Ahhh … The pleasant sight of ultra-clear, glossy graphics in a fun MMORPG. It’s enough to make any geek swoon.
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORPGs) are known for having some stellar graphics. That’s because of how important immersion is to MMORPG players. Most players like to feel as though they are actually in the gigantic, shimmering world they’re helping their character adventure through. When a MMORPG has graphics that look almost real, that makes this feeling easier to accomplish.
For all of you who are wondering which MMORPG you’d like to play next, I’ve compiled a list of 10 of the very best MMORPGs with high-end graphics that will make you pinch yourself. Without further ado, here are the Top 10 MMORPGs with the Best Graphics!
10. Scarlet Blade
Scarlet Blade Gameplay
Come on, ladies and gent! Yeah, it’s your time to shine too, dude! Let’s go kick some Naraka butt!
Scarlet Blade is a cyberpunk MMORPG published by Aeria Games that was released back in 2012. You have seven powerful classes to choose from when creating your in-game character. These classes are Defender, Whipper, Shadow Walker, Punisher, Sentinel, Cyberblade and Medic. Originally the game featured only female classes, but the Cyberblade (male only) class was later introduced. The story of Scarlet Blade is like so: there was an invasion by the Naraka that destroyed mankind’s strongest weapons and nearly obliterated them altogether. Now it’s up to the Arcana to get rid of those Naraka pests and restore peace to their world. Choose from two factions, either the Free Knights or the Royal Guards, and adventure through a world where women are only offered the bare minimum of clothing to wear! But the lack of armor for female avatars in games is a whole other article.
Despite controversies about the game being way over the top with innuendos, you can still admit that the graphics are well done.
Say hello to the Shadow Walker, one of the playable character classes in Scarlet Blade. That suit and Epona mech look amazing!
Scarlet Blade has a highly detailed world for players to explore. The option to adjust your camera allows for a better view of the gorgeous scenery.
9. Aion
Aion Gameplay
Are you a sucker for an MMORPG with lots of character customization, such as cute cat ears, not-so-traditional Japanese school uniforms, and perhaps spiky hairdos that would put Cloud Strife’s blonde tresses to shame? Well, look no further!
Aion is a bit of an older game, having been released in North America in late 2008. But, it somehow still manages to stick out among the crowd. Aion offers loads of ways to spice up and personalize your character. With such great graphics, creating the perfect character doesn’t have to be mind-numbing. In fact, with Aion, it’s tons of fun! Aion also incorporates flight zones, areas in which flying is allowed for limited amounts of time. With a pair of wings, you’ll be whizzing high above the scenery, letting you really take in these pretty graphics.
This won’t be the last NCSOFT game we see on the list!
A world filled with absolutely stunning graphics. Which class will you choose to help you explore?
Aion offers a variety of costumes for your characters. Looks like they’re ready for prom!
8. Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 Gameplay
No subscription fees and amazing graphics? Already sounds like a winner, right?
Guild Wars 2 was developed by ArenaNet and published by NCSOFT in August of 2012. IGN called it “one of the best MMOs ever made” and named it as having the best PC game graphics of 2012. Even though that was six years ago, players around the world still consider this game to be one of the best MMORPGs around. It’s been hailed as having not only great graphics, but spectacular PvP battles. Sprawling maps make for exciting one-on-one duels and hundred-player battles. The classes or “professions” players can choose from are also nothing to be sneezed at. You will have a hard time deciding between creating a Warrior, Mesmer, Necromancer, Thief, Engineer, Elementalist, Ranger, Guardian, or a Revenant (expansion exclusive).
If you haven’t already downloaded this game, go check it out today to see why this game is so highly-favored by critics and gamers alike.
This game is popular for a reason! There are so many people to team up with, and places to go!
Just a strangely-colored man and his cowboy beagle against the world.
7. Revelation Online
Revelation Online Gameplay
All hail the beautiful offspring of NetEase Games and the books of Jian Nan!
Revelation Online invites you into the breathtakingly gorgeous world of Nuanor. Players can explore the magical landscapes by foot, on their mounts, or can choose to fly through the skies for an aerial view of the lush forests, rocky cliffs, artic wonderlands, mystic temples, and wide seas. The flight feature is unrestricted except for moments while you’re in a dungeon. This means that you’re free to soar as high and as far as you’d like! This game was released worldwide in 2017 and immediately garnered attention for its beautiful open world and shockingly wonderful graphics. But Revelation Online isn’t just a pretty face. There’s also an exciting story, interesting dialogue, and great gameplay to go along with it.
If you think I’m kidding about the seamless flying, get ready to have your socks blown off after watching the gameplay video. Pretty amazing stuff!
A beautiful world awaits you in the skies. Just where will your wings take you?
You’ll actually want to go visit these pretty towns and cities.
6. Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV Gameplay
Seriously, where would we be without the Final Fantasy franchise?
I’m sure we’d all be in some dark place right now, begging for some game developer to create a role-playing game with compelling stories, three-dimensional characters, and graphics that never cease to amaze. Thankfully, Square Enix has consistently given us all three throughout the years. In an adventuresome endeavor into the world of online games, Square Enix and Sony Entertainment has brought the Final Fantasy franchise from a single player, story-driven experience into a game where you can choose to rely on others for help. It seems hard to image that FF XIV was released back in 2010, but it somehow still manages to keep its own against newer MMORPGs. Graphics-wise, the game is completely stunning. But what else could we expect from Square Enix besides perfection?
Don’t let the fact that this game is older stop you from giving it a try. You’re sure to be amazed.
Final Fantasy is able to combine fascinating characters with a brilliant story. Create your own path!
Battles are fierce in the world of Final Fantasy. Fight alone or bring along friends!
TERA Gameplay
Number five falls to TERA.
TERA is a classic fantasy MMORPG game developed by Bluehole Studio. It was published by En Masse Entertainment, Gameforge, and Naver and released in 2011. It received a North America release later, in 2012. The fact that this game is older will make the high quality of graphics just that more unbelievable. Just take a look at the striking character creation screen. You’ll see why this game deserves a spot on this list. The battles are highly immersive and imaginative. Monsters don’t just shoot things at you from afar or just keep hitting you with the same three-hit combo. Instead, enemies will fling themselves at you, try to knock you off your feet, and even attempt a body slam if you’re down. And there’s no fuzz or glitchy graphics for far-off mountains and scenery—everything looks crisp and clear.
If you’re looking for a game that will fully immerse you into its setting, TERA is the game for you.
Do you see how cute this kid is? TERA has numerous classes and chacters types to choose from, so make someone of your own!
In the heat of this grand battle, your player desperately tries to pretend as though he isn’t peeing his pants.
4. Vindictus
Vindictus Gameplay
Don’t let the price (or lack thereof) fool you. Vindictus deserves the number four spot on our list.
Vindictus is an action MMORPG developed by free-to-play game developer Nexon, the well-known company founded in Seoul. Instead of having brightly colored, vibrant landscapes, Vindictus invites players to explore a slightly grimmer, and, in my opinion, more realistic world. This minor lack of bubbles and sunshine doesn’t make Vindictus any less fun. In fact, it offers something a bit different for you to explore, a nice break from the colorful fantasy worlds we see so much of nowadays. The graphics are incredible, especially considering that this game was created as a F2P MMO. You might even feel as though you’re playing an expensive PS4 game as you create your hero and choose a class.
If you’re into grinding, great graphics, and epic boss raids, then you should definitely give Vindictus game a go.
Notice the detail of the leaves in the tree behind this character. It's easy to see the love that the game devs put into this game.
Fast-paced action means that you’ll need to be able to maneuver quickly if you want to survive.
3. Blade and Soul
Blade and Soul Gameplay
Time to get revenge!
Blade and Soul marks another winner from Korean game developer, NCSOFT. Blade and Soul has received widespread success since its original release in the East in the year 2012. It was even popular enough to spawn an animated television series on TBS. When it finally made its way to Western audiences in 2016, PC gamers in North America fell head-over-heels in love. Blade & Soul had the whole package: enjoyable gameplay and stellar graphics. B & S’s character creation tool is one of the most detailed I’ve yet to see from an MMORPG. You can tweak facial structure to get your character’s face exactly how you’d like, and adjust the width and length of every appendage. In other words, your character will be as unique as you are creative. Once you finish creating your character, you step into an expansive, luminous world with graphics that will blow your mind.
NCSOFT seems to be getting better and better with their MMORPGs. I wonder what’s next for them?
Blue is her favorite color. Causing death is her favorite hobby.
Lush greenery creates a peaceful state of mind. Blade and Soul has mastered the art of dreamy landscapes.
2. Monster Hunter Online
Monster Hunter Online Gameplay
Ah, the franchise that has players running for their lives from giant beasts more than any game before it…. Yes, Monster Hunter Online takes number two.
Since the original Monster Hunter was released back in 2004, Capcom has entranced players around the world. The franchise has only grown in popularity since then, with new games recently being shot out at rapid fire speed. The latest Monster Hunter game (Monster Hunter World) was released at the beginning of this year. The formula of these games is pure magic: you are a Hunter and its your duty to hunt down gigantic monsters that are causing problems for everyone. You pack your bag filled with food, potions, and other necessities before you step out into the world for a showdown with the beast you were assigned. Now, add cooperation with other players around the world to that formula and you take Monster Hunter to the next level.
That’s exactly what Monster Hunter Online does, all while looking amazing.
Check out the great graphics in this character creation screen. PC games have come so far.
He immediately regretted signing up for this job.
1. Black Desert Online
Black Desert Online Gameplay
That’s right, readers! The number spot on our list of Top 10 MMORPGS with the Best Graphics belongs to none other than Black Desert Online.
Black Desert Online’s website calls it the “next gen MMORPG”. And you know what? It lives up to that tagline. Game development team Pearl Abyss introduces a MMORPG that has set a standard of high-quality graphics for any future MMOs. The smooth, crisp quality you get from BDO is like no other MMORPG I’ve played. It feels like you’re playing a next gen console game that requires no internet connection—like all of the dedication could go into the art instead of debugging and making sure movement flows smoothly.
There’s really nothing I can say that the screenshots (pictured below) can’t. So go ahead--feast your eyes. Then, download Black Desert Online and experience it for yourself.
Yes, these are in-game graphics, not used for promotion. Black Desert Online characters look almost real.
You may think this is an photograph taken in real life, but it’s a screenshot during actual gameplay. The details are amazing!
Is there a game that you think deserves to be on our list? Drop a comment below and share with others!
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