Although at launch DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront 2 was mired in controversy, post-launch support for the game saw a lot of content being added by way of heroes, villains, maps, and a whole new arsenal of weapons.
If you want to wreck your enemies, whether they are heroes, vehicles, reinforcements, or regular troops - then this list is for you. Take notes, recruit!
DC-15LE (Best for Crowd Control and Suppressing Fire)
The DC-15LE is the trusted weapon of the heavy class in the clone army of the Galactic Republic, first seen in 2002’s Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones. It is the first unlockable blaster for the class, and it is a well-rounded weapon that will make a fine addition to your collection.
When equipped with the Explosive Shot modification, you can dish out some serious splash damage with this heavy blaster over long periods. Equipping the Reduced Recoil modification makes it a viable longer-range weapon, and using both of these modifications together means lots of well-placed explosive rounds in a tighter spread.
The player must get 50 kills as the heavy class to unlock this weapon.
DC-15LE Stats
- Damage: 10-16 (Explosive Shot changes it to 9-16)
- Fire-Rate: 700 RPM (Explosive Shot changes it to 420)
- Range: Damage drop off starts at 20m and stops at 40m
- Heat Per Shot: 0.0181818 (Explosive Shot changes it to 0.04090905)
- Overheat Penalty: 1 second
- Venting: 2.5 seconds
- Passive Cooldown: 0.1 heat per second (Explosive Shot changes it to 0.225)
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 5 seconds
DC-15LE Pros
- Earliest unlock for the heavy class
- Great damage
- Explosive Shot makes it effective against crowds and hiding targets
- Reduced Recoil makes it a viable weapon for longer-range engagements
- Can fire a lot of rounds before needing a reload
S-5 (Best for Picking off Pesky Snipers)
The S-5 is a pistol available to the officer class. Although it is the first unlockable pistol for the class, it also has the greatest base damage of any officer pistol, and it’s nothing to laugh at in the hands of capable players.
The S-5 is a hand cannon with a distinctive wooden grip and gold rod below the barrel. Fans of the Prequels will recognize it as the pistol that the Naboo Security Forces used in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
Adding the Reduced Recoil modification to the weapon makes it a reliable companion in a tight situation. Its damage is great for a pistol, making it a satisfying tool for taking out enemies at medium range. Adding the Ion Shot modification to the weapon makes it viable against both shielded enemies and vehicles.
The player must get 50 kills as the officer class to unlock this weapon.
S-5 Stats
- Damage: 45-67 (Ion Shot changes it to 40-60)
- Fire-Rate: 140 RPM
- Range: Damage drop off starts at 15m and stops at 50m
- Heat Per Shot: 0.1
- Overheat Penalty: 1 second
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 0.3 heat per second
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 1.5 seconds
S-5 Pros
- Earliest unlock for the officer class
- Great damage
- Ion Shot can make it effective against shields and vehicles
- Reduced Recoil makes it a blast to snipe off careless targets
NT-242 (Best for Long-Distance Eliminations)
This sniper rifle is available to the specialist class, and while it has a slow rate of fire and large heat buildup, it causes serious damage to its targets in the hands of a skilled marksman. It requires only one shot to the head or two to the body to eliminate any regular class, and it has the greatest base damage of any specialist weapon.
Applying the Disruptor Shot modification makes it just as deadly against vehicles at the cost of damage to regular classes. You can also equip the Improved Cooling modification to this weapon to reduce the heat buildup and increase passive cooling.
The player must get 400 kills as the specialist class to unlock this weapon.
NT-242 Stats
- Damage: 106 (Disruptor Shot applies -70 normal damage and +63 explosive damage)
- Fire-Rate: 80 RPM
- Range: Infinite with zero damage drop-off
- Heat Per Shot: 0.401 (changes to 0.57744 with Disruptor Shot, to 0.32481 with Improved Cooling, and to 0.4677264 with both modifications)
- Overheat Penalty: 1 second
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 1.2 heat per second (changes to 0.13068 with Improved Cooling)
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 5 seconds (changes to 0.722 with Improved Cooling)
NT-242 Pros
- Huge damage
- No damage drop-off
- Infinite range
- Disruptor Shot can make it just as effective against vehicles
- Improved Cooling gives the player an extra shot before needing to reload
TL-50 (Best for Heavy Hitting)
This weapon might already be known to fans of the video game Star Wars: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, where it was first debuted as the “Imperial Heavy Repeater.” In canon, the weapon is a staple part of the loadout of Imperial special forces and particularly of the Villain Iden Versio, who wields a modded TL-50 as her primary weapon.
However, in Battlefront 2, any heavy trooper can use it once unlocked. Although it has an impressively high rate of fire, the real drawcard for this weapon is its Secondary Fire modification. When you hold in the zoom button, instead of aiming down the sights, it charges up the weapon and shoots a blast of energy at its target, exploding on impact and dealing serious splash damage.
The player must get 400 kills as the heavy class to unlock this weapon.
TL-50 Stats
- Damage: 10-20 (secondary fire makes a concussive blast of 100 damage)
- Fire-Rate: 700 RPM
- Range: Range: Damage drop off starts at 20m and stops at 40m
- Heat Per Shot: 0.03 (changes to 0.02 with Cooling Cell)
- Overheat Penalty: 1 second
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 1 heat per second
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 10 seconds
TL-50 Pros
- High rate of fire
- Builds up heat very slowly
- Cooling Cell can make the heat buildup even slower
- Secondary Fire allows you to charge up the shot to fire out a devastating explosive blast
WATCH OUT FOR THOSE WRIST ROCKETS! (Best for Nostalgia and Fun)
The B2 Super Battle Droid and the B2 Rocket Droid for the CIS have wrist rockets as one of their special abilities (other enforcers and aerials typically have some or other kind of grenade/rocket launcher), and these rockets are just as fearsome and effective as they were in the original Battlefront games.
Each B2 also comes equipped with a Twin Wrist Blaster that can spit out high-damage shots over a long period so you can fill out those cooldown times on your rockets with some mechanical carnage.
To use this weapon, simply play as the CIS and earn enough battle points to spawn as a reinforcement - either the enforcer class or the aerial class.
Twin Wrist Blaster Stats:
- Damage: 24-43 (Wrist Rocket is 250)
- Fire-Rate: 300 RPM (The Super Battle Droid’s Overload ability changes it to 450)
- Range: Range: Damage drop off starts at 20m and stops at 40m
- Heat Per Shot: 0.04 (Overload temporarily freezes the heat buildup)
- Overheat Penalty: 1 second
- Venting: 1 second
- Passive Cooldown: 0.3 heat per second (Wrist Rocket cooldown is 30 seconds)
- Passive Cooldown Delay: 5 seconds
Twin Wrist Blaster Pros
- Builds up heat slowly
- Significant damage
- Wrist Rockets are a lot of fun to use
That brings our article to a close, but hopefully, now you are better equipped to take on the greatest challenges and threats in the galaxy with these weapons and facts at your disposal. Happy hunting, may The Force be with you!
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