In a sufficiently advanced colony, a pawn being dismembered isn’t always crippling. With research, your pawns will have access to prosthetics that are better than your original limbs. If you’re in a hyper-advanced colony you could even consider installing superior limbs just to make your pawn more efficient in their day to day activity.
5. Joywire-
Brainwash your pawns into doing their menial work with the joywire! Hope their job wasn't difficult.
This little brain chip is not approved by any ethics boards. It’s dangerous as it has a significant impact on a pawn’s performance but gives them a permanent mood boost. It would be useful for pawns that deal with significant pain or with huge amounts of menial labor.
Why Joywire is great:
- If a particular pawn has a lot of mood events, use the Joywire to get them to a more manageable mood.
- If you’re doing anything unethical in your colony a Joywire can help keep your pawns “amicable”, but sleepy.
Joywire details:
- Permanent +30 mood boost.
- Permanent -20% consciousness.
4. Painstopper-
Run down those raiders like a coked-out chimp with the painstopper.
Another ethically dubious implant. Using the Painstopper will end up being a measured risk, and you’ll have to keep a much closer eye on that pawn’s health in a fight. They’ll be much better for ending a fight quickly, but they can’t tell when to stop if they’re gravely injured.
What makes the Painstopper good?:
- The only thing slowing you down is the condition of your legs.
- You’re still human and the same amount of damage will still kill you, but you’re not going to be knocked unconscious.
Painstopper details:
- It stops the pawn from feeling pain, which greatly affects most other activities.
- Removes all pain mood effects.
3. Archotech eye-
This eye is so advanced you can literally see in most spectrums of light.
Get your colony doctor to cram this artifact eye into your head as soon as you’re confident in their skill. It grants your pawn superhuman sight, and it can emit light like a flashlight. For all its abilities it still only looks like a normal human eye.
Why is the Archotech eye great?:
- It increases your combat effectiveness, greatly improving your accuracy.
- Your cooking speed is also increased.
- Pawns will research faster with the Archotech eye.
Archotech eye details:
- Installing one Archotech eye increases vision by 38% and to +50% with the other eye installed.
- Installing an Archotech eye over a damaged eye removes the sight debuff.
2. Bionic leg-
If you're lucky enough to lose a leg in a fight or from infection, the bionic replacement is slightly better than the original.
While the Archotech version would perform better, they’re incredibly rare. The bionic variant is still better than the original limb. It would be reasonable to eventually install bionics on many of your pawns to make them stronger, faster, and generally more effective.
Why is the Bionic leg so great?:
- One leg replacement is good, two is better.
- This prosthetic can be crafted, so as many pawns can have bionic improvements as you can afford.
Bionic leg details:
- One leg improves movement speed by 12.5% and two together increase movement speed by a total of 25%.
- They can be crafted at a fabrication bench for 15 plasteel and 4 advanced components.
1. Power claw-
Wield a powerful gun and melee weapon at the same time with the power claw!
This prosthetic arm is nearly as advanced as Archotech and is made especially for melee combat. It can not be crafted, you must find one while you’re exploring the world. Thankfully the blades can be easily retracted for working and socializing.
Why is the Power claw great?:
- Great for combat. Doesn’t restrict the use of guns so you can wield this and any other weapon.
- Pawns will not use the Power claw in a social fight, thankfully.
Power claw details:
- Does 22 damage with base fists dealing only 8 damage.
- Has 33% armor penetration.
- Due to its size, it reduces movement speed by 8%.
You’ll eventually see the need to install a few upgrades, especially if you want to escape the Rimworld. Worst case you’ll need to keep some stocked up incase a pawn loses a limb. Best case scenario you’re installing implants just to improve their efficiency.
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