[Top 10] Smash Ultimate Best Blue Spirits That Are Great

best blue spirits
30 Mar 2022

Okay, okay they're not just blue, these are shield spirits. If some of you are confused and didn’t know what the symbols in your spirits mean, we´re here to help you.

Spirits work in a rock-paper-scissors kinda way, with attack-shield-grab being the order following the same logic and each one of them having a specific color associated to them, shield being blue. There also exist neutral spirits that don’t excel or suffer in any specific area. As you can assume shield spirits help in your defense and longevity in the game.

So if you want to overcome the relentless offense of some attack spirits here are the best blue spirits to help you.

1.     Dry Bowser

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Dry Bowser is a great spirit in general but with the right character pairing, it can become one of the most powerful in the game. With great attack and defense stats, a huge overall power ranking, and a slot left this spirit will help you out a lot.

-Best character to use this spirit with:

  • Roy
  • Rob
  • Captain Falcon

2.     Guile

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Similarly to the last spirit, Guile benefits a lot from the character you choose to pair it with. But even by itself, it stands on its own. Great stats, easily obtained in world of light and a great trait make Guile amazing.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Fox
  • Captain Falcon
  • Luigi

3.     James McCloud

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If we're talking James McCloud we´re talking style. Just look at him, there aren’t many spirits that exude the swag he does. But he has something to back it up, accessibility, 3 slots for additional support spirits, and good stats.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Fox
  • Falco
  • Wolf

4.     Demise

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This spirit´s name is a promise, you will bring demise to your enemies. This is a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point spirit, this is raw strength with just one slot for you to be able to add a  little more variety to the mix.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Ganondorf
  • Ike
  • King Dedede

5.     Absolutely Safe Capsule

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If you want to be defensive, this is the spirit for you, it adds nothing to your attack power but it doubles down in your defense, with the absolutely safe capsule you'll be absolutely safe for a long, long time.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Pichu
  • Jigglypuff
  • Mr. Game & Watch

6.     Sirius

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Sometimes you don’t want to use your fisticuffs to fight, sometimes you need a little bit of distance between you and your target, Sirius is the perfect aid for that. With its trait it will power up all attacks that come from any weapons.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Lucina
  • Ice Climbers
  • Pit/Dark Pit

7.     Queen Elincia

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Jumping is one of the principal and most important movement options in smash, so with that said the more the merrier, and that’s just what queen Elincia provides. Another jump. It’s a really good spirit regardless but the extra jump can be used offensively and defensively.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Mario
  • Samus/Dark Samus
  • Zero Suit Samus

8.     Keldeo (Resolute Forme)

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A really powerful spirit that will help you become more powerful yourself. Hyper Smash Attacks will make your heavier attacks faster and more devastating. Add this amazing trait with the raw stats of Keldeo and you have a combination capable of great destruction.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Little Mac
  • Pikachu
  • Meta Knight

9.     Hades (Final Form)

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You will start with 30% damage but, and it’s a big one, all your attacks will be boosted. On some occasions, you will need to sacrifice some things in order to fulfill your potential. Hades allows you to do that.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Palutena
  • Lucario
  • Incineroar

10.  Zelda (The Wind Waker)

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The final smash is the most powerful attack your character has and it can be difficult to obtain but when you do, what if you could deal with this devastating attack twice? Zelda can allow that, with a little bit of luck you might deal two final smashes one after the other.

-Best characters to use this spirit with:

  • Kirby
  • Megaman
  • Peach


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