Ever wished beautiful women were lining up to take you to bed?
Well guys, your dreams may be coming true. A post on CraigsList sent the male WoW community into curious excitement when a female World of Warcraft player offered sex in exchange for 5,000 gold to buy an epic flying mount. In return she’d let you ‘mount’ her. (Oh boy, that metaphor was just too good to resist.)
Now, news reveals that she went through with it! Here’s GamersDecide, reporting her words verbatim from the depths of WoW depravity:
“I’d like to thank all the jackasses that thought it would be funny to post my picture all over the internet and make 50,000 threads about me on the wow forums. I got my epic mount in about an hour that was very enjoyable for both parties while all of you idiots probably spent hundreds of hours farming for yours or don’t even have them.
I won’t be revealing my name or his, but suffice to say if I find any of you in-game I will be killing you 280% faster. Also my new friend would also like to tell all you PUNKS to take a hike, PUNKS. I’m planning to meet him again later this week, he’s getting double value for his gold :D
So talk all the trash you want, I got MY Epic Flying Mount AND I got laid which is more than most of you failures can ever hope for.”
On the next page, we'll show you a picture of her.
Here she is folks, and her pretty flying mount too (sorry for the picture quality, this was the best we could do!)
So what did the community hit back with?
You know that feeling when you’re on a news site, looking at serious news and your eye gets caught by a deliciously smutty news item? You can’t stop yourself, you just HAVE to click on it. From there it goes downhill. When you regain consciousness, you’re in the depths of the internet, where hairy jungle people with three heads sunbathe naked on a New York balcony, playing havoc with traffic. That’s is what happened with me and this story.
As a woman, I was affronted, so I first had to check out what the other girl-geeks had to say. LazyPanda for one wasn’t keeping quiet:
“As a woman WoW player myself: How about the fact that I have the self-respect and ambition to earn a flying mount on my own without having to sleep with someone to give me gold for it? And besides, you just had sex with a stranger for fake money. Think about it.”
What a lazy panda!
As a woman, I totally agree with her point of view. My only question is, what is a woman doing blogging for gaygamer.net, whose by-line is “for boys who like boys who like joysticks”. Is there room for a woman in there? The mind is pleasantly boggled J (On reflection, she’s probably there for the same reason I would be…I’m a total fag hag myself!)
The guys had a somewhat different take on it. We’ll skip over the dirty talk and get straight to ToxicAdam (banned) who commented:
“No shocker she plays as a dark elf. Those people are wierdos”.
I take exception to this on behalf of dark elves everywhere!
Guys who hadn’t read the original CraigsList ad made the story sound even more exciting. Malek4980 added this piece of ‘witty’ banter:
“Some people take online gaming really seriously, they’re really anal about it”.
Nice one Malek.I delved further down into the depths. I was horribly fascinated that some people had done calculations:
“5,000 gold sells for about $600 US, so she costs $600 a night”.
Are these guys doing preparatory research?
Girl: “Yeah, if you want a piece of the sweet dark elf action, that will be 6,000 gold”
Guy: “Oh no it won’t, the going rate these days is 5,000!”
Huh, he wishes that this scenario will ever happen again. Eewwwww (grossed out face!) From there, the comments just go further downhill. I wasted WAY more time reading them than I should have, and no, I’m not going to repeat them here! The lesson to be learned from this is that WoW is a serious business, but we all know that already, right? Ok, back to WoW…