Survival in Rimworld is challenging and many players take all the advantages they can get. Ensuring you start with a good starting map can give players a fun leg-up while they expand their colony. There are plenty of sources online for amazing seeds. Most seeds are compatible with the Royalty DLC with only minor differences in rare cases.
15. exhausted- (3.34N-99.10E)(100% coverage)
Get a run going in this seed, maybe right after you activate windows.
This is a pretty balanced start for a normal difficulty Rimworld game. There’s an excellent natural defense, but limited growing space. The lack of growing space can be compensated for by this seeds’ year-round growing period.
What makes this seed fun:
- A huge enclosed area easily defended.
- Vast open space for development.
- Year-round growing period.
- Slight challenge run.
14. rough- (48.63N-20.66)(30%)
Slap some autocannon turrets within range of the river and enjoy the carnage as enemies swim across.
With a large fertile area right in the middle of the map, this seed looks fun to develop. It’s got that river and road just above it for a reliable source of power, defense, and trade. It happens to be covered in caves so be warry of infestations, but you have additional odd resources available for harvest.
What makes this seed so great?:
- River running through your mountain defense. Great for power and defense.
- Protected colony, nestled in the valley.
- A road passes just outside the colony for easy trade access.
13. darcie- (23.91N-6.80E)(30%)
Name this colony Normandy and defend your beaches!
This costal-mountain-beach is loaded with great defense points. It’s split in half both ways by the massive river in one direction and the coastline in the other. Raiding parties are sure to have a rough time swimming to shore!
What makes this map so good:
- Limited map entry for raiding parties.
- Plenty of river-side space for watermills.
- Plenty of choke points for defense.
- Temperate forest for a balance of resources.
12. Serenity- (29.79N4.83E)(50%)
This is only an example of how awesome you can make this mountain-valley colony.
This map features a huge valley pocket inside the mountains. Perfect for a colony built into the mountain and easily defensible. The valley also sports a geyser for an excellent power source.
What makes this seed so good?:
- Plenty of space in the mountain for growing food.
- The massive mountain is available to mine out for n epic base! Mind infestations
- A geyser resting in a great spot to power most of your colony.
11. qwerfcvbgv78uu6yt5- (14.29S-56.53W)(50%)
Another sweet little valley map for a perfect mountain colony.
Cram your colony way in the back of the valley and enjoy all the space in front of you as you expand. Enemies will be forced to come down the longest path through the valley, giving you time to take a defensive position. For extra space, you’re free to expand into the mountain itself.
What makes this seed so great?:
- Excellent spot for defense.
- Just outside the valley is plenty of open area for farming.
- Year-round grow period
10. interstellar- (40.47N-32.03E)(30%)
Careful as you mine out your valley, exposing a cave could be dangerous.
This map is almost totally valley with only one good entrance. Pirates and raiders will be forced through a gap less than a dozen tiles wide, making them easy targets. It’s got only a half year growing period so managing your farms is crucial.
What makes this map so awesome?:
- Much easier to defend with a great choke point.
- With most of the map covered by mountains, open space is not nearly as limited as it could be.
- There are 2 geysers in the northern part of the valley!
9. Seker- (5.68N17.61E)(50% coverage)
Expand your colony to the other valleys on this seed. Make tunnels connecting them!
A temperate forest protected by surrounding mountains. This seed offers a wide chokepoint for a hearty battlement to be constructed. The common stones of this map are granite and marble, some of the best in the game.
What makes this map so good?:
- Great defense point.
- Lots of open space.
- Good map temperature.
- Plenty of geysers
8. dice- (7.06S-14.02E)(50%)
I'm running a colony in this seed right now actually. Infestations are no joke.
This jungle colony is only accessible through a cave until you mine out an alternate entrance. Capitalize on that and build it into your defensive structure. Just watch out for infestations. Primary stones of marble and granite.
What makes this map great for playthrough?:
- Large hidden space to protect yourself.
- A river for watermills and defense. *Note. The river isn’t there without the Royalty DLC.
- Year-round growth period.
7. Pirate- (8.22N-174.27E)(100%)
Not a ton of space to work with, but come on, it's such a cool map with such a fitting name.
What a fitting name for a beautiful coastal seed. Featuring a large valley and lots of open space this map would make for an awesome game. The valley also has a perfectly placed geyser.
What makes this map great:
- Well placed geyser.
- Several defense points.
- Very limited enemy spawns.
6. Taco- (64.47N-102.07W)(100%)
With only one exit on the map, everywhere can be a good spot to start your colony.
Another map that’s almost totally valley! With all but one entrances covered by mountains, enemies are only able to enter from the east. With all this protection you still benefit from a huge open area for construction and defenses.
What makes this map awesome?:
- This seed has 4 total geysers, reasonably more power than you could use.
- Only one entrance for raiders. Easier base defense.
- Temperate forest, providing a good variety of natural resources.
5. Bizzy- (13.38N-18.52W)(50%)
A few well-placed walls and your colony is secure!
With very limited map entrances, this map has 5 geysers! Some of them are placed in odd places, but taking advantage of them can resolve your power issues for the foreseeable future. Dotted with mountains, this map hosts several great defensive points.
How is this map so good?:
- Great defense points.
- Awesome amount of geysers.
- Great growing period with 50 out of 60 days viable for growth.
4. pepper- (17.09N-5.25E)(30%)
Store all your valuables in the bottom, away from danger, build a massive colony around it.
This seed should be especially great for defense. It’s got a few good little hiding holes and several great choke points. Outside these defenses, there’s a wide-open field for crops and farm animals. This seed also greatly limits where raiders can come from.
What makes this map fun?:
- 40 of 60 days are viable for growing crops.
- A total of 6 geysers evenly spread across the map!
- A bunch of good choke points for a rock-solid colony.
3. howitzer- (23.44N-43.92W)(30%)
Use this seed to build a roadside trade town, get a few mods to make it work better.
A valley right next to a dirt road, a perfectly defendable location to build a trading post. There’s also a perfectly placed geyser in the northern section of the valley. Plenty of space available for construction and farming.
What is great about this seed?:
- Awesome defensive location.
- The dirt road running through the map makes caravans fairly common.
- Well placed geyser for future power production.
2. Iyle- (27.33N-23.20W)(30%)
Only two entrances to focus your defenses will make for an easier game.
This seed is just a thin strip of coastal lands between two mountains. The path for raiders is very limited and if they come from the coast they’ll be sitting ducks as they swim over. The seed is also at a comfortable temperature, not too hot or cold.
What’s so good about this seed?:
- Only 2 entrances for raiders to worry about.
- 40 out of 60 growing days.
- It’s an easy to defend valley.
- There are 4 geysers available to power your colony.
1. evening afternoon- (30.74N-12.52E)(30%)
Build a mighty fortress in this wide valley.
Two paths lead into this defensible valley. With great stones to choose from to build a wall to keep raiders at bay. This deep valley has plenty of space to build a sizable colony with room for farming and everything. There are even a few geysers available for development.
What makes this seed so great:
- 40 of 60 viable growing days
- Amazing defensive position.
- Well placed geysers.
- Plenty of growing space inside the wide valley.
No matter what seed you end-up with, there’s always hope for survival! Maybe you should intentionally choose a seed that poses some extra challenges for the fun of it. Everywhere from a tropical coast colony to a colony on a frozen sheet of ice, whatever makes for the most fun game for you!
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