The best Rimworld Ideology guide just for you!
Ideoligions are a new system of game mechanics established by the latest Rimworld DLC introducing an entire belief system for your colony to prosper under. Should your colony be a group of righteous people serving others for the better or a band of bloodthirsty cannibal raiders who seek to dominate and enslave others? We’ve listed down the Top 5 ideologies that we consider to be the most useful and engaging to play!
5. Transhumanist

Human progress means merging with technology.
Although it is a bit demanding, the Transhumanist ideology is one of the most satisfying to play with especially as your colony becomes rich enough to afford spacer-tech level equipment. Transhumanists require three things with regularity: Biosculpting, Neural Superchargers, and Artificial body parts. While resource-heavy and time-consuming, the rewards you get from this are like none other.
Why being a Transhumanists is great!:
- Research-specialist bonus unlocked.
- Offers a lot of solutions to permanent problems such as aging, injuries, and scars.
- If played correctly, you’ll have a colony of god-like cyborgs!
Transhumanist details:
- Impact: Medium
- Sleep accelerator: Preferred
- Neural supercharge: Preferred
- Biosculpting: Accelerated
- Age reversal: Demanded
- Eating nutrient paste: Don't mind
- Body modification: Approved
4. Pain is virtue

Virtue is shown through the suffering of self and others.
Ah yes, the ideology that turns all your pawns into religious masochists. But seriously, as the name implies, this meme makes your pawns value the concept of pain. It utilizes scarification rituals and torture crows to always keep your colonists in constant suffering giving them the respective mood buffs. It’s always best to keep vigilant however as too much pain causes death!
Why Pain is virtue is great!:
- Comfort doesn’t matter (ex. end tables, dressers, bed quality).
- However, mood boosts still apply for beauty!
- Your pawns getting beat up by raids and assaults is a good thing now apparently.
Pain is virtue details:
- Impact: High
- Pain: Idealized
- Comfort: Ignored
- Slab bed: Preferred
3. Cannibal
We must consume human flesh.
The Cannibal ideology is one of the high-impact memes that drastically alter the game for most playthroughs. This particular ideology is for people who either stockpile human bodies or for those who are fond of raiding other settlements themselves. It makes for really fun and aggressive gameplay. Beware, however, as the longer your cannibals go without eating human flesh, the unhappier they become.
Why Cannibalism is great!:
- Mood buffs for eating human flesh and wearing human leather!
- All those pesky raiders are finally useful by being succulent and tender meat for your colony.
- No saw corpse debuff. No saw rotting corpse debuff.
- There’s just something so right about eating other people in Rimworld. Truly a wonderful way to live.
Cannibal details:
- Impact: High
- Organ use: Acceptable
- Cannibalism: Preferred, Required (strong), or Required (ravenous)
- Execution: Don't care, Respected if guilty, or Required
2. High life
Exotic states of mind are central to a good life.
If you’ve played Rimworld to any meaningful extent you’re probably aware that drugs have the potential to be a key element in any colony; in High life, drugs are as central to pawns as food and recreation. All drawbacks and advantages apply as with any colony that uses drugs, however, in High life, additional mood buffs, debuffs, roles, and much other snazzy stuff are unlocked. Whatever the case, this ideology could be the drugged-up hippie commune of your dreams
Why High life is great!:
- Plant specialist role unlocked, making farming a lot better!
- Of course, drugs have a big mood buff to your colonists.
- Allows you to mass-produce flake with a fraction of the labor and sell it for a whole lot more.
- Make sure to use different drugs in rotation to not get your pawns addicted as much as possible.
High life details:
- Impact: Medium
- Drug use: Essential
- New buildables: Autobong, Mindbend carpet
- Required Rituals: Smokeleaf circle
1. Human Primacy

Humans are the moral center of the universe.
Although contentiously in the number 1 spot, this ideology shines as S-tier since it’s always going to be advantageous no matter what kind of colony you run. There are no hidden downsides, no debuffs for not fulfilling a certain requirement, no catch at all. That’s what you get when your colonists believe that humans are the rightful rulers of the universe.
Why Human Primacy is great!:
- Production specialist unlocked!
- +1 quality on all craftables. So masterwork stuff instantly becomes legendary.
- Construction Speed +50% and General Labor Speed +50
- Animal bonds are no longer a liability.
- Literally zero drawbacks, mood debuffs, etc. for anything at all.
Human Primacy details:
- Impact: Medium
- Bonding: Disapproved
- Unlocked Rituals: Symbol burning
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