[Top 5] Smash Ultimate Best Spirit Teams

Smash Ultimate Best Spirit Teams
10 Sep 2020

Top 5 Best Spirit Teams In Smash Ultimate

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With a sea of spirits, it's hard to separate the best from the worst.  

5) Demon Kings

  • Fighter: Gannondorf
  • Primary:Akuma (+PWR, +DEF, -No Slots)  

Team Demon Kings consists of a setup that can take any opponent out in seconds. The fall back is only his slow speed, so make sure you get in a match executing your kills with velocity. 

4)  Recovery Pichu

  • Fighter: Pichu
  • Primary: Soma Cruz (+ATK Pwr,+ DEF Pwr)
  • Support: Celebi (Heal 5% every 5 sec)

Pichu is already a great character but hurts itself during combat. This setup will negate that issue by healing it throughout a match while also boosting its fighting power. I feel this team can make Pichu a high A-Tier. 

3) Little Tank

  • Fighter: Little Mac 
  • Primary: Pit (OG) (+3 slots) 
  • Supports: Walhart (+Super Armor, - Slow Movement) & Victini (+ Hyper Smash ATKs)

Little Mac’s ground game is on point, so we have to make sure he stays on the ground. With the super armor, Mac won’t be thrown out of the ring so easily. Plus his smash attacks are boosted, making him a stronger opponent. 

The only drawback is slowing him down, but he already is a speedy character, so it should even him out with other characters in the speed department. 

2) PK Aid

  • Fighters: Ness/Lucas
  • Primary: Kumatora (+ PSI Atk, + PWR Rating, - ATK Pwr)
  • Support: Guardian (+Neutral Specials)

If you’re a range player then this setup is for you. This takes advantage of the wonder kids’ PSI abilities, increasing them substantially. This also boosts their neutral special even further (PK Flash/PK Freeze). The only downside is the lack of Atk power, which can hinder their combo game. 

1) Radiance

  • Fighter: Ike
  • Primary: Cutie J (+Easier Dodge)
  • Support: Hector (+Super Armor When Charging Smash Atks)

This setup crafts the ultimate Ike, in my opinion. He’s not the fastest but can really pack a punch when faced head-on. This allows him to dodge attacks easier while moving around his opponents to get better hits on them. Also, he now has super armor when charging his smash attacks, allowing no one to escape his wrath. He should draw the time and energy out of any opponent. 

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