[Top 5] RimWorld Best Power Sources

RimWorld Best Power Sources
26 Nov 2020

Keeping a colony powered is a key component of surviving in Rimworld. Everything from automated turrets to the lightbulbs, it all requires power. You’ll always be defending and upgrading your power grid through your playthrough. 


5. Wood-fired Generator- 

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Power your home in the early game with 2 or 3 of these and phase them out with more efficient sources as you advance.

The wood-fired generator is one of the most basic power sources, requiring no research and being a cheap construction. It’s perfect for a colony in its first month or two when you’ve just landed on the planet and have no time for research. It never hurts to keep the first one you built for emergencies.

Why is the Wood-fired Generator so good for the early game?:

  • A colony in the woods will have plenty of fuel. 
  • Holds a full stack of wood, burning for a little over 3 days. 
  • Cheaper to build and maintain than the chemfuel generator. 

How do I get the Wood-fired Generator?:

  • Construct one with 100 steel and 2 components. 
  • Modify the game settings to start with one. 
  • That’s it!

Wood-fired Generator details.

4. Solar Generator-

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Only generating power during the day, make sure you build enough to power you through the night as well.

The solar generator is more advanced than a combustion generator and it’s reflected in its performance. If the sun is shining the solar generators produce nearly twice the power of a wood or chemfuel generator. It’s recommended that solar panels are paired with batteries for an uninterrupted power supply.

What makes the Solar Generators so good?:

  • Clean energy!
  • Requires no fuel.
  • Pairs well with multiple power sources. 

How do I get a few Solar Generators for my colony?:

  • Construct one for 100 steel and 3 components. 
  • That’s all! 

Solar Generators details.

3. Windturbine-

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Several trees in the wind zone in this photo. Use grow zones to prevent trees near your turbines. 

Producing a varying amount of power the wind turbine is not affected by the day-night cycles and it isn’t bothered at all by a solar eclipse. It produces power fairly constantly and at its peak, up to 3,400W. Due to its variable power output, it’s recommended to pair the wind turbines with a battery bank.

What makes the Windturbine so great?:

  • Constant power. 
  • Keep anything from blocking the wind by constructing solar panels or farms in the exclusion zone.
  • No wind-related disasters, so random events don’t ruin your power grid as often.

How to get the Wind turbine:

  • Construct one from 100 steel and 2 components.a
  • I don’t think these constructions are sold by traders so that’s it.

Wind Turbine details.

2. Watermill Generator- 

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Don't stop at building just one, they don't stop unless they need repair.

Watermills will generate the same amount of power no matter what kind of event is going on! Day and night they produce slightly more than the combustion generators. All you need is a river running through your map and you’ll be set for the game.
What makes the Watermill Generator so great?:

  • Produces a constant 1,100W  after its construction.
  • Rivers are usually quite big, leaving plenty of space for a bunch of generators.
  • No need for batteries since it’s a constant, non-variable power source.

How do I build a Watermill Generator?:

  • Find a good-sized spot along the riverbank. 
  • It costs 280 wood, 80 steel, and 3 components.

Watermill Generator details.

1. Geothermal Generator-

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Supercharge your power grid with some high level research.

The greatest most effective power source is the geothermal generator. It requires a huge amount of research, but once you finally get there it’ll be well worth building your base near a geothermal vent in the early game. 

What makes the Geothermal Generator the best?:

  • Produces the most power of any source in the game at a whopping 3,600W.
  • It’s a constant, unvarying, source of power. 
  • No need for batteries with this bad boy!
  • It produces heat for those harsh winters.

How do I construct the Geothermal Generator?:

  • Invest a lot of time into research
  • Construct one with 800 steel and 8 components!

Geothermal Generator details.


Managing your power grind will eventually become second nature and each colony has different requirements. A base built on an ice sheet will have little use of a wood-fired generator, but the chemfuel variety might have slightly more success. Have fun figuring out your favorite power source!

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