Almost all developers have trouble finding the right balance between coddling and tormenting their players. Most games come with a Static Game Difficulty (SGD) system i.e. easy, medium, hard; leaving you to wonder what each mode entails. If you’re just picking up the Witcher 3 for the first time or starting new game plus, you might find yourself facing the same conundrum.
As skill level varies from player to player, the choice is ofcourse, extremely subjective. Not everyone’s a masochist, unlike a certain player base I know - *cough* Dark Souls *cough*. Your difficulty setting sets the mood for the entire playthrough, so pick carefully.
To save you the tedious task of having to test out every level one by one, I’ve compiled a handy dandy guide highlighting all the differences between the options you face. So sit back, relax and lets fine tune your Witcher 3 experience.
Just the Story! (Easy)
Toussaint, a land where everyone is eternally tipsy.
When playing on the easiest difficulty setting, you’ll often get flak from the toxic parts of the gaming community. However, single player campaigns are not supposed to be competitive, you don’t have to prove your skill to anyone. Life is hard enough as it is, you deserve to feel like a badass, slicing through enemies and monsters with ease.
With the combat significantly toned down, the game will start to feel more like a detective fiction. Button mashing will get you through most fights but you’ll have to track down your enemies first. Here’s the rundown of what is in store for you:
- Meditation will regenerate health
- Guards take 25% of your coin upon killing you
- +0% enemy damage
- -50% enemy health
Choose This Difficulty If...
- You’re a novice/casual gamer looking to immerse yourself in the story.
- You don’t care about missing out on difficulty specific trophies; you’ll still be able to earn “Passed the Trial” upon completing the game.
- You want the freedom to explore without the threat of real danger.
- You’re willing to be ridiculed by your friends when they find out.
Story and Sword! (Normal)
Beware of the fiend's third eye.
The game’s default difficulty setting. Perhaps what most of the players will pick when going in to the game completely blind. You might not be able to whack away the bad guys with just your sword anymore. Even though you might need to rely on Geralt’s magical abilities from time to time, potions, bombs and decoctions will still feel mostly unnecessary.
Without dwelling too deep into the combat system, the game still makes you feel like a juggernaut ready to explore. Here’s a list of all the changes:
- Meditation will regenerate health
- Guards take 50% of your coin upon killing you
- +40% enemy damage
- +10% enemy health
Choose This Difficulty If...
- You’re an intermediate gamer who wants to play the game as the developers intended.
- You don’t care about missing out on difficulty specific trophies; you’ll still be able to earn “Passed the Trial” upon completing the game.
- You want to familiarise yourself with game mechanics and systems.
Blood and Broken Bones! (Hard)
Monster hunting
This is the setting I played on during my first play through of the Witcher 3; granted I had no prior knowledge of the Witcher universe. Logistics aside, my rule of thumb is to play every game on the 2nd toughest difficulty.
Here, you finally start to feel like an actual monster hunter. Enemies start to feel scary and dangerous. The game encourages you to approach your battles a little more tactfully, without the need to make you want to bash your head against the wall. You should be able to get the hang of it by mid-game but you may find yourself dying a lot more often, as:
- You cannot regenerate health by meditating
- Guards take 75% of your coin upon killing you
- +130% enemy damage
- +20% enemy health
- You gain 10% less experience
- Durability of your equipment decreases faster
Choose This Difficulty If...
- You’re a seasoned player, looking for a challenging experience.
- You don’t care about missing out on difficulty specific trophies; however now you’ll also earn “Ran the Gauntlet” upon completing the game.
- You want to enjoy the combat without feeling too frustrated.
Death March! (Very Hard)
The world doesn't need a hero, it needs a professional.
Most of the Witcher 3’s criticisms revolve around its combat. Naysayers who call it basic and repetitive have obviously not tried their hand on this difficulty level. As the enemies become tougher, you’re forced to use every tool available in the Witcher’s belt.
Take your time and pace yourself before jumping into fights. Pull out the bestiary and learn your enemies weaknesses, because they certainly seem to know yours. Henceforth, Quen will be your best friend. You might find yourself constantly under levelled for the main story, so try to finish as many side missions as possible. Death march will bring you to your knees, here’s what makes it so ruthless:
- You cannot regenerate health by meditating
- Guards take 100% of your coin upon killing you
- +230% enemy damage
- +80% enemy health
- You gain 20% less experience
- Durability of your equipment decreases even faster
Choose This Difficulty If...
- You’re a masochist who wants your experience to be unforgiving and brutal.
- You’re hunting for the Witcher 3’s Platinum trophy; you’ll earn the final difficulty specific trophy, “Walked the Path”. Bringing you one step closer to your goal.
- You want the fights to feel rewarding and your mistakes to be severely punished.
- You want the full Witcher 3 experience.
Remember you can always change your difficulty on the pause menu under option > gameplay > difficulty level. Happy hunting!
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