Even though Bloodborne lacks diversity compared to other Souls games, it makes up for it with cool (and oddly satisfying) Trick Weapons. Some of these weapons are for show, while others are for good use.
Stick around to see which weapons in Bloodborne are worth your time and which are not!
15. Saw Spear (Early Game)
"One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by those who dedicate themselves to the hunt. This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a medium-range spear.
The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast."
The Saw Spear is a Skill-oriented weapon that does serrated damage in both forms, which is perfect against beasts.
Saw Spear best features:
- Works best with Skill/Arcane builds.
- Hits harder with transforming attacks.
- Deals serrated damage in both forms.
- In saw form, it has an identical move set to the Saw Cleaver.
Saw Spear stats:
- Base +0: 85 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +3: 109 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +6: 133 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +10: 170 Physical / Stat scaling: C
How to get the Saw Spear:
14. Kirkhammer (Early Game)
“A trick weapon typically used by Healing Church hunters. On the one side, an easily handled silver sword. On the other, a giant obtuse stone weapon, characterized by a blunt strike and extreme force of impact.
The Church takes a heavy-handed, merciless stance toward the plague of beasts, an irony not lost upon the wielders of this most symbolic weapon.”
Kirkhammer turns Bloodborne into a whack-a-mole simulator. You find things, you smash things.
Kirkhammer best features:
- The normal form consumes low stamina and is easy to handle.
- The hammer is capable of staggering enemies quickly.
- Smash attacks have an area of effect.
- The sprinting R2 attack also has an AoE effect.
Kirkhammer stats:
- Base +0: 105 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +3: 135 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +6: 165 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +10: 210 Physical / Stat scaling: A
How to get the Kirkhammer:
13. Saw Cleaver (Early Game)
“One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used in the hunting business.
This saw, effective at drawing the blood of beasts, transforms into a long cleaver that makes use of centrifugal force.
The saw, with its set of blood-letting teeth, has become a symbol of the hunt, and only grows in effectiveness the more grotesquely transformed the beast.”
The Saw Cleaver is one of two choices for a Strength weapon when you are first starting off in Bloodborne, and it’s certainly a generous gift.
Saw Cleaver best features:
- Does very high DPS.
- Versatile in terms of combat, good for 1v1s and clearing groups.
- It does very fast attacks that do not take a lot of stamina.
- An iconic Bloodborne weapon, even featured in the cover.
Saw Cleaver stats:
- Base +0: 90 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +3: 117 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +6: 144 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +10: 180 Physical / Stat scaling: C
How to get the Saw Cleaver:
It can be acquired as a gift from the Messengers the first time you visit the Hunter's Dream.
12. Hunter Axe (Early Game)
“One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used on the hunt. Retains the qualities of an axe, but offers a wider palette of attacks by transforming.
Boasts a heavy blunt attack, leading to high rally potential. No matter their pasts, beasts are no more than beasts. Some choose this axe to play the part of executioner.”
This weapon transforms between an axe and an extended axe. It's also the only starting weapon that can be wielded with two hands.
Hunter Axe best features:
- It has incredibly high Rally potential.
- It has far reach and is helpful when you need to keep your distance from enemies.
- The L2 attack has high stagger potential and will hit multiple opponents.
- It is best used when held in both hands.
Hunter Axe stats:
- Base +0: 98 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +3: 125 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +6: 152 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +10: 196 Physical / Stat scaling: B
How to get the Hunter Axe:
It can be acquired as a gift from the Messengers the first time you visit the Hunter's Dream.
11. Threaded Cane (Early Game)
“One of the trick weapons of the workshop, commonly used by hunters on their duties. Sufficiently deadly as a rigid bladed cane, but also serves as a whip when its blade is split into many.
Concealing the weapon inside the cane and flogging the beasts with the whip is partly an act of ceremony, an attempt to demonstrate to oneself that the bloodlust of the hunt will never encroach upon the soul.”
Threaded Cane is a weapon for people who love slaying bloodthirsty monsters with style.
Threaded Cane best features:
- This weapon is good for players who go for a skill-based build.
- The Whip mode is perfect for crowd control or hitting opponents from a safe distance.
- Visceral attacks do more damage in whip mode than in cane mode.
- This weapon consumes the least stamina per swing among the 3 starting weapon selections.
Threaded Cane stats:
- Base +0: 78 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +3: 99 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +6: 120 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +10: 156 Physical / Stat scaling: A
How to get the Threaded Cane:
It can be acquired as a gift from the Messengers the first time you visit the Hunter's Dream.
10. Blade of Mercy (Early Game)
“A special trick weapon passed down among hunters of hunters. One of the oldest weapons of the workshop.
Splits into two when activated. The weapon's warped blades are forged with siderite, a rare mineral of the heavens. Most effective swift attacks, such as after a quick-stepping.”
Though it’s sad to kill Eileen the Crow, the NPC hunter, this weapon is well worth the emotional damage. It deals a ton of damage while maintaining mobility.
Blade of Mercy best features:
- The Blade of Mercy is best suited for fighting individual targets.
- Due to its fast attack speed, it is perfect for inflicting Rapid or Slow Poison.
- Very high Skill scaling, dealing tons of damage if built correctly.
- R1 attacks in the transformed form slowly speed up as you continue attacking.
Blade of Mercy stats:
- Base +0: 60 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +3: 78 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +6: 96 Physical / Stat scaling: A
- Upgraded +10: 120 Physical / Stat scaling: S
How to get the Blade of Mercy:
9. Ludwig’s Holy Blade (Early Game)
“A trick weapon typically used by Healing Church hunters. It is said that the silver sword was employed by Ludwig, the first hunter of the church. When transformed, it combines with its sheath to form a greatsword.
It exhibits several departures from the workshop's design, suggesting that the Church anticipated much larger inhuman beasts.”
Ludwig’s Holy Blade is a popular weapon, and for good reason. It deals a lot of damage and has good stagger potential. It can be used as both a sword and a greatsword. You can’t go wrong with Ludwig’s Holy Blade.
Ludwig’s Holy Blade best features:
- Highly versatile between both Strength and Skill. Any build can use it.
- Scales well with Arcane.
- Longsword form is wielded in one hand, it has decent range and speed.
- Pressing R1 immediately after a neutral transformation to perform a special attack that does good damage.
Ludwig’s Holy Blade stats:
- Base +0: 100 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +3: 130 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +6: 160 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +10: 200 Physical / Stat scaling: B (A:arc)
How to get Ludwig’s Holy Blade:
8. Reiterpallasch (Mid Game)
“Weapon wielded by the Knights of Cainhurst.
Combines an elegant knight's sword with the peculiar firearm wielded by the Cainhurst order.
The old nobles, long-time imbibers of blood, are no strangers to the sanguine plague, and the disposal of beasts was a discrete task left to their servants, or knights, as they were called for the sake of appearances.”
Like most Bloodborne weapons, the Reiterpallasch is only worth it if you have the proper build for it. It requires certain tweaks for it to be effective.
Reiterpallasch best features:
- It allows you to dual-wield firearms and equip a shield.
- You can buff it with items like Bone Marrow Ash to deal even more damage.
- The Reiterpallasch scales with Skill and Arcane (oddly low with Bloodtinge)
- This weapon's transformed mode can unleash some interesting combos/build choices.
Reiterpallasch stats:
- Base +0: 75 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +3: 96 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +6: 117 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +10: 150 Physical / Stat scaling: A
How to get Reiterpallasch:
7. Simon’s Bowblade (Mid Game)
“Choice weapon of Simon, one of the first Healing Church hunters.
Simon despised firearms, and so the Church workshop had this specially fashioned to his liking. The large curved blade serves as a bow when transformed.
But aside from a few close friends, Simon was scoffed at for his choice of arms, for who would dare face the beasts with a measly bow?"
Simon’s Bowblade is a fun toy to play with; it’s a blade that can turn into a bow. This DLC weapon spices up your gameplay and is definitely worth getting.
Simon’s Bowblade best features:
- Transforms from a one-handed blade to a bow.
- It scales S with both Skill and Bloodtinge.
- Charged bow attacks into an enemy's back can stagger them, setting up an easy visceral attack, useful in co-op.
- The bow consumes quicksilver bullets. Builds with this weapon are very rewarding.
Simon’s Bowblade stats:
- Base +0: 80 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +3: 104 Physical / Stat scaling: B
- Upgraded +6: 128 Physical / Stat scaling: A
- Upgraded +10: 160 Physical / Stat scaling: S
How to get Simon’s Bowblade:
6. Chikage (Late Game)
“Foreign-made weapon wielded by the royal guards who protect Annalise, Queen of the Vilebloods at Cainhurst Castle.
When the intricate, rippled engraving that spans the Chikage's blade is imbued with blood, the sword sings in scarlet hues.
However, the rite eats away at the wielder's very essence.”
Chikage is one of the most aesthetically pleasing weapons in Bloodborne; it’s perfect for Skill/Bloodtinge builds. Not everyone likes it, but hey, it’s still a fun weapon to use.
Chikage best features:
- Chikage does well with Skill/Bloodtinge builds.
- It deals physical damage in normal mode and blood damage in transformed mode.
- The transformed mode causes rapid poison build-up with each attack.
- This mode also knocks down some enemies due to the Blood damage.
Chikage stats:
- Base +0: 92 Physical / Stat scaling: D.B
- Upgraded +3: 119 Physical / Stat scaling: D.C
- Upgraded +6: 146 Physical / Stat scaling: C.A
- Upgraded +10: 184 Physical / Stat scaling: B.S
How to get Chikage:
5. Burial Blade (Late Game)
“Trick weapon wielded by Gehrman, the first hunter.
A masterpiece that defined the entire array of weapons crafted at the workshop. Its blade is forged with siderite, said to have fallen from the heavens.”
After killing Gehrman, you can use the Old Hunter Badge to purchase the Burial Blade in the messenger shop. It’s a Skill-based weapon that provides a wide range of attacks. It's fun to use and a must-have if you want to start with NG+.
Burial Blade best features:
- Deals bonus damage when performing quick-step, sprinting, and backstep attacks.
- The Burial Blade provides good crowd control thanks to its wide swings, long range and high rally potential (especially in scythe form).
- When fully charged, the scythe's R2 attack has extraordinary reach and can send most regular sized enemies flying, including some bosses.
- It scales well with Arcane and Skill.
Burial Blade stats:
- Base +0: 80 Physical / Stat scaling: C.D
- Upgraded +3: 104 Physical / Stat scaling: C.D
- Upgraded +6: 128 Physical / Stat scaling: B.C
- Upgraded +10: 160 Physical / Stat scaling: B.B
How to get the Burial Blade:
4. Rakuyo (Late Game)
“Hunter weapon wielded by Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower.
A trick sword originated in the same country as the Cainhurst Chikage, only this sword feeds not off blood, but instead demands great dexterity.
Lady Maria was fond of this aspect of the Rakuyo, as she frowned upon blood blades, despite being a distant relative of the queen.
One day, she abandoned her beloved Rakuyo, casting it into a dark well, when she could stomach it no longer.”
You have to fight your way through unforgiving bosses and touching lore just to get to the Rakuyo. So you know it's worth the effort. It’s a piece of art.
Rakuyo best features:
- Very satisfying to use, and combos are rewarding.
- In dual wield mode, L2 changes behaviour, providing a lot of freedom to fight however you want.
- Scales well with Skill and Arcane.
- Rakuyo hits fast, and hits hard.
Rakuyo stats:
- Base +0: 82 Physical / Stat scaling: C.D
- Upgraded +3: 106 Physical / Stat scaling: B.D
- Upgraded +6: 130 Physical / Stat scaling: B.D
- Upgraded +10: 164 Physical / Stat scaling: A.C
How to get the Rakuyo:
3. Church Pick (Late Game)
“One of the old trick weapons of the Healing Church, a hunting weapon formed from one of the giant picks that appear in old beast tales.
The Church Pick initially serves as a large sword, but when transformed functions as an extended war pick. In spite of its origins, it is a highly practical weapon.”
Considered the best weapon by a large number of players, especially in PvP. That thrust damage is super effective on every enemy you'll come across, so ridiculous damage is pretty much guaranteed. The list never ends; it’s the jack-of-all-trades of Bloodborne.
Church Pick best features:
- The transformed R2 attack (uncharged) has very good range.
- At 50 Strength-50 Skill, a fully upgraded Church Pick does 340 ATK.
- It deals Righteous damage and its thrust attacks deal additional damage to enemies weak to Beasthunter blood gems.
- It provides good vertical reach, effective against taller enemies.
Church Pick stats:
- Base +0: 88 Physical / Stat scaling: D
- Upgraded +3: 112 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +6: 136 Physical / Stat scaling: C
- Upgraded +10: 176 Physical / Stat scaling: B
How to get the Church Pick:
2. Holy Moonlight Sword (Late Game)
“An arcane sword discovered long ago by Ludwig.
When blue moonlight dances around the sword, and it channels the abyssal cosmos, its great blade will hurl a shadowy light wave.
The Holy Moonlight Sword is synonymous with Ludwig, the Holy Blade, but few have ever set eyes on the great blade, and whatever guidance it has to offer, it seems to be of a very private, elusive sort.”
After ending Ludwig’s sad journey, you get the Holy Moonlight Sword. A very versatile weapon with a neat moveset It's a Strength weapon that rewards you for your Arcane investment.
Holy Moonlight Sword best features:
- 50% righteous bonus for all attacks.
- Transformed R2 attacks at close range will hit foes with both the sword and the projectile, dealing both physical and arcane damage.
- You cannot be interrupted by light attacks mid-swing while you are attacking an enemy.
- It’s a greatsword that literally shoots magic beams!
Holy Moonlight Sword stats:
- Base +0: 90 Physical / Stat scaling: Str D + Arc C
- Upgraded +3: 117 Physical / Stat scaling: Str C + Arc B
- Upgraded +6: 144 Physical / Stat scaling: Str B + Arc A
- Upgraded +10: 180 Physical / Stat scaling: Str B + Arc A
How to get the Holy Moonlight Sword:
1. Whirligig Saw (Late Game)
“A trick weapon crafted by the workshop heretics, the Powder Kegs, and weapon of choice of the Old Hunter Valtr, the Beast Eater.
This weapon pummels beasts in its mace form, but its true strength lies in its attached mechanical saws.
These discs, lined with serrated teeth,spin rapidly, thrashing the flesh of beasts into fine shreds.”
The Whirligig Saw is what got the majority of players through Bloodborne.
Its serrated damage annihilates Beast enemies. It can practically be used to bully bosses, especially when combined with fire paper and beast blood pellets. This weapon is in Easy mode in Bloodborne.
Whirligig Saw best features:
- Transforms from a Long-handed Mace to a Buzzsaw-on-a-Stick.
- Holding L2 during transformed mode does continuous buzzsaw hits at the cost of stamina. This stun-locks most enemies.
- It is great for boss fights, as it allows you to pin the boss down dealing massive damage.
- It’s also great in PvP, dodge-spammers hate it.
Whirligig Saw stats:
- Base +0: 95 Physical / Stat scaling: Str B + Arc D
- Upgraded +3: 122 Physical / Stat scaling: Str A + Arc C
- Upgraded +6: 149 Physical / Stat scaling: Str A + Arc B
- Upgraded +10: 190 Physical / Stat scaling: Str S + Arc B
How to get the Whirligig Saw:
There it is, hunters! The best weapons in Bloodborne from early to mid-late game, as well as how to obtain them!
We hope you enjoyed reading; it was fun remembering good moments we had with Bloodborne.
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