What Are The Best Nat 3 Monsters in Summoners War?
Summoners War has a variety of monsters of different grades, and although most of the attention is given to the Nat 5 monsters, Nat 3s can be powerful and effective in their own right.
Although they’re not always able to measure up to Nat 5s, they’re still often part of popular meta and can shine when utilized correctly.
10. Rina (Water Epikion Priest)

Rina is a Support type monster with an attack, a heal, and a passive. While her use is fairly niche, she excels at what she does and can confound even late game players. She’s especially effective against unaware or unprepared players.
Rina’s first skill is an attack that also restores her HP by 30% of the damage dealt. It scales off of her Max HP, which means it can do surprising damage when she’s well runed. Her second heals two allies by 25% and 15% each. Her passive is her selling point. Each time she receives a critical hit, she acquires a shield equaling 20% of her max HP for two turns. A Rina with 30k or 40k HP could have a shield of up to 10k.
- Excellent troll defense to bait players without the right team compositions
- Can wall ind nukers on the offense while you take them out with other monsters
- Can farm Faimon Volcano Hell, although very slowly
- Great for 4* towers in Siege where Herne is the only Oblivion option
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 10710
- ATK: 439
- DEF: 659
- SPD: 96
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 40
- ACC: 0
9. Kahli (Fire High Elemental)

Kahli is an Attack type monster who shines in PvP due to her ignore defense second skill and her team attack buff. She also has a single target attack as her first skill. Kahli’s first skill has a 20% chance to inflict continuous damage.
Her second skill, though it only has a 300% multiplier, can still do significant damage especially against defensive tanks like Feng Yan or Copper. Her third skill makes her invincible in addition to increasing the Attack Power of her entire team.
- Use on 4* Siege towers as a great single target nuker
- Useful in Dragon’s Lair B10 speed teams for massive boss damage
- Benefits from her own leader skill if she needs a boost in Crit Rate
- Excellent for taking out Defense-based PVP threats in one hit
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 6255
- ATK: 878
- DEF: 516
- SPD: 102
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
8. Raoq (Fire Inugami)

Raoq is the most offensive of the Inugami and the second most well known after Belladeon. He is an Attack type monster with two single target attacks and a passive. He can dish out serious damage after his Secondary Awakening, and his passive makes him a key monster for PvE activities.
When Second Awakened, Raoq’s first skill reduces Defense with a 70% chance and has a 30% chance to hit a second time. His second skill allows him to team up with two allies to attack. His passive gives him an extra turn each time he kills an enemy and reduces his cooldown time by 1 turn.
- Very fast farmer that can handle Faimon Volcano Hell
- Excels in Secret Dungeons and can wipe out entire floors alone
- Great at clearing waves in Necropolis B10 quickly and can get lots of hits on the boss
- Can be a strong nuker in PvP on offense, especially with his Team Up skill
Monster Stats: (Lv. 40 Secondary Awakened):
- HP: 9720
- ATK: 801
- DEF: 582
- SPD: 108
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
7. Mav (Wind Penguin Knight)

Mav is an HP type monster with an excellent skill set that has a variety of moves. He has one attack, a provoke with a self heal, and a team buff and cleanse. He’s key for boss control in ToA and can provide necessary cooldown reduction for your team.
Mav’s first skill is an attack that has a 20% chance to stun the enemy, while his second provokes and heals him for 25% HP. His third skill removes one beneficial effect from each team member, decreases their cooldowns by one turn, and increases their Attack Speed for two turns.
- Key unit for ToA teams, especially starter teams, due to his diverse skill set
- Works well in HoH for his crowd control, especially on Violent runes for extra turns
- Can be used in PvP defense for stall teams, especially when built tanky
- Pair with monsters with passive skills such as Perna for quick cycling
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 10215
- ATK: 637
- DEF: 494
- SPD: 105
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
6. Lyn (Light Amazon)

Lyn is another Attack type monster who is known for the fact that all of her skills scale off of the enemy’s max HP. She has three single target attacks, all of which can do significant damage, especially against boss monsters
Her first skill gets a boosted 30% critical rate in addition to scaling off max HP. Her second skill has no extra effects, but her third skill can stun the enemy for one turn. If the enemy is immune to stun, the attack does 30% more damage. This just further increases her utility in dungeons.
- Excellent in dungeons, especially GB10 and DB10
- Hits hard on boss stages of Trial of Ascension
- Great for Elemental Rift Beasts, especially Light Beast, where strong single target attacks matter most
- Has niche uses in PvP against certain high-HP monsters like Warbears or supports
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 10380
- ATK: 790
- DEF: 329
- SPD: 102
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
5. Kabilla (Light Harpy)

Kabilla is the fastest attack bar booster in Summoners War and has one of the bigger boosts as well. She also has one single target attack and one attack that hits enemies randomly. Her best utility is her ATB boost, but her first skill can also provide utility.
Her first skill is an attack that has a 50% chance to reduce the enemy’s Defense for two turns. Her second skill attacks several enemies randomly. Her third skill is where she shines; she increases the Attack Bar by 30% as well as reduces the chance of her team receiving a Critical Hit by 50% for 3 turns.
- Excels in PvP offense as a way to ensure your team goes first
- Defense break on first skill adds variety and utility to her skill set
- Can do good damage on an Attack build in addition to her ATB boost
- ATB has a three turn cooldown when skilled up so it’s available frequently
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 7410
- ATK: 780
- DEF: 538
- SPD: 120
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
4. Bernard (Wind Griffon)

Bernard is a key Support type that is used across many areas of PvE and PvP. He has two attacks as well as an Attack Bar boost with a Speed buff.
Bernard’s first skill scales according to his Attack Speed, which works perfectly as he should be built as fast as possible. His second attack applies Defense Break and Attack Break for two turns. His third skill increases allies' Attack Bars by 30% and increases Attack Speed for two turns.
- Key unit in most GB10 teams for early to mid-game players
- Good early game unit for ToA in place of Mav or Spectra
- Excellent PvP offense unit especially when paired with nukers like Lushen
- Combination Attack and Defense break buffs are great for most bosses
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 10380
- ATK: 417
- DEF: 703
- SPD: 111
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
3. Zinc (Dark Living Armor)

Zinc may come as a surprise entry to some, but his kit has excellent synergy that puts him at the top of the charts.
Zinc, though harder to obtain than his Wind counterpart Copper, is even better. He is a Defense type monster and all of his skills scale off of his Defense. He has one single target attack and two area of effect attacks.
His single target attack has a 15% chance to stun the enemy, and if the enemy has a Defense Break debuff on it, the attack also slows the Attack Speed for two turns. His second skill attacks all enemies and has a 50% chance to apply Defense Break. His third skill attacks three times and has a 50% chance to reduce the Attack Power and block beneficial effects.
- Good AOE defense breaker for ToA, especially paired with his other AOE
- Works great in Hall of Heroes for the same reasons
- Excellent in PvP offense as a defense breaker and damage dealer
- Pair with Defense lead on GW defense or Siege towers for a great bruiser defense
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 9885
- ATK: 483
- DEF: 670
- SPD: 98
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
2. Fran (Light Fairy Queen)

Fran is a powerful buffer and healer that has recently entered RTA meta and is replacing other support monsters in the decks of top-tier players. She is a Support type monster with a team immunity and Attack buff as her most important feature.
Fran also has a single target attack as her first skill that reduces the enemy’s ATB and decreases enemy Attack with a 20% chance. Her second skill is a single target heal that can be huge when used while under her own Attack buff.
- Farmable skill ups allow you to get her cooldown times to minimum quickly
- Speed lead applies anywhere and is useful in RTA if Vanessa gets banned
- Can replace Colleen in NB10 as your healer and Attack buffer
- Full team immunity is useful just about anywhere
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 10215
- ATK: 670
- DEF: 461
- SPD: 103
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
1. Megan (Water Mystic Witch)

Megan is a Support type monster with a crucial skill set for both PvE and PvP. She has two attacks that both apply harmful effects, and she has one team buff with an ATB boost.
Megan’s first skill has a 70% chance to apply the Continuous Damage debuff, while her second skill removes a beneficial effect, applies a block beneficial effect debuff, and then does damage. Her third skill boosts the Attack and Defense of her team and increases the Attack Bar by 20%. She also has a leader skill that boosts Attack in the Arena by 21%.
- Key unit for DB10 teams due to her variety of debuffs and buffs
- Excellent in PvP as a secondary ATB booster to ensure your whole team goes first
- Can be inserted just about anywhere for her buffs and ATB boost
- Theomars counter due to second skill removing buff and then attacking
Monster Stats (Awakened Lv. 40):
- HP: 9885
- ATK: 582
- DEF: 571
- SPD: 97
- CRIT DMG: 50
- RES: 15
- ACC: 0
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