but since you will be playing as Mute, you shouldn’t have too much of a bad time.
MP5K Stats:
- Standard damage of 30(0-18), 22(28+m)
- Suppressed damage of 25(0-18m), 19(28+m)
- A rate of fire of 800 RPM
- Damage per second of 400
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 7.9/10
See MP5K in action
Rainbow Six Siege [Mute's MP5K]
7. MP7 (Bandit)
The MP7 is a submachine gun equipped as a primary for the operator Bandit. This gun is really good against enemies up close and is the gun of choice if you are looking to hunt down attackers. The MP7 is a fun, stable gun that makes a very fine weapon. It has your usual defenders’ gun sights and barrel attachments.
MP7 Stats:
- Standard damage of 32(0-18m), 20(28+m)
- Suppressed damage of 28(0-18m), 17(28+m)
- A rate of fire of 900 RPM
- Damage per second of 480
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 8.3/10
See MP7 in action
Rainbow Six Siege - Part 25 - MP7 IS BEAST! (Unlocking Bandit)
6. Type-89 (Hibana)
The Type-89 is an assault rifle equipped as primary for the operator Hibana. This gun has an impressive rate of fire with a decent amount of damage that puts this gun at the rank of one the best guns in the game. Unfortunately, it has a rather small magazine size. However, if you are careful enough with timing then the magazine shouldn't be a huge concern.
Type-89 Stats:
- Standard damage of 40(0-25m), 25(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 37(0-25m), 21(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 850 RPM
- Damage per second of 566
- Magazine size of 20
Weapon Power: 8.7/10
See Type-89 in action
The TYPE-89 is INSANE! - Rainbow Six Siege
5. AK-12 (Fuze)
The AK-12 is an assault rifle equipped as a primary by the operator Fuze. This gun provides decent damage with a fast fire rate that makes this gun an excellent choice in your daily match. The recoil can be a little rough, but the vertical grip and the rest of the barrel attachments are here to make your life even better!
AK-12 Stats:
- Standard damage of 44(0-25m), 22(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 37(0-25m), 19(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 850 RPM
- Damage per second of 623
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 9.2/10
See AK-12 in action
Fuze's AK-12 is Amazing - Rainbow Six Siege
4. 416-C Carbine (Jager)
The 416-C is an assault rifle equipped as the primary for the operator Jager. This gun is praised a lot for its raw power and very stable shooting. The attachments are what you would expect in a gun for a defender, which is okay because this gun is already good as it is. The gun is pretty easy to use and best used at close range, but it can handle closer or farther ranges either way.
416-C Stats:
- Standard damage of 43(0-25m), 21(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 36(0-25m), 18(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 740 RPM
- Damage per second of 530
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 9.3/10
See 416-C Carbine in action
4K Skyscraper 416-C Carbine (2)
3. R4-C (Ash)
The R4-C is an assault rifle equipped as a primary by the operator Ash. This gun is another highly praised weapon for its usefulness in close to mid-range fights that require fast firing with great damage per second. As of March 2019, the R4-C lost the ACOG sight as a sort of “nerf”. Though, it seems the R4-C doesn’t really need it as it is still one of the best guns in the game.
R4-C Stats:
- Standard damage of 39(0-25m), 25(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 36(0-25m), 21(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 860 RPM
- Damage per second of 559
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 9.5/10
See R4-C in action
New R4-C is Amazing - Rainbow Six Siege
2. C7E (Jackal)
The C7E is an assault rifle equipped as a primary for the operator Jackal. It’s a versatile weapon that dominates the game since it’s pretty good in most situations.The recoil is low, which makes this gun’s shooting very smooth and easy to get that kill shot. Definitely, the weapon of choice if you are looking for an all-rounded gun that shoots with ease plus packs a big punch.
C7E Stats:
- Standard damage of 46(0-25m), 23(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 39(0-25m), 19(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 800 RPM
- Damage per second of 613
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 9.8/10
See C7E in action
1v5 Clutch with Jackal's C7E
1. F2 (Twitch)
The F2 is an assault rifle equipped as a primary for the operator Twitch. It’s usually agreed as the number one gun in the game, and it sure does have proof that it is. The high rate of fire, the pretty decent damage, the easy control, and the accuracy of the gun makes it number one in this article. While I am sure people will argue about other guns being better, I firmly believe that this gun is the best gun in the game with the stats backing it up.
F2 Stats:
- Standard damage of 37(0-25m), 22(35+m)
- Suppressed damage of 31(0-25m), 19(35+m)
- A rate of fire of 980 RPM
- Damage per second of 604
- Magazine size of 30
Weapon Power: 10/10
See F2 in action
The F2 is INSANE - Rainbow Six Siege
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