[Top 10] Warframe Best Early Game Weapons And How To Get Them
Being a space ninja doesn't mean you're limited to melee and thrown weapons. Warframe offers a wide variety of firearms that are capable of taking on enemies ranging from priority targets, multiple mobs, and even tanks.
10. Tonkor
The only indestructible thing in this game is the walls.
Blast your enemies and send them flying into a ragdoll with the Tonkor. The Tonkor is a Grineer grenade launcher that primarily deals blast damage. It is a fairly accurate one-shot reload grenade launcher that can easily clear mobs with its good critical chance.
As a grenade launcher, it requires a travel time of 8 meters before it deals damage in an area of effect. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Tonkor awesome?
- It has a good critical chance
- Innate Blast damage
- It has a 7 meter explosion radius.
Where to get the Tonkor?
Kuva Tonkor Build 2020 (Guide) - Back from Retirement
Tonkor details
9. Kohm
There is no such thing as enough DAKKA.
What’s better than putting a bullet through your enemy? Putting an additional bullet, again and again. The Kohm is a Grineer shotgun that primarily deals slash damage. Holding down the fire button will gradually increase its rate of fire and fire an additional pellet up to a maximum of 12 pellets.
It is an effective weapon to use on both single priority targets and large crowds since the fire rate and pellets increase as the fire button is continually being held down. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Kohm awesome?
- Large Magazine Size.
- High rate of fire after auto-spool.
- Fires an additional pellet after every consecutive shot, up to a maximum of 12.
- High Status chance.
Where to get the Kohm?
Kohm details
8. Drakgoon
If you don't want to get the bullets here, I'll send the bullets there.
Why wait for the enemy to get close to receiving 10 pellets of shrapnel when you can deliver it to them from far away? The Drakgoon is a Grineer shotgun that primarily deals slash damage. Holding down the fire button tightens the bullet spread and gains punch through, depending on the duration of the charge.
Its charge mechanic allows the Dragkoon to be effective at close to medium range, especially with its punch-through effect. Similar to the Boltor, it can be used as a requisite ingredient for the Zarr once it falls out of personal favor. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Drakgoon awesome?
- It has a high status chance.
- Flexible for engaging in different ranges with its charge mechanic.
- Can punch through when charged.
Where to get the Drakgoon?
Drakgoon Build 2019 (Guide) - New Player Tutorial (Warframe Gameplay)
Drakgoon details
7. Sybaris
Back in the old days, we used this type of gun to hunt animals and opponents; it's nice to see nothing has changed.
No matter how far we are in the future, there are ways in making old fashioned weapons pack a punch. The Sybaris is a Teeno lever-action rifle that deals with equal parts of physical (Slash, Puncture, Impact) damage. With its good critical chance, accuracy, and two shots per burst, it can easily dispatch most types of mobs.
It is a balanced weapon, making it flexible when engaging any type of opponent. The blueprint can be replicated from the Tenno Lab in the Clan Dojo (assuming you have joined one).
What makes the Sybaris awesome?
- Effective against all factions due to its equal physical damage.
- It has a high critical chance.
- The low recoil makes it accurate coupled with a high rate of fire.
Where to get the Sybaris?
Why Would You Use #4: Sybaris
Sybaris details
6. Tigris
Delivering 5 pellets of compressed hate.
Even in the far future, there is no kill like overkill in dealing damage with a two-barreled shotgun. The Tigris is a Teeno shotgun that primarily deals slash damage. Being a duplex automatic shotgun, the Tigris has a unique firing mechanism that allows it to fire two shells in a succession by tapping on the firing button, or individually by holding the firing button and releasing it to deliver another shell.
The high damage, tight bullet spread, and unique firing mechanism allows the Tigris to dispatch priority targets or multiple mobs easily. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Tigris awesome?
- It deals very high damage
- It has a high status chance
- Possess a unique firing mechanism for single or multiple enemies.
Where to get the Tigris?
Tigris details
5. Vectis
Near, far, wherever you are, death is certain.
Send heads popping, helmets flying, and dead enemies on the floor with the Vectis. The Vectis is a Teeno sniper rifle that primarily deals impact and, to a lesser degree, puncture damage. It works similar to a bolt-action sniper, firing a single high-powered shot before reloading.
With its high critical and status chance, the Vectis can kill most enemies with a single bullet with a fast reload speed to provide follow-ups if it does not. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Vectis awesome?
- It has a high critical and status chance.
- Fast reload speed.
- It is effective against two factions with impact and puncture as its main damage type.
Where to get the Vectis?
Vectis Build - Warframe Gameplay
Vectis details
4. Ignis
There is a possibility that you are doing this inside an infested ship, a LIVING infested ship.
When you see a cockroach in your room it is imperative that you burn your house down; but when you see the infested in your neighborhood, you MUST burn the whole planet down (because infestations spread fast) The Ignis is a Grineer flamethrower that primarily deals flame damage. Holding down the fire button releases a continuous spray of flames in the frontal area.
Since the primary damage type is fire, it is easy to modify the type of secondary elemental damage to be used according to the enemy faction. The blueprint can be replicated from the Chem Lab in the Clan Dojo (assuming you have joined one).
What makes the Ignis awesome?
- Large Magazine Size.
- Sprays in an area, good for clustered enemies.
- Innate fire damage.
Where to get the Ignis?
Warframe Ignis - Buffed & Forma
Ignis details
3. Boltor
It may look and feel like a syringe but these have enough force to penetrate armor and pin you to the wall.
Having a life-sized trophy from a hunt is now possible with the Boltor. With it, you can pin the entire body of enemies to the wall and make the environment your trophy room. The Boltor is a Teeno assault rifle that primarily deals puncture damage. It fires bolt projectiles that have both travel time and projectile drift which can punch through dead bodies and damage enemies behind it.
One of the great things about the Boltor is that it delivers high damage that can punch through dead bodies and damage those behind it, making it effective against mobs that are clustered together. Additionally, it can be used as a requisite ingredient for the Boltace once it falls out of personal favor. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Boltor awesome?
- Mainly deals puncture (effective against armor) damage.
- Bullets have punch innate through.
- Good fire rate with decent accuracy.
Where to get the Boltor?
Warframe: Boltor Weapon Build Guide
Boltor details
2. Soma
Let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor, let the bodies hit the floor......
Mow down mobs like how Rambo mows down all those goons in his movies, with a single magazine clip! The Soma is a Teeno assault rifle that primarily deals slash damage. It has a high rate of fire after a short spool-up and boasts a high critical chance, a critical multiplier, and a large magazine capacity.
Its high critical rate, multiplier, and rate of fire make the Soma very good at killing mobs in a very short time. These factors, coupled with its magazine capacity make it effective even in drawn-out combat. The blueprint can be acquired from the market.
What makes the Soma awesome?
- High Critical Rate and Multiplier
- Large magazine size
- High rate of fire
Where to get the Soma?
Why Would You Use? #2: Soma
Soma details
1. Dread
When the arrow hits so hard, and you end up getting cleaved in half.
Have you ever seen a bow and arrow that can bisect a bod(ies)y? now you can. Dread is the bow used by the Stalker which primarily deals slash damage. It is silent and offers one of the highest critical chance a weapon can possess.
Arguably the best early game weapon a beginner can obtain, assuming he can effectively engage, defeat, and, hopefully, obtain the blueprint from the Stalker. Its extremely high critical and decent status chance will cause it to deal critical in every shot and status proc in most shots if modded correctly. The blueprint is randomly dropped by the Stalker.
What makes the Dread awesome?
- Has one of the highest critical chance.
- It has a high status chance.
- Can punch through when fully charged and will punch through dead enemies.
Where to get the Dread?
Dread Build 2020 (Guide) - The Stalker's Coup de Grâce (Warframe Gameplay)
Dread details
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