What's all the hype surrounding this game?
Blizzard's newest title “Overwatch” seems to be steam rolling in popularity, with no signs of slowing down. The fast paced team based action leads to very exciting matches, sometimes so fast it's hard to tell whom is doing what. The measuring stick for a games popularity is usually the play it gets in Korea, well “Overwatch” is already seeing more play than LoL in their internet cafes and this is all within it's first six months of release. Tournaments already offering 6 figure prize pools and viewership and sales going through the roof, but what will it take to dethrone the major 2 in the genre?
The “new breed” of shooters has arrived.
Shooter games have been around and popular forever and always have had a huge niche in the market. This might date me a bit but, I remember being consumed by “Contra” at the arcade for hours on end. This game is a whole new beast of a FPS, teams consist of healers, DPS and tanks... a far cry from just picking a guy with a gun. “Overwatch” melds skill, reaction time and strategy into a very entertaining playing and viewing experience. A lot of people say that it is like LoL, CS:GO and Team Fortress mixed together and then injected with steroids... that is a pretty intense visual!
Will “Overwatch” break into the upper tier of esports?
Well so far all signs point to yes and the game has a massive support group around it. Being a Blizzard product we all know they have the money and track record for putting their products at the top of their field. Gamers all over have been waiting for a brand new concept in a competitive game for a long time now and “Overwatch” seems to be filling their needs. Besides all that, the game has a great concept and play-ability. Will it ever rank higher than the big names in esports, only time will tell. The chance for the game to do so is there, in my opinion the game needs a bigger champion pool with more unique abilities to diversify team comps.
Blizzard's new title brings a lot to the table for a wide range of gamers and gaming fans alike, smooth fast paced game play with a highly competitive environment has filled a need for a great number of people. With the hype train blazing down the rails full steam ahead, the big FPS esports are going to have to come up with something to keep “Overwatch” from claiming the title of king of the shooter esports. Personally I don't think they can do it and we all need to accept the changing of the guard.
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