Be Sure To Get These Best Witcher 3 Weapons That Will Aid You In Your Monster Hunting Adventure
The Witcher 3 began to win awards two years before its release, and rightfully so. Considered to be one of the greatest RPG’s of all time, the game is routinely applauded for its immersive story, stunning graphics, and of course, intuitive combat. With the ability to carry bombs, hatchets, swords, and a crossbow, there are tons of weapons to arm yourself with throughout the course of the game, and this guide will not only run down 15 of the best weapons you can acquire, but how to get them.
Part 1 - Silver Swords
15. Viper Silver Sword
Follow this video to discover the location of the Viper Silver Sword.
Weapon Specs
125 Slashing Damage
Aard Sign intensity +10%
Chance to poison +10%
Bonus experience from monsters +20%
Materials Needed
1x Leather Straps
2x Silver Ingot
1x Venom Extract
1x Emerald Dust
Required Level: 1
While certainly not the most powerful sword in the game (it’s actually far from it), the Viper Silver Sword has a special place in any player’s inventory thanks to the low level requirement needed to add it to one’s collection. With the bonus given to slashing damage, a 10% chance to poison, and the added advantage of monsters dealing out more experience per kill, this sword serves as one of the most efficient and lethal methods of quickly leveling up during the early portions of the game.
14. Ursine Silver Sword
Weapon Specs
270 Damage
Chance to Critical +5%
Chance to Dismember +10%
Bonus experience from Monsters +20%
Adrenaline Point Gain +5%
Materials Needed
1x Leather Straps
3x Silver Ingot
1x Monster Brain
1x Monster Dust
Required Level: 16
Another relatively early level find, the Ursine Silver Sword stands out as a premier weapon for all close combat players for a number of reasons. In addition to the bonus experience gained from monsters like the Viper Silver Sword, wielding this weapon grants the player chances to both land a critical hit and dismember their opponents, giving you a greater chance to finish fights sooner rather than later. The adrenaline point gain may not seem like much, but can complement many of the different skills Geralt can acquire through leveling up, making this sword a must have.
13. Azure Wrath
Weapon Specs
228 - 278 Damage
+73 Armor piercing
+12% Chance to stun
+2% Bonus experience from monsters
+2% Bonus gold
Materials Obtained from Deconstruction
2 x Leather straps
2 x Meteorite silver ingot
2 x Diamond dust
Required Level: 15
The Azure Wrath is the first “Relic” item on this list, meaning that it may be augmented with runes found in the world. This isn’t what makes the weapon special, however. The armor piercing capabilities instantly makes any fight that much easier, and the chance to stun enemies provides you with an ability to end a fight with a finishing blow much sooner than without this weapon equipped. While you may be receiving this weapon too late in the game for the experience gain to make much of a difference, the bonus gold is always appreciated, so make it a mission to collect an Azure Wrath.
12. Mastercrafted Griffin Silver Sword
Weapon Specs
410 Damage
Chance to Critical +5%
Critical Damage +25%
Chance to Dismember +10%
Bonus experience from Monsters +20%
Sign Intensity +15%
Materials Needed
Superior Griffin Silver Sword x1
Leather Scraps x2
Dimetrium Ingot x2
Monster Feather x1
Monster Heart x1
Required Level: 34
Anytime you’re able to craft a mastercrafted sword, it’s bound to be a pretty good weapon, but the silver sword from the Griffin school stands out above the rest. Dealing a whopping 410 damage, this sword has the usual critical chance and damage boosts you’ve come to expect out of high leveled Witcher weapons, but the increase to Sgn intensity lets this sword really stand out. Seeing as signs play a fairly large role in the game’s combat system, any chance a player has to diversify their attack can really turn the tides of a battle, and 15% is nothing to scoff at. It may take some time to acquire this one, but you won’t regret it.
11. Steiger
Weapon Specs
465 Damage
Critical Damage +75%
Materials Needed
1x Leather
2x Meteorite Silver Ingot
3x Monster Blood
Required level: 37
Sometimes, simple is best. When you get to a certain level in the game, you can wield nearly any weapon of your choosing, with the Steiger blade being one of them. Although the level requirement for this one is up there, it’s hard to match the 465 damage it can put out at peak condition. Couple this with the bonus 75% critical hit damage, and you’d be hard pressed to find any monster that can take more than a couple of hits against this one. The icing on the cake? The materials needed to craft the blade are almost laughably easier for a player at that level to posses. Happy hunting Witcher.
10. Harpy
Weapon Specs
475 Damage
Chance to Bleed +10%
Materials Needed
1x Leather Scraps
2x Dimeritium Ingot
1x Ruby
2x Monster Saliva
Required Level: 37
Last but not least, you can’t have a “Best Weapons” list without having, well, one of the objective best weapons. Touting the highest base damage in the game for a silver sword, the Harpy rewards your grind to level 37 with crazy amounts of damage per hit, and the added chance for bleed damage only quickens the pace of battle. While many monsters find themselves vulnerable to signs, sometimes you’re going to go up against a Royal Wyvern that just won’t go down easy, and for that you have the Harpy.
Part 2: Steel Swords
9. Arbitrator
Weapon Specs
170 Damage
Crit Damage +50%
Dismember Chance +10%
Stagger Chance +10%
Materials Needed
1x Leather Scraps
2x Steel Ingot
1x Amethyst
2x Monster Blood
1x Monster Claw
Required Level: 17
Steel swords are used for taking down human enemies, and while many of the ones you meet are far weaker than monsters, it’s always best to go into every battle well equipped for any threat. That’s where the Arbitrator comes in. With a 50% bonus to critical hit damage and a decent dismember chance, the real stat to draw you in here is the 10% change to stagger. Forcing your opponent to disengage in battle for even a second opens up your chance to deal massive damage, and shielded opponents become trivial. 170 damage at level 17 makes this a great pickup.
8. Harvall
Weapon Specs
87 - 107 Damage
+ 8% Igni Sign intensity
+ 9% Chance to Cause Burning
Materials Obtained from Deconstruction
1 x Leather scraps
4 x Iron ingot
2 x Amber
Required Level: 8
Another weapon that finds its use early in the game, the Harvall blade lets the player really experience the duality between blades and signs. Although some blades cater to overall sign intensity, this one specializes in enhancing the Igni sign, which consists of lighting objects ablaze. Top this off with the fact that the sword contains three slots for upgrades, which allows players to further enhance its ability to deal large amounts of fire damage. For the level this can be acquired at, this blade is a must have for fans of an Igni heavy playthrough.
7. Devine
Weapon Specs
Armor Piercing +10
Aard Sign Intensity +6%
Chance to Stun +7%
XP Bonus vs humans and nonhumans +1%
Materials Obtained from Deconstruction
1 x Leather scraps
2 x Steel ingot
1 x Diamond dust
1 x Sapphire dust
Required Level: 6
If you’re looking to make your opponents look foolish, look no further than the Devine steel sword. While armor piercing capabilities are not unwanted in silver swords, its effectiveness is truly realized when wielding a steel blade, as negating the armor of a human enemy can make the difference between dulling your blade and precision cuts. This effect is only amplified by the sword’s ability to stun, as well as increasing the intensity of an Aard sign, which serves the same purpose. Once you get your opponent reeling with both added bonuses, you’ll have no problem finishing off your opponent with a killing blow.
6. Caroline
Weapon Specs
139 - 171 Damage
+95 Vitality
+14% Axii Sign Intensity
+17% Critical hit chance
+10% Chance to cause bleeding
Materials Obtained from Deconstruction
1 x Leather straps
2 x Dark steel ingot
2 x Ruby dust
2 x Emerald dust
Required Level: 15
Much like the blade before it on this list, the Caroline sword is all about giving yourself an opportunity to strike hard and quick. The bonuses to the Axii sign and to the chance to land a critical hit both set up a one hit KO chance, while the 10% chance to cause bleeding ensures that any opponent left standing after more than a couple of hits will begin to wish they weren’t so resilient. The real kicker on this one? Even if by chance your battle continues on for longer than you wished, the blade grants you an extra 95 vitality, giving you the edge against nearly any foe you’ll encounter in your travels.
5. Superior Feline Steel Sword
Weapon Specs
217 - 265 Damage
Crit Chance +5%
Bleed Chance +15%
Bonuses experience from humans and nonhumans: +5%
Materials Needed
1x Feline Steel Sword - Enhanced
1x Leather Scraps
3x Dark Steel Ingot
1x Ruby
1x Monster Tooth
Required Level: 25
It didn’t feel right to include the other Witcher schools on this list without including the Cat school, but don’t think the Superior Feline Steel Sword made it on pity alone. Bonus experience while making your way through the mid 20 level range is always welcome, and the lethality of having bonus percentages to both critical hit chance and bleed chance lets you strike hard and leave a lasting impact. Not to mention that almost all of the materials needed to make it are available to purchase at most any blacksmith.
4. Tor Lara
Weapon Specs
127 - 155 Slashing Damage
Vitality +75
Arad Sign intensity +16%
Chance to cause burning + 12%
Instant Kill +2%
Materials Obtained from Deconstruction
1 x Leather scraps
2 x Dwimeryte ingot
2 x Amber dust
1 x Emerald dust
2 x Sapphire dust
Required Level: 13
Sometimes fighting in the same style over and over can get a little tiring, and for that, CD Projekt Red gave us the Tor Lara. Feel like using a blade with bonus slashing damage? Use this one. Enjoy the bonus of additional health? This is the sword for you. Like to stun, and then burn your enemies? Yep, this is the sword. Does none of this appeal to you, and you just want to get out of battles as fast as you can? Well, with the (albeit small) chance to instantly kill your opponent, this is still the weapon of choice for you! Find this one in Skellige near Kaer Trolde harbor.
Part 3: Crossbows, Bombs, and Others
3. Ursine Crossbow
Weapon Specs
Attack power +210%
Adrenaline point gain +1%
Critical chance +5%
Critical damage +2%
Experience from monster +15%
Materials Needed
2x Hardened Timber
1x Monster Bone
2x Monster Hair
1x Resin
1x Dark Iron Ore
Required Level: 29
I’m going to be perfectly honest with you: the crossbow does little in terms of routine combat within The Witcher 3. With that being said, it can be a very valuable asset to your collection, especially when combined with certain skills (like Deadly Precision). The Ursine Crossbow differs minimally from the Feline Crossbow, however this choice grants the player with the added 2% to critical hit damage, something the Feline variant does not. If you ask me, the bonus both grant to critical hit chance is worthless unless it may be capitalized, which the Ursine Crossbow does just a little bit better.
2. Exploding Bolt
Weapon Specs
Detonates on impact
+12 Silver Damage
+12 Fire Damage
+12 Piercing Damage
Materials Needed
1x Monster Feather
1x Iron Ore
2x Hardened Timber
1x Silver Ore
1x Zerrikanian Powder
Required Level: 19
Of course, what’s a crossbow without a bolt to shoot out of it? While there are a couple different varieties to choose from, including the Tracking Bolt for effectively stalking your prey, sometimes you just want to make things blow up. Introducing the Exploding Bolt. On top of dealing silver damage to deal with those pesky monsters, you enjoy the additional benefits of both fire and piercing effects, making most anything in the air a non-threat once these are equipped.
1. Moon Dust Bomb
Effect: Contains silver splinters that temporarily prevent monsters from transforming.
Duration: 20
Charges: 2
Fire Damage: 0
1x Saltpeter
2x Quicksilver Solution
Required Level: 1
While every bomb variant is quite useful in The Witcher 3, some of the more specialized ones can make a quite noticeable difference in battle. While the Grapeshot bomb is perhaps the most used, it is the Moon Dust bomb that I feel deserves a spot on this list, due to its ability to negate the powers of all specters. In addition to your Yrden sign, the Moon Dust bomb gives you that much needed additional time to stack on damage to any Moonwraiths, Hyms, or Nightwraiths that you may encounter in the wild or through contract.
Final verdict? There are a ton of weapons available to craft, find, loot, and purchase in The Witcher 3, and a lot of times the stats on those weapons are going to vary based on your current level. However, find a weapon with one of these names attached to it, and you can be sure that it’ll be able to get the job done and then some. Happy hunting!
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