PvP, or Player vs Player, is a great way to beat up on the enemy faction in World of Warcraft. The War Within update shook things up with several classes, changing the meta and how these classes rank against each other. I am mostly focusing this tier list on Solo Shuffle and 3v3 Arena so you can dive in alone or with friends and still have a good time.
First off, let’s take a look at every dps and healer class in the game and how they rank up in the current 11.0.5 update. I’ll separate them out into tiers that give you a good idea of what is worth picking up, and what might be better to leave untouched for now. I’ll be leaving out tanks on this list since they are best used as RBG Flag Carriers in which case you just want to stack as much stamina and versatility as possible.
S Tier
The classes in the S tier are some of the best options for diving into solo shuffle, arenas, or battlegrounds if you love a little controlled chaos against other players of the enemy faction.
- Feral Druid
- Beast Mastery Hunter
- Elemental Shaman
- Discipline Priest
- Holy Paladin
A Tier
While not as strong as the S tier, these classes can still do very well in PvP and are able to hold their own in most arena comps, solo shuffle, and rated BGs at both high and low rankings.
- Frost Mage
- Balance Druid
- Windwalker Monk
- Demonology Warlock
- Mistweaver Monk
- Preservation Evoker
- Havoc Demon Hunter
- Unholy Death Knight
- Devastation Evoker
- Retribution Paladin
- Shadow Priest
- Affliction Warlock
- Destruction Warlock
- Fury Warrior
B Tier
After struggling with some recent nerfs, these classes have landed in the B-tier. While they are still very fun in PvP, they might not feel as godly as some of the other classes in higher tiers.
- Survival Hunter
- Marksmanship Hunter
- Enhancement Shaman
- Restoration Shaman
- Restoration Druid
- Subtlety Rogue
- Assassination Rogue
- Outlaw Rogue
- Arms Warrior
C Tier
If you pick a class in this tier, prepare to have a massive target painted on your back. You will either spend most of your time line-of-sighting and trying to survive, or taking a dirt nap.
- Fire Mage
- Arcane Mage
- Holy Priest
D Tier
Unfortunately, the classes in this tier are not really cut out for PvP in patch 11.0.5 - but don’t ignore them forever. Balance patches come through pretty often and might improve them!
- Frost Death Knight
- Augmentation Evoker
Now that we have the tier list out of the way, let’s take a closer look at the top 10 classes to consider if you are ready to send your enemies to the spirit healer.
1. Feral Druid (S Tier)

While Feral did receive a nerf to their King of the Jungle skill, they are still in a very good place right now. They are pros at putting pressure on healers in 3v3, and can spread bleeds around to multiple people at once. Their mobility is outstanding, and they are able to escape from slows and snares by using shapeshift which can help get you out of many sticky situations. On the flip side, Ferals also have their own collection of crowd control including stuns, interrupts, roots, knock back, and hibernation.
Why Feral Druid is S-Tier
- Able to deliver sustained pressure on multiple targets with bleeds
- High level of mobility and snare/slow breaking with shapeshift
- Can self-heal in cat form, caster form, or bear form as needed
- Kit includes stealth, stuns, interrupts, roots, knockback, and slows
2. Beast Mastery Hunter (S Tier)

Hunters have always done well in PvP, but it’s usually Marksmanship that gets the gold star. As of patch 11.0.5 in TWW, Beast Mastery Hunters are the ones to pick if you want to deliver the hurt to your enemy. They have incredible mobility, and can continue to dish out constant damage while moving. They have a huge amount of CC including multiple traps, Binding Shot, Scatter Shot, Countershot, and Intimidation. They can fit into any comp, and do exceptionally well in Solo Shuffle and World PVP.
Why Beast Mastery Hunter is S-Tier
- 100% uptime on damage dealing, even when moving or retreating
- Can summon multiple pets to help with damage, stuns, or heals
- Huge amount of crowd control, slows, stuns, and interrupts
- Very easy class to pick up and learn - even for complete beginners
3. Elemental Shaman (S Tier)

Elemental Shaman is an outstanding all-around caster class to consider for PvP. Not only can they do well in 3v3, but they have the potential to carry in Solo Shuffle too. Their abilities include instant cast cleaves and shocks, totems that can help with utility or crowd control, and a decent heal to help ease incoming damage. They are great at quickly switching targets, and can also make use of three different Elementals to deal damage or grab aggro if they need a quick escape from enemy pets or minions.
Why Elemental Shaman is S-Tier
- Strong cleave abilities and instant-cast shock spells
- Can make use of 3 different Elemental pets to deal damage
- Can interrupt enemy spellcasting and heals with Wind Shear
- Decent mobility with Ghost Wolf shapeshift form
4. Discipline Priest (S Tier)

After receiving multiple buffs and very few nerfs leading up to 11.0.5, Disc Priests are in a very good spot for PvP. Unlike some other healers, this class allows you to fit into aggressive teams, easily pushing the enemy back. You’ll be a master of reducing incoming damage with your bubbles, Pain Suppression, and preemptive HoTs - in addition to being able to remove some snares and DoTs from your team with Purify. You can also boost movement speed with Angelic Feather, as well as Body and Soul.
Why Discipline Priest is S-Tier
- Strong enough to fit into aggressive 3v3 and RBG teams
- Excellent kit of single defensives, AOE defensives, and heals
- Can boost movement speed for yourself and teammates
- You’ll be able to hold your own, even when being focused
5. Holy Paladin (S Tier)

Another healer that can hold its own in aggressive teams, the Holy Paladin is a great option for anyone looking for a bit more damage than the Disc Priest can provide. You’ll have pretty good mobility using Divine Steed, and can do very well with AOE healing in 3v3 comps. Your burst healing is very high, and you can keep consistent smaller heals on your team with Beacons while also dealing damage to the enemy. Additionally, your kit will include a variety of blessings, emergency Lay On Hands, and full immunity bubbles.
Why Holy Paladin is S-Tier
- Very strong AOE healing for aggressive 3v3 teams
- Decent mobility with Divine Steed to get behind cover quickly
- Can help deal damage almost constantly while sustaining heals
- Looks amazing with golden glowing wings and armor
6. Frost Mage (A Tier)

If you love being a complete annoyance to your enemy and delivering slows, full-stops, and spell interruptions, Frost Mage is the class for you. These glass cannons may feel a bit squishy at the lower ranks, but once you start getting some PvP gear on them, they can hold their own quite well in RBGs and Arena. Blink or Shimmer can get you out of tight spots, Mirror Image and Water Elemental can help deal damage, and Time Warp adds 30% haste for 40 seconds helping you do insane burst damage when needed.
Why Frost Mage is A-Tier
- Feels noticeably more beastly as you start getting better PvP gear
- Perfect for slowing, stopping, and interrupting enemy actions
- Can boost team haste by 30% for 40 seconds on a 10 minute CD
- Are quite commonly seen in competitive eSports arena comps
7. Balance Druid (A Tier)

Boomkins can be a bit difficult to master, but in my opinion they are very fun to play and learn. Like Feral, they are masters of shapeshifting; able to get out of tight situations, travel faster than normal run speed, and pop into Bear Form for some quick extra stamina. Their spells are quick to cast, with some being instant, which makes them a force to be reckoned with. When picking your talents, definitely consider grabbing Whirling Stars since Incarnation can help boost your damage by quite a bit!
Why Balance Druid is A-Tier
- Huge kit of spells, stuns, knock-backs, silences, and more
- Can self heal, use Frenzied Regen, and remove enemy enrages
- Incredible mobility and snare-breaking ability with shapeshift
- A bit complex to master, but quite fun to learn
8. Windwalker Monk (A Tier)

Windwalkers are a very strong melee brawler, but can be somewhat overlooked. They haven’t been in the best spot in some past expansions and have had quite a few balance issues over the years, but in TWW 11.0.5, they are starting to shine. They have some good burst ability, which can put pressure on enemy healers. Their mobility is not bad with Roll, Tiger’s Lust, and Flying Serpent Kick. Their CC is somewhat limited, but Clash and Leg Sweep do have their moments of value.
Why Windwalker Monk is A-Tier
- Pretty strong burst for putting pressure on enemy healers
- Some movement abilities for escape or quick repositioning
- Leg Sweep and Clash can be useful in 3v3 and RBG point holding
- Quite overlooked in TWW, but moving up the ladders quickly
9. Demonology Warlock (A Tier)

All three Warlock specs are in the A-tier, but Demonology just slightly beats the other two when it comes to putting sustained pressure on the enemy. With their small army of minions and demons, you can overwhelm enemy healers and divide their focus between themselves and their team, or do some decent burst damage on plate wearers. While some of the spells do need a bit of juggling and micromanagement to get right, Demo is a fun class to learn and is a great option for anyone that loves a pet-class.
Why Demonology Warlock is A-Tier
- Has a good amount of burst damage to weaken enemy frontlines
- Can overwhelm enemy healers with small army of minions
- Limited mobility, but gateways are useful for your team to use
- Somewhat squishy, but has good spell range and can LOS peek
10. Mistweaver Monk (A Tier)

Mistweaver has received some love when it comes to their AOE healing thanks to a few recent buffs. They are still very strong with single-target heals, though will need strategic placement since they are channeled spells that can potentially put you in the crosshairs of the enemy team. Your different Teas should not be ignored since they can boost your AOE and single target heals in a pinch. Your Jade Serpent Statue and Invoke Yu’lon can help turn a potential loss into a win so keep them on your hotbar.
Why Mistweaver Monk is A-Tier
- Strong single target heals, with a recent boost to AOE heals
- Can make use of Jade Serpent spells for extra healing
- Various Teas can boost heals, restore mana, and more
- Good mobility, but channeled spells need strategic planning