No Man’s Sky Goes From #3 Most-Played to #132 Most-Played on Steam
Indie Studio Hello Games developed and published a game that provided an infinite universe to explore and complete missions. With over 210,000 Steam players on launch day, it is astonishing to see that number drop significantly in just over a month’s time.
Since the August 9th PC release of the new sci-fi action-adventure game No Man’s Sky, players on Steam have been dropping to nearly 2000 players an hour at its highest point. Considering the game started off with a confident start, it is a wonder why over 90% of daily active players disappeared.
So why are the attention of thousands fleeting from this infinite universe? There are a handful of attributes to this blame for this failure at hand. Some say false advertising and others blame bugs and inconsistencies.
Players Are Disappointedly Quitting and Getting Refunds Due to Boredom
A handful of negative aspects may be attributing to the boredom of No Man’s Sky players. A loss of players may be due to the repetition of missions. The universe may be infinite but no matter how many hours are invested into the game, players are finding themselves without infinite actions to play out. Bugs and other issues may also contribute to the abandonment of No Man’s Sky.
The most paramount aspect to blame is that players have played through the game and realize they’ve been played themselves. They blame broken promises and undelivered features on false advertising. The differences between current gameplay and the sneak peek from Sony in 2014 are an obvious disappointment for many who played through the game hoping for more.
So many complaints have been received that the game is officially now under investigation. Not a single forum in relation to No Man’s Sky goes without a complaint. Players everywhere are outraging on Steam, Reddit, and the like about their letdown with what they expected versus what they plunged into. With noted disappointment at the front of players’ brains, they are seeking refunds for the $60 they spent or outright quitting.
No Man’s Sky Has Overwhelmingly and Mostly Negative Reviews on Steam
With over 70,000 reviews from users on the online PC gaming store Steam, it is safe to say that an adequate amount of them are negative. As many as 77% of overall Steam reviews for No Man’s Sky are negative in one way or another. For a game that has only been out for roughly two months, it is safe to say that the disappointing game release continues to plummet downward despite game updates and bug fixes.
Although patches and updates spew out of the hard working team like rapidfire, some players are still past the point of no return. The only way this can be seen turning around for the better is a drastic change. In the meantime, many are setting down their computers and stepping away from No Man’s Sky for now.
No Man’s Sky endured a rough release after shininess of the new game wore off. With many issues found amid gameplay, players were disappearing and sales started going down. Not only that, players were requesting refunds and giving less than desirable reviews. This was bad for business as it’d turn other patrons away upon reading the negative reviews. Thus adding onto to the disappointing release of No Man’s Sky.
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