Battlestar Galactica: Deadlock is the latest entry into the storied franchise, and it is focused on the ships and turn-based space combat. Here are ten of the best space-faring vessels for singleplayer and multiplayer matches, from the Colonies (Humans) and robotic Cylons.
10. Manticore (Colonial)

Speedy corvette
“Merely” a corvette, the Manticore yet proves its versatility across the whole campaign. Its speed and heavy-hitting main weapon, along with the complement of missiles, ensures its spot in every battle.
- Fleet Points: 500
- Hull: 60
- Fighters: None
- Munitions: 1
- Weapons: 1 cannon, two light turrets
- Unlock: Available at the start
9. Basestar (Cylon)

Iconic flagship
One of the iconic vessels. It is a very large target, but makes up for its drawbacks with a large missile battery and fighter complement.
- Fleet Points: 1150
- Hull: 200
- Fighters: 2 Squadron, 1 Support
- Munitions: 2
- Weapons: 4 heavy turrets
- Unlock: Only available in multiplayer (and during 1 campaign mission)
8. Berzerk (Colonial)

Powerful cruiser
The ship lives up to its name. Its weapons profile and fighter wing turn it into a heavy-hitter, and an essential part of every fleet.
- Fleet Points: 650
- Hull: 70
- Fighters: 1 Squadron
- Munitions: 0
- Weapons: 10 medium turrets
- Unlock: Available at start to buy (must have the Reinforcement Pack DLC)
7. Atlas (Colonial)

Carrier vessel
Unlike most of the ships on this list, the Atlas’ firepower is based solely on its fighter wings, able to field two slots. It also has very heavy armor.
- Fleet Points: 1050
- Hull: 135
- Fighters: 2 Squadron, 1 Support
- Munitions: 0
- Weapons: 6 heavy turrets, 4 medium turrets
- Unlock: Available to unlock during campaign
6. Artemis (Colonial)

Multi-role warship
The first available Battlestar-class in the campaign. It carries heavy artillery and flak cannons, turning it into a deadly ship-killer against the Cylons.
- Fleet Points: 1550
- Hull: 1120
- Fighters: 2 Squadron
- Munitions: 1
- Weapons: 8 PDS, 4 heavy turrets, 8 artillery
- Unlock: Available to unlock during campaign
5. Nemesis (Cylon)

Information warfare corvette
One of the most common enemy types in the campaign, the Nemesis shines based on its ability to conduct information warfare, by hacking opposing subsystems.
- Fleet Points: 450
- Hull: 45
- Fighters: 0
- Munitions: 1
- Weapons: 1 light turret
- Unlock: Only available in multiplayer
4. Adamant (Colonial)

Workhorse carrier
One of the first available ships, it is well-loved by Colonial forces due to its hybrid carrier-warship capabilities. A true multi-tasker, it works best in hunter-killer groups.
- Fleet Points: 750
- Hull: 80
- Fighters: 1 Squadron
- Munitions: 1
- Weapons: 8 light turrets
- Unlock: Available at the start
3. Ranger (Colonial)

Missile cruiser
A vessel with very heavy weapons and massive missile salvos. It is a solid choice for anti-capital ship operations and can be placed at the core of a fleet.
- Fleet Points: 1050
- Hull: 90
- Fighters: 0
- Munitions: 2
- Weapons: 2 heavy turrets, 10 medium turrets
- Unlock: Available to unlock during campaign
2. Arachne (Cylon)

Mighty Cylon cruiser
The most feared Cylon vessel due to its heavy weaponry and thick armor. It is truly a Cylon powerhouse.
- Fleet Points: 950
- Hull: 10
- Fighters: 1 Squadron
- Munitions: 0
- Weapons: 5 medium turrets
- Unlock: Only available in multiplayer
1. Jupiter-class Battlestar

Frontline Colonial warship
The mighty Battlestar herself. Armed with heavy weaponry, flak cannons, and a wing of Vipers, the Battlestar is a fleet in itself.
- Fleet Points: 2150
- Hull: 150
- Fighters: 2 Squadron, 1 Support
- Munitions: 1
- Weapons: 16 PDS, 16 artillery
- Unlock: Available to unlock during campaign (given during certain campaign missions)
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