On your way to self-sufficient pawns, you’ll have to figure out farming in some way or another. It’s often a key to surviving for extended periods. Some crops are perfect for keeping your colony safe and fed. While others might be best for weaving tough armor and selling to traders to earn some silver.
5. Haygrass-

This blighted field is outside the colony's defenses, to save space for higher priority crops.
Pretty simple, keeping animals in Rimworld can be very useful, and feeding them is important. You probably won’t need to farm for haygrass unless you have a sizable farm going. It’s also great for making kibble, a very efficient food source for your animals.
Why haygrass is so great:
- Store up food for the winter for your farm animals.
- Make extremely cheap kibble with haygrass.
Haygrass details:
- A fully grown haygrass plant yields 18 units.
- In regular soil, it can grow in just over 12 days.
- It can grow in soil as low fertility as 50%.
4. Rice plant-

Rice requires a lot of labor, maybe recuit some 'laborers' as fast as you can.
There are plenty of food-crops you can and should grow. The first one you should plant should be rice. It’s perfect for a colony just starting off and requires little to no skill. It produces a good amount of food for your colony, but due to its growth speed, your farms should be diversified for mid-game survival.
What makes the rice plant so great?:
- It’s an awesome emergency food crop.
- It stores for a while without refrigeration.
- Resistant to events that would destroy crops. Blight, cold-snap, fire, etc…
Rice plant details:
- It takes 5 1/2 days for a rice plant to mature.
- The rice plant yields 6 units.
- Less efficient than corn and potatoes in terms of labor. Diversify your crops when you’re able.
3. Smokeleaf plant-

I'm sure there's a mod out there that allows you to make 'special brownies' for 'medical' uses.
As a huge cash crop and danger for your colonists, drugs are always growable. There are much worse drugs for your pawns to get ahold of than smokeleaf, but smokeleaf sells for a relatively small amount. Smokeleaf is also great to help manage the moods of your pawns, just make sure they’re still being productive.
What makes smokeleaf so cool?:
- It’s a useful, fairly harmless, cash crop.
- Give your pawns a chance to just chill out man.
- Great for managing poor moods.
Smokeleaf details:
- Grows is just under 14 days.
- Yields 9 units of smokeleaf.
- 4 units of smokeleaf are required to craft a joint which is worth about 10 silver.
2. Healroot-

There's no shame in using medicinal roots for invasive surgies in a pinch.
This plant will take a skilled hand, but you’ll need to grow some eventually. This stuff is key to preventing infections when your pawns are injured. You’ll normally start the game with some of the good modern medicine, but when you run out you’ll need something to tend to your pawns and animals.
Why is healroot so great?:
- Pretty decent medicine if nothing better is handy.
- If you manage to gather a great stock of healroot, it makes for a decent cash crop.
Healroot details:
- Requires a minimum planting skill of 8.
- Just less than 12 days to grow healroot.
- It only yields one unit of healroot when harvested.
1. Devilstrand mushrooms-

Don't get greedy with your Devilstrand farms. Make sure you have enough to eat still too.
Unfortunately, this crop should be reserved until you’re well established in your colony. It takes a huge amount of time and skill to grow so you can let your farmer get on with other chores between harvests. The time and effort invested should be well worth it if you have a skilled tailor in your colony.
What makes devilstrand so good:
- It makes a tough material perfect for armoring your pawns.
- It’s a pretty decent cash crop.
- The cloth can be used to make furniture.
Devilstrand details:
- Takes also 40 whole days to grow to maturity.
- It yields 6 units per mushroom.
- It requires a planting skill of at least 10.
No matter what you chose to grow you’ll end up with growing zones eventually. Whether you choose to make food or cash a priority farming, can be profitable for your colony in many ways. Most crops have good and bad sides and I generally prefer to plant the ones with pretty balanced pros and cons.
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