Blizzard’s attempt to censor backfires
When Overwatch was released Blizzard wanted it to be an inclusive video game that everyone could enjoy. This was an unprecedented move in the gaming industry that got a lot of people excited for roles and body types that aren’t always in games. But that same willingness to include everyone created a huge backlash when a picture of Tracer was found in game as a victory pose that showed her with her butt pointed toward the camera sexually and people claimed that the pose wasn’t an accurate interpretation of the hero in their minds.
Blizzard, after the backlash, decided to remove the pose and add a different, less suggestive victory screen pose for Tracer. But this decision led to another part of the new Overwatch community that said that Tracer was allowed to be playful and sexy because of her in-game persona which was bubbly and playful. Of course this group decided that they would create pictures of Tracer that portrayed this side of her character.
Censorship to mainstream
Dva making a play of the game moment
After the Tracer controversy everyone now knew about Overwatch and its inclusivity, but they also knew about the censorship of Tracer’s “buttpose”. Of course this made a lot of people very curious about the other Overwatch characters with exaggerated features that were playing on the edges of imaginations. Thus the Overwatch porn community took off because of Blizzard’s attempt to stop the sexy images of Overwatch from becoming popular.
Blizzard continued to attempt to stop the spread of Overwatch porn by finding the sources of Overwatch porn and cutting if off at the source. In classic fashion Blizzard’s attempts to stop the spread of this use of their characters only made more and more people aware that there was a huge place to go to find Overwatch porn. Blizzard couldn’t stop the spread of Overwatch porn to multiple subreddits and several websites dedicated to Overwatch porn
Explosion of Overwatch porn
Mercy coming to save civilians in an Overwatch Trailer
Overwatch has become a hub for porn through Blizzard’s attempted censorship which was picked up by big media outlets like Kotaku and PC Gamer. The news published by these media outlets created such an awareness about Overwatch porn that it may have unintentionally popularized it even more. People created what they wanted to see in fan fiction of romances between characters and added to the overall niches that people wanted to see in characters. Without Blizzard’s intervention there is no way that Overwatch porn would be nearly as popular as it is now.
It is natural that Overwatch porn spreads because the marketing materials of the game itself portrays beautiful sexy women. Men are biologically attracted to beautiful women and sex in general. Because of this, it only makes sense that Overwatch porn would spring up everywhere that it could. Despite Blizzard’s best efforts, Overwatch porn is here to stay because of the demand that was created the moment Blizzard decided to make the characters hot.