What are loot boxes?
Loot boxes, we’ve heard of them, we’ve seen them, hell we’ve probably bought one or two in our favorite games since they’re so prevalent in the industry these days. So, instead of complaining, let’s instead discuss the method of obtaining these lucky boxes quickly and freely in the smash hit Overwatch.
To start, let me pose two simple questions. “What are loot boxes? And what’s inside them?” I’m sure most seasoned gamers know the answers by heart. But to the new player? Whose to say he or she knows? So let’s run down the basics, shall we?
The loot boxes of Overwatch are digital crates that contain four randomly selected cosmetic items. These rewards can and will vary in rarity as you unlock them, with the most coveted rewards being legendary skins and emotes. These skins of Blizzard's can be insanely hard to procure due to their low drop rate. This is coupled with the fact that legendary skins can also cost a small fortune if purchased with credits, but they’re worth it.
The Enchanted Pharah Armor skin is but one of dozens upon dozens of unique skins you can obtain during the seasonal events like Junkenstein's Revenge.
That's nice and all, but how do you acquire them?
Method 1: The most fun way of earning these boxes, and the way most players will receive them is by playing the game. With each match you play to completion, you’ll gain a varying amount of EXP. The EXP that you earn will then accumulate up to 20,000 points. Upon reaching that goal, you’ll receive a box for free; afterward, the progress bar will reset itself, and you'll have to do it once more to win another box. This method is a bit slow in comparison to the other options available; however, it's not only free this way, but you'll also be enjoying one of the best online competitive shooters out there.
Method 2: Another method of obtaining a few boxes is via the Arcade Mode in the main menu. By playing and winning nine games, you’ll receive three boxes. Afterward, you’ll have to wait a week before being able to earn another three boxes. The Arcade is usually the go-to method for players to quickly stack up on a few
Method 3: The last free route players can pursue in winning loot boxes is via Overwatch’s Endorsement System. By gaining a higher Endorsement Rating and maintaining it, players will periodically receive loot boxes when they log in.
Method 4: The last way to earn loot boxes is to straight up buy them with real-world money. Overwatch has a cash shop where you can spend money in order to obtain loot boxes. Technically, this is the fastest way to earn them in the game, but I recommend at least holding off until the final days of a seasonal event, that way you can maximize your chances of obtaining a legendary skin or two for free.
The cash shop for Overwatch.
And with all that said, I believe that's all there is to cover as of right now.
Thank you for joining me today. I hope you all have a beautiful day and please remember: "The world could always use more Heroes."
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