[Top 15] Rimworld Mods For A Brand New Experience

Best Mods For a Brand New Experience Rimworld
18 Jul 2024

Top 15 Rimworld Mods For A Brand New Experience (2022)

Rimworld the brutal colony sim that puts you against the world. Using events and your Pawns needs to create interesting content every playthrough. From children and learning to a complete rebalance of our combat in Rimworld check out the top 15 mods for a brand new experience.

15. Where is my weapon

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A simple but invaluable mod that lets your Pawns recover their weapon after being downed, keeping you from having to micromanage it every time, or worse forget and show up to the next raid without a weapon at all.

·         Allows Pawns to recover their weapons after being downed

·         Customizable settings allowing your Pawns to heal fully before trying to recover their weapons

Download Where is my weapon on Steam Here or Github Here

14. Set Up Camp

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Set Up Camp gives you some freedom when it comes to your caravans. It lets you set up temporary camps to mine and forage for resources without having to claim the tile each time, saving you time and some hassle.

·         Allows you to Setup different types of camps on the world map

·         Helps with caravan management especially for longer trips

Download Set Up Camp on Steam Here or Github Here

13. Children, School and learning

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 As the name suggests Children, School and Learning gives you just that. Couples can now get pregnant and have children which then can go to school to learn from your more experienced Pawns. Teaching a variety of subjects such as cooking and construction, getting these new Pawns ready for their roles in your colony.

·         Adds Pregnancy

·         Introduces Schools for your Pawns to learn and teach at

·         Helps you set up your Pawns for their future roles in your colony

Download Children, School and Learning on Steam Here or Github Here

12. [SR] Factional War

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Factional War adds four different events that happen at your colony that you aren’t involved in… unless you want to be. Faction assault where the two groups go head-to-head, Faction Bombardment where they use indirect fire against each other. Faction Contention where some precious cargo was dropped, and Faction Defense where a faction itself is being attacked, this one is on the world map and is very dangerous but lucrative to get involved with.

·         Introduces four new events

·         These events can be very profitable but dangerous

Download [SR] Factional War on Steam Here or Github Here

11. Defensive Positions

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Defensive Positions allows you to set defensive positions for your Pawns, giving you a very quick way to get your Pawns ready for that incoming raid or mechanoid cluster. Also gives you the ability to sort your Pawns into groups for more precise control during combat.

·         Set up to four defensive positions per Pawns

·         Quickly set up groups of Pawns for better control

·         Basic and Advanced modes for easier or more complex control

Download Defensive Positions on Steam Here or Github Here

10. Tech Advancing

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Tech Advancing is a simple but effective mod and really lets you change how you play the game. Say you were to start and tribal start and have researched everything of your current technology level, this will advance your level reducing the costs associated with your research

·         Scales the cost of research

·         Scales the cost of research in your current Tech level

·         Applies a discount on for techs that are below your current Tech level

Download Tech Advancing on Steam Here or Github Here

9. Dubs Rimatomics

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Dubs Rimatomics introduces Nuclear power, with customizable Nuclear power plants, to a new assortment of weapons and traps such as tesla coils, high energy lasers and railguns. Customize your power plant with different cooling systems, turbines and reactor cores and even allows you to scale your power generation output to fit your needs

·         Customizable nuclear power plants

·         Nuclear and advanced weapon systems

·         Advanced defensive structures

Download Dubs Rimatomics on Steam Here or Github Here

8. Prison Labor

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Prison Labor gives you a new way to deal with prisoners after that raid. Once they are healthy you can force them to work doing small menial tasks such as cleaning or mining. This lets you free up some of your Pawns time allowing them to spend their time on more important duties of the colony. Pairing Prison Labor with a mod called Locks allows you to tightly control what rooms your prisoners can and can’t get into.

·         Prisoners can now clean

·         Prisoners can now haul

·         Prisoners can now mine

·         Prisoners can now cook

Download Prison Labor on Steam Here or Github Here

7. Glitter Tech

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Glitter Tech plays off the Rimworld lore of Glitter worlds with their highly advanced technology in both social and combat. This mod adds advanced weaponry and armor, power generation, research and so much more. Late game highly advanced factions will appear giving you a very hardcore combat playstyle as you go head-to-head with the most technological enemies in the game.

·         Advanced Research options

·         New advanced weaponry and armor

·         New power generation buildings

·         New advanced recipes, resources and furniture

Download Glitter Tech on Steam Here or Github Here

6. Rimefeller

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Rimefeller as the play on the late Mr. Rockefeller’s name suggests adding oil to Rimworld. It allows drilling for crude oil in both shallow and deep layers, refining this crude into useful products like a building material called Synthylene. Also allowing you to create fuel to power your generators and of course napalm.

·         Adds Crude oil drilling

·         Adds large infrastructure like tanks and hoppers

·         Adds oil refinement allowing you to make things like chemfuel and Synthylene

·         Adds oil spill event

Download Rimefeller on Steam Here or Github Here

5. Combat Extended

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 Combat Extended reblances projectiles, adds new mechanics, a new melee system and an armor rebalance. This will completely change how combat works, allowing more finite control over how and what your pawns are fighting. Pawns will now go for cover without being ordered, in order to avoid enemy gunfire. You can also designate fire modes, rate of fire, and which part of the body to aim at, allowing better accuracy depending on the situation.

·         Projectile rebalance

·         Add ammunition

·         Adds accurate weapons such as the M16A2

·         Melee mechanics rebalance

·         Allows stabilizing injured Pawns to buy you time to get them to a medical facility

Download Combat Extended on Steam Here or Github Here

4. Dubs Bad Hygiene

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Dubs Bad Hygiene is an interesting mod that adds a whole utilities system into the game. From showers to toilets and from deep water wells to farmland irrigation, this mod adds a huge amount of content that fundamentally changes how you can build your base and your Pawns needs such as showering and using the bathroom, to even drinking water.

·         Adds a water and sewage system into the game

·         Pawns now need to use the bathroom, bathe and drink water

·         Introduces wells and irrigation

·         Adds hot water items like boilers and radiators

Download Dubs Bad Hygiene on Steam Here or Github Here

3. RimCities

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RimCities is an interesting approach to the endgame of Rimworld. As they name implies it adds large Cities on the map, some friendly, some hostile and then even some abandoned. And for the truly battle hardened it puts Citadels which are linear heavily fortified maps that will require patience, grit and luck to get through.

·         Adds friendly cities to explore and engage with

·         Adds hostile cities which can be attacked

·         Rival factions will fight each other allowing you to intervene and make alliances

·         Adds Abandoned cities which can be looted

·         Adds heavily fortified Citadels with increased rewards

Download RimCities on Steam Here or Github Here

2. Hospitality

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Hospitality takes advantage of the factions spread throughout the map allowing you to rent rooms, sell items in the “shopping area” and by making these visitors happy you can get rewards once they leave. This in turn can have a great effect on how you design your base to support these visitors and keep them safe.

·         Allows Visitors to stay and rent rooms

·         Allows Visitors to purchase items set up in the “shopping area”

·         Guest can be invited to stay through various means

·         Happy guests may help with some of your work, and give you rewards when they leave.

Download Hospitality on Steam Here or Github Here

1. EdB Prepare Carefully

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                This is a mod that has been a mainstay with players since it came out. This allows you a very wide range of settings to fully change anything about your pawns, make new pawns, delete old ones, and set up your equipment before you hit planet side. There is a point system built into the mod, that helps keep you from destroying the games balance if you want to keep it to a more traditional Rimworld experience. You of course can go as wild as you want.

·         Pawn customization

·         Customize Pawn relationships

·         Manage your loadout

Download EdB Prepare Carefully on Steam Here or Github Here

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