Oculus Rift: 11 Interesting Facts about Virtual Reality Gaming

Looking forward to Oculus Rift
11 things you may not know about VR

Excited for the Future of Virtual Reality?

For decades virtual reality was something we only thought of in terms of science fiction. From the holodeck in Star Trek to The Matrix, there are numerous Hollywood-fueled examples. However, no one was really sure when virtual reality would become a part of our actual reality.

Now times are changing fast and a new market of gaming platforms is on the rise. 2016 will officially become the year of virtual reality gaming with Oculus Rift at its helm. Let’s take a look at some of the facts that will help solidify its place in the gaming world

11. It’s not a new thing

We weren’t ready for it in the 90’s, but now we are

Ever heard of Virtual Boy? If no, you’re probably too young to remember. If yes, you’re probably laughing at what a miserable failure it was.

It’s not an understatement to say the world wasn’t ready for Nintendo’s Virtual Boy when it hit the market all the way back in 1996. You could argue it was the price (roughly 180 US, 275 with inflation) or even its impractical bulky nature. Players were expected to sit down and stare into a box. Not exactly ideal.

Still Virtual Boy’s biggest flaw was that technology just wasn’t up to the standards required to trick the human eye into accepting that what it was looking at was real. In other words, it looked super fake and no one was impressed. The product was discontinued within a year and became Nintendo’s second lowest selling platform in the company’s history.

However 20 years later things are a little different. We are living in the age of smartphones, ipods, and an array of handheld gaming devices. With such pristine, compact technology at our fingertips, gamers are not only ready to give virtual reality another try--they want to.

What’s old is new again.


Gamer Since: 1999
Favorite Genre: RPG
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Top 3 Favorite Games:World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor, BioShock, Heroes of the Storm

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Drake321's picture

Drake321 5 years 9 months ago

I know about this gaming console in the 90s. Then it was a radically new concept in a gaming industry. But more popular were portable game consoles. Therefore, many have chosen them instead of this game console. Now VR games are very popular. A level of a virtual world in modern virtual reality helmets is much higher. But the cost of high-quality virtual reality helmets is high. In cheap helmets, you can only play low-quality games. A great alternative are the centers of virtual reality. For example, the center of virtual reality in Melbourne - https://virivr.com.au/. Here for a small fee, you can play quality VR games.

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