There are no cosplays like these!
Have you been looking for Mass Effect cosplays? There are a lot of cosplays online, but if you want to see the 50 hottest Mass Effect cosplays, this list is for you. Humans, Quarians, Asaris, you will find every female character of Mass Effect Saga here embodied by beautiful women. Do not let their beauty charm you, they are as powerful as the characters they are personifying themselves.
50. Ashley Williams by LittleBlondGoth
Cosplay by LittleBlondGoth
Ashley William’s fighting stance. We can see the detail in this amazing cosplay from the white stripes and the vivid color blue.
Stunning LittleBlondGoth facing her enemies during Earth’s invasion.
Ashley Williams wondering through the Normandy’s headquarters.
No one can deny there is a major suit improvement for our beloved Ashley Williams since ME1 to ME3, and LittleBlondeGoth knows pretty well how to get it done. Winner of the 2014 MCM Midlands Expo Cosplay Masquerade, this suit is almost entirely made of EVA Foam and the painting job was done with plenty of cans of spray paint. This tight suit shows a lot of feminine curves with a high detail, and it portrays a model who has that sexy look Williams definitively counts on all along the game.
49. Commander Shepard by CrystalPanda
Cosplay by CrystalPanda
An attractive look at the back of CrystalPanda’s suit.
This girl really makes us feel like she can handle that gun effortlessly.
It is hard not to feel intimidated by CrustalPanda’s eyesight. We can also observe her amazing chest plate, filled with details and a passionate red color.
The variety of Commander Shepard cosplays are immense, but if there’s one thing to say is that sexiness and power are the perfect description for each and every one of them. The cosplayer Crystal Panda made her flawless ME2 female Shepard suit for 2013 edition of the Katsucon. The amount of details this cosplay has is combined perfectly with her amazing and lean body, and her facial expression brings up the determination Commander Shepard has to save humanity so many times.
48. Jack by Rini Kurobara
Cosplay by Rini Kurobara
Surely, you do not want to be in Kurobara’s way when she handles that gun.
The magic of editing made gorgeous Rini go even deeper into Mass Effect’s universe by capturing the powerful biotic powers Jack is defined with.
Hot Rini Kurobara got into character and embodied the hypnotizing Jack’s look to either seduce or destroy everyone in her way.
Jack is one of those characters you either hate or love. Her rebellious heart and her sad story inspires so many people big admiration. This time, Rini Kurobara wanted to portray Jack in a place similar to Grimsson Academy, the place of the incredible Mass Effect 3 mission. Rini definitely captures that particularly reckless but still sexy and powerful look required for this representation.
47. EDI by Vette Velocity
Cosplay by Vette Velocity
Vette Velocity showing off her breathtaking EDI’s costume. She deserves a spotlight with those amazing curves.
She definitely caught everyone’s attention at PAX East with that tight suit.
Vette Velocity captivated us all with her amazing body and accurate cosplay design.
Dr. Eva Core’s body used by EDI was a pleasant surprise for Mass Effect fans and really upgraded Shepard’s loyal crew. Vette Velocity perfectly cosplayed EDI at PAX East 2014 and had a great response from people all around internet. Her stunning body brings to life this charismatic female humanoid. Vette´s beautiful face probably has caught the attention of many.
46. Commander Shepard by LadyTenebraeTabris
Cosplay by LadyTenebraeTabris
This girl really knows how to get into character and yet transmit the attractiveness every Commander Shepard has.
With such an amazing cosplay, getting into character is not an issue for her at all.
LadyTenebraeTabris showing off her suit and her mesmerizing blue eyes.
Sometimes people like to keep things traditional. LadyTenebraeTabris is not the exception. She decided to cosplay the amazing traditional Commander Shepard suit from Mass Effect 2 at Gamescom 2012. Her punk look matches ideally with a suit that shows her mouthwatering body. Surely, she can transmit so much strength from her stunning deep blue eyes.
45. Commander Shepard by Evil-Siren
Cosplay by Evil-Siren
Hot Evil-Siren handles big guns. She indeed knows how to be desirable.
The rough look of this costume in comparison with her silky skin makes a great combination and a really attractive feature.
Evil-Siren probably made sure this costume didn’t hide her amazing body and we can tell.
Commander Shepard obviously wears more than a suit all day. In spare time she could wear lighter clothes for comfortability. Evil-Siren caught that idea and made both armor and dress for the 2014 Hanamatsuri convention in Vienna. And, in each one of them she showed her seductive lean body and very pretty face.
44. Miranda Lawson by IXISerenityIXI
Cosplay by IXISerenityIXI
XISerenityIXI is paralyzing us all with this Miranda’s impression.
This lady does not have a problem on showing Miranda Lawson’s bad side.
Miranda Lawson in the streets of London.
Getting Miranda Lawson’s loyalty was a great achievement for every Mass Effect 2 player and the possibility to change her clothes added a different good-looking aspect to her. Aurore Cosplays embodied perfectly Miranda’s sexy body and narcissistic personality for the London MCM (Movie Comic Media) in 2012.
43. Commander Shepard by VariaK
Cosplay by VariaK
Color red combines perfectly with VariaK.
She went even further by adding more details to her costume. It surely fits with her matchless beauty.
With that look and that gun, you do not want to mess with her.
Personalization has always been an important part of Mass Effect’s videogames. Sticking to that, VariaK -also known as MarikaSan- made impressive Commander Shepard suits in color red with different details such as white stripes, red stripes and pink camouflage print. She is not going unnoticed with her great body and stylish face.
42. Asari Dancer by Deviant Sisters
Cosplay by Deviant Sisters
Deviant Sister’s Asari Dancer really captures the seduction these characters emanate in the Mass Effect saga.
I am sure you want that look of her to be an invitation to a private dance
She didn´t just cosplayed, she danced in commemoration of this sexy Asari.
The Asari race has always been an inspiration because of their beauty, elegancy and femininity. Deviant Sisters knew this well and cosplayed an Asari dancer, well known by every Mass Effect fan who took a walk around the different clubs these games count with. These lust filled characters can catch everyone’s attention.
41. Miranda Lawson by TheZe
Cosplay by TheZe
TheZe is pure sexiness in this Miranda Lawson’s cosplay.
Miranda Lawson has a lot of body attributes. This girl is not any far behind.
This lady really wanted to make her cosplay as real as possible, and tightness is a prominent characteristic.
Miranda Lawson’s body is the definition of hot itself. This time, cosplayer TheZe captured perfectly Miranda’s main suit, tight enough to show off her curves and beauty. She can definitely hypnotize anyone with her blue eyes and beautiful body.
40. Tela Vasir by Karin Olava
Cosplay by Karin Olava
Karin Olava cosplaying Tela Vasir and her strong yet sexy glance.
Tela Vasir aiming at her enemies.
She transmits the trustworthy and confident spectre look Vasir has.
To have the opportunity of representing an Asari is quite a goal for so many fans. A character that often goes unnoticed is the awesome biotic spectre Tela Vasir. The cosplayer Karin Olava amazingly portrayed her in this photoshoot for the CSPLY photobook. This suit gives great definition to Karin’s curves and her makeup enhances the gorgeous face she has.
39. Shepard by Nebulaluben
Cosplay by Nebulaluben
Nebulaluben cosplaying her elegant and sexy Commander Shepard purple suit.
She nailed this modelling session with her pose and that huge gun.
She ultimately shows how to be fierce and hot at the same time.
The amount of details Commander Shepard’s armors have makes them uniquely recognizable and awesome. It is a challenge to try to cosplay accurately these suits, but that was not a problem for the amazing Nebulaluben. She has made one of the most accurate costumes ever created, and definitely owns it with her sexiness and strong personality.
38. Aria T’Loak by Love-squad
Cosplay by love-squad
Love-Squad really embodies Aria T’Loak personality in this image. You can even feel the corruption behind her eyesight.
Any Mass Effect fan will remember this posture from Aria when she said the words “I am Omega”
She does not trust you, she only trusts herself.
One of the coolest and sexiest characters in Mass Effect was the Asari Aria T’Loak, the Omega crime leader. Love-squad awesomely put this costume together and captured the sensuality of Aria as much as her power. The model that embodied Aria is called Yond and she certainly can seduce us all.
37. Miranda Lawson by x-Alexiel-x
Cosplay by x-Alexiel-x
x-Alexiel-x shows the narcissistic personality Miranda has in this pose. She has a lot of things to be proud of.
Let´s not forget that Miranda is made for power and perfection.
x-Alexiel-x as well as Miranda will win any fight even with high heels on.
The stunning and gorgeous x-Alexiel-x cosplayed Miranda Lawson’s loyalty variant. She brings a pleasant change to Miranda Lawson’s interpretation showcasing the elegancy and unique feeling this character has, being the perfectionist prodigy she is in fact.
36. Commander Shepard by Vocoder
Cosplay by Vocoder
Commander Shepard Vocoder is ready for long range battle.
She knows the power of her eyes and this time, she decided not to freeze us all.
Vocoder has been through some serious fights but nothing will defeat her
The effort of cosplayers in the creation process is more than paid off with the reward of an amazing experience. Vocoder stunningly created this suit, filled with the inspiration every Mass effect fan has. Her friends often call her the biggest ME fan they have ever known and that reflects clearly in her work. Her red hair and beautiful eyes leave you mind blown.
35. Commander Shepard by Lara Drake
Cosplay by Lara Drake
French girl Lara Drake seduces us fully with her awesome European Shepard cosplay.
She has that fierce look and feel that defines the battle always to her advantage.
She can handle the recoil of a Krogan shotgun.
The Mass Effect saga has inspired people all around the world. In France, Lara Drake beautifully cosplayed at the 2014 Paris Comic Expo Commander Shepard’s armor. She’s a European beauty with her cute face and athletic body, the perfect combination to represent female Shepard and have a great time.
34. Commander Shepard by NaughtyZoot
Cosplay by NaughtyZoot
Stunning NaughtyZoot embodying metallic Commander Shepard suit.
This costume really makes us feel like she is safe from any danger and at the same time adds the attractiveness of the strong Commander Shepard everybody desires.
She really got the best of the metal by adding those lights that makes her shine even more than she shines by herself.
To start making any costume, the material decision is crucial. Cosplayers NaughtyZoot innovated in Mass Effect costume creation by crafting this amazing armor with real metal. This gorgeous lady was wrapped in aluminum for the San Diego Comic Con Masquerade in 2012. This suit perfectly fits her stunning body and enhances the beauty of her eyes and red lips.
33. Miranda Lawson by SmokingCockatoo
Cosplay by SmokingCockatoo
SmokingCockatoo in her Miranda Lawson cosplay getting ready to heat us all with her hotness.
It is not enough for her to show her beauty, she knows she can tear everyone down with her biotics.
That is the look her enemies get to see when she has nailed them down for good.
SmokingCockatoo debuted this Lawson’s costume at the the Bioware Costume Contest in 2011 where it won the N7 Award. This lady could easily be the younger version of this character. She expresses all the sexual appeal Miranda naturally has with the help of that tight suit, and also the strong-willed look and personality she is characteristically identifiable with.
32. Miranda Lawson by AlouetteCosplay
Cosplay by AlouetteCosplay
AlouetteCosplay in Miranda's costume playing sassy with us. Obviously we do not complain, right?
Turning around cheerfully to hit the final strike.
Her cute face combines perfectly with her scultural body.
For the 2013 Florida Supercon, AlouetteCosplay made her own Miranda’s costume and she nailed it. Her astonishing body mixes perfectly with her sweet face. She can show us both sides of Lawson’s personality, the assassin prodigy and the sexy lighthearted woman.
31. Commander Shepard by Rini Kurobara
Cosplay by Rini Kurobara
Kurobara is wary about her enemies and even her suitors.
Her gorgeous face is the last thing her enemies get to watch before striking them down.
The Citadel lights match beautifully with her.
Kurobara strikes once again with her amazing redhead commander Shepard. A fun fact is that she tried these pictures to appear they were shot at the Citadel. This desire of her to make it the most Mass Effect accurate as possible is also shown in the details of this costume that ultimately shows her lean beautiful body.
30. EDI by Lirlys
Cosplay by Lirlys
Lirly's EDI is calcullating the best way to get into our minds. With that body, she already caught us.
We cannot judge Joker for feeling attracted to this sweet robotic humanoid.
Lilry represents the robotic look of EDI elegantly.
Mass Effect 3 surprise to audiences around the world was EDI’s humanoid vessel and it was very well received. In 2013 at the Desucon, cosplayer Lirlys achieved perfectly the task of making the alternative costume of this character. Mass Effect female individuals have always had athletic and aesthetic bodies and she successfully meet this standard.
29. Commander Shepard by DawnArt
Cosplay by DawnArt
DawnArt is a seduction bomb with that Shepard black and red dress.
This girl has no problem on showing a lot of skin with her cosplay.
Black and white fits perfectly with her gorgeous face.
Fans always find the way to commemorate their favorite games. Rather than choosing to create Commander Shepard’s armor, DawnArt decided to craft her amazing N7 dress. This lady knows what she has to offer and has no doubts on showing that off while having a nice time cosplaying her beloved videogame.
28. Jack by Jia Crens
Cosplay by Jia Crens
You would not like to mess around with Jia Crens as Jack.
It is clear she put a lot of effort on getting the best detail on Subject Zero's tattoos.
Sexy and dangerous are the words for describing this image.
Jack’s background is really tough and even if she never tells it to anyone, her tattoos express that without spelling a single word. She is the example of an attractive strong independent woman who had to do whatever she could to survive. Cosplayer and model Jia Crens portrays that exactly in her Jack’s bodysuit (yes, her tattoos are not body inked). She awesomely transmits this character’s vibe and the scenario matches without question.
27. EDI by PaleFunnyGhost
Cosplay by PaleFunnyGhost
PaleFunnyGhost really reaches the highest level of detail with her EDI cosplay.
This robotic humanoid could really gloat about her amazing body if she ever wanted to.
EDI getting cover, awaiting to destroy her enemies.
Once again, the spotlight falls on EDI. She introduced to Mass Effect the big question about robotic intelligence and where to place the boundaries of a living being. PaleFunnyGhost embodies this outstanding character, we can surely say that it matches perfectly with her. This suit made of lycra, fabric paint, and foam leaves nothing much to imagination.
26. Commander Shepard by LittleBlondGoth
Cosplay by LittleBlondGoth
LittleBlondGoth knows how to look really good in her Commander Shepard cosplay.
The passion she brings into the character does not go unnoticed.
In this image we can clearly see the amount of effort she puts in every aspect of her cosplay. She indeed captures Shepard's personality.
LittleBlondGoth excelled with this Mass Effect 3 costume and had the pleasure of modelling it. Made of EVA Foam and spayed with car paint, this suit fits perfectly with her good-looking body. She really got into character in this photoshoot, her facial and body expressions memorialize the sexy and strong look of Shepard.
25. Miranda Lawson by KaninaUsagi
Cosplay by KaninaUsagi
A fierce look and a sexy pose, KaninaUsagi make a perfect Miranda.
Just as athletic as Miranda herself, KaninaUsagi is ready for action.
Black or brown hair, this attractive Miranda leaves everyone wanting more from her.
Miranda is an absolutely amazing character. Her story and beauty has enchanted every Mass Effect player. This cosplay by KaninaUsagi is not just cute, but it also shows a great willpower, strength and an absolute sexy body, basic characteristics of Miranda.
24. Commander Shepard by Yond
Cosplay by Yond
Yond knows what the Mass Effect community loves: red hair and red lips that hypnotize everyone.
These red beautiful eyes are the reason why everyone is in love with Yond.
Yond has been a good and a bad girl while playing Commander Shepard.
Yond certainly knows that Shepard is not fighting all day against threats that could kill all life on galaxy. With a beautiful hot body, Yond shows us great casual N7 dresses. Her eyes show the determination Shepard has for leaving us in awe.
23. Commander Shepard by Lurea
Cosplay by Lurea
Lurea is not a simple lady in distress, she is willing to shoot all her enemies down.
Lurea made sure to wear an incredible armor and to hold a huge gun to attract all her fans.
Sexiness and beautiful eyes, Lurea has everything everybody wants from a female Sheppard.
Everyone on the galaxy is aware of Commander Shepard. Everybody knows she can be as dangerous and as beautiful as no one else. Lurea definitely shows us an exceptional beauty and some gorgeous eyes where you can let yourself wonder. But be careful, she also has an amazing weapon to shoot everyone who do not agree with her.
22. Tali’Zorah nar Rayya by MagpieLaughs
Cosplay by MagpieLaughs
Tali started her pilgrimage to find anything that could help her grow up as a Quarian. She totally found a lot to do.
Amazing body, great cosplay, powerful gun, Tali’s cosplay is unforgettable.
Tali is ready to face any enemy who could threat her fleet.
Maybe we do not know their faces, but we cannot deny it: female Quarians have an amazing body. Super intelligent and hot, Quarians make a big impact in the Mass Effect Saga. Knowing this, MagpieLaughs shows us that sexiness does not vanish while using a hand-made amazing Quarian suit.
21. Asari Commando by Paoletta P. Pasi
Cosplay by Paoletta P. Pasi
Sexiness and resolution, Paoletta P. Pasi is a real Asari Commando.
Nobody can help it, everyone keeps staring at her while she hypnotizes her fans.
She can be as cute and attractive as any Asari Commando in the Mass Effect saga
Asari are known across the galaxy because of some false rumors, but for sexiness as well. Asari Commando are also known specifically because of being powerful biotics. Paoletta P. Pasi absolutely fulfill the characteristic of a sexy Asari. By wearing a great-detailed cosplay, she assures us Asari Commandos should be feared and loved at the same time.
20. Liara T’Soni by Jennifer Pryer
Cosplay by Jennifer Pryer
Liara, the loveliest character in Mass Effect saga.
Do not lie, it is hard to stop looking at her beautiful eyes.
Lovely but dangerous, do not mess with her.
Jennifer Pryer is definitely the meaning of cute, lovely and sexy Asari. This cosplay of clever and sexy Liara T’Soni leaves people mouth-opened. There is no doubt her eyes make everyone who stare at her tremble because of her beauty and determination.
19. Commander Shepard by Crystal Graziano
Cosplay by Crystal Graziano
Intelligent and beautiful, Crystal Graziano personifies amazingly Commander Sheppard.
Editing is a great key for Cosplayers. Graziano knew how to use it at its best.
Not only Graziano handles greatly an Omnitool, she is also a powerful enemy while being armed.
Commander Shepard is a respectful soldier, but also a feared biotic. Crystal Graziano made an awesome cosplay of Commander Shepard, which includes an Omnitool and a gun. All these give her the look of dangerous-beautiful girl you do not want to mess with.
18. Miranda Lawson by Asariangel1
Cosplay by asariangel1
Asariangel1 fulfills the dream of cosplaying a hot character during a photo shoot.
Just as Miranda, Asariangel1 is a perfect shooter.
She will not hesitate to hit you if you get in her way.
Everyone agrees Miranda has a very confident personality. In fact, one of the most characteristic factor is her sexiness. This suit is incredibly detailed, and the weapon used by Asariangel1 makes her look like a very bad girl.
17. Commander Shepard by CynShenzi
Cosplay by CynShenzi
A great cosplay is nothing if the cosplayer cannot evocate the look the character has. CynShenzi made sure to have the bad-girl look female Sheppard has.
This pose makes every knee tremble.
CynShenzi is making sure not to run out of Medigel.
CynShenzi undoubtedly leaves us mouth-opened with this cosplay. Her pose, her look, her body. All of her cosplay is great, and she certainly gives us that sexy-mad look where you do not know if she is trying to talk to you, or to shoot you with her gun.
16. Samara the Justicar by Evil-Siren
Cosplay by Evil-Siren
Serious and attractive, Evil-Siren makes a great Samara.
Do not let her smile deceives you, she is ready to catch the bad guys.
She will not let you break the law.
Justicars are the voice and sense of justice among the Asari people. Evil-Siren cosplayed Samara, an important member of Shepard’s team in ME2. Evil-Siren is back, but this time with this amazing hand-made cosplay. Every detail of the outfit of this character in ME was added to the cosplay, and Evil-Siren’s sexy body is the ideal one to wear it.
15. Asari Commando by Rini Kurobara
Cosplay by Rini Kurobara
Like any Asari Commando, Kurobara shows a powerful and serious attitude.
This Asari Commando chose to handle a common Geth rifle.
She is on her way to defeat any enemy who dares to face her.
Rini cannot just only surprise us by cosplaying the powerful Jack, or the valiant Sheppard, but can also astonish us by cosplaying an Asari commando. Sexiness and resolution are some of the things Kurobara has and proves in each one of her cosplays. Her look and her curves are more than tempting for every race in this galaxy.
14. Commander Shepard by Kitty Honey
Cosplay by Kitty Honey
Being the savior of the galaxy is not an excuse not to enjoy a pool day.
Kitty Honey knows how to blow each and every mind who look at her.
Shocked. That is how everybody feels while staring at her.
Does Sheppard have a swimsuit? Yes, and Kitty Honey is the perfect girl to model it. Her black hair and red lips make her look gorgeous, and her heels and tight suit makes everybody wants to join her at the swimming pool on a summer day.
13. Miranda Lawson by Kassandra Leigh
Cosplay by Kassandra Leigh
After shooting down all her enemies, Kassandra deserves a picture.
Kassandra is a perfect shooter.
And her biotics will throw you against a wall if she is mad.
Kassandra Leigh is a totally beautiful girl. She cosplays the also beautiful Miranda Lawson, and she nailed it. Showing her biotic powers or holding a gun, Kassandra looks perfect on her cosplay. Her sexy body and her attractive face is a mortal combination for everyone.
12. Peebee by Nebulaluben
Cosplay by Nebulaluben
Are you ready to head into an adventure by Peebee’s side?
Peebe is ready to face her destiny.
Powerful Asari, beautiful ally.
If you consider Nebulaluben did a great job with her Shepard cosplay, you will find extremely hot her Peebee cosplay. Even though Peebee is not a usual choice among cosplayers, Nebulaluben stands out with an amazingly detailed cosplay and mouthwatering body. She expresses a lot of determination and sexiness in her look.
11. Tali’Zorah Nor Rayah by Cloud-dark1470
Cosplay by cloud-dark1470
Tali is ready to face organic and non-organic threats.
She is proud of being a Quarian and of all the things she has achieved.
Attractive and fierce, cloud-dark is the best personification of a Quarian.
If you were looking for another hot Quarian cosplay, cloud-dark has the right one for you. Tali is loved among the Mass Effect community, and you will absolutely fall in love with her in this amazing cosplay made by cloud-dark herself. It does not just look as a highly-trained Quarian, but also as a sexy member of the Mass Effect saga.
10. EDI by Black Water
Cosplay by Black Water
It is not just a simple AI, it is a great shooter and member in Shepard’s crew.
“Sexy” is not a common adjective given to humanoids, but EDI totally deserves it.
She is discovering what is like to be human.
Great body, sexy curves, beautiful face, awesome cosplay, Black Water is the perfect representation of EDI herself. Having a member in Shepard’s crew who was trying to know how to be human was an absolutely great and crazy experience for a lot of Mass Effect lovers, and Black Water has that innocent but sexy look our character has.
9. Commander Shepard by Angela Bermudez
Cosplay by Angela Bermudez
Beautiful and elegant, Bermudez has everything to catch everyone’s attention.
Her strength comes from her determination to save the galaxy.
She is armed and ready to destroy any enemy that try to stop her.
This is not just one of the best cosplays in our list, this is also one of the most beautiful woman you will ever find. This tight cosplay highlights Angela’s curves, and her attractive look shows a lot of willpower at the time of saving the entire galaxy from the threat of the Reapers.
8. Aria T’Loak by DawnArts
Cosplay by DawnArt
It is better to have her as an ally than as an enemy.
Her body will leave you moth-opened.
A really powerful biotic, Aria will do to you with no hesitation the same things she has done to anyone who opposed her
DawnArt is back again, but not with another Shepard cosplay, but with one of the feared Asari Aria T’Loak. This aesthetic and hot cosplay is incredible, and this Asari herself is going to teach everybody with her biotic powers not to mess with her.
7. EDI by Crystal Graziano
Cosplay by Crystal Graziano
Super attractive and powerful, every member of the Mass Effect community loves this EDI.
She is capable of analyzing any data you need.
And she is also capable of finishing your enemies.
Crystal Graziano is not just a sexy Shepard, she is also a super sexy EDI. This latex cosplay leaves everyone in awe because of its flawless creation, and obviously, because of its hot cosplayer. You will not find a better EDI cosplay than this one.
6. Miranda Lawson by MonoAbel
Cosplay by MonoAbel
Sexy body, lovely face. MonoAbel knows how to disarm every enemy with just her look.
Tempting curves are a characteristic MonoAbel has, just like Miranda.
Be aware! She is heading towards you, and she does not seem to be happy.
Sexiness is just a small characteristic for MonoAbel and this cosplay. Miranda’s tight suit and MonoAbel’s beautiful face is leaving everyone in the galaxy mind blown. You better have no problems with her, because she is not a lady in distress, but a superheroine.
5. Samara the Justicar by Rana Mcanear
Cosplay by Rana Mcanear
You do not want to get in her way.
Fierce and hot, Rana Mcanear is the best Samara you will ever find.
Whether it be with a gun or with her powers, Samara is willing to stop everyone who dares to face her.
Powerful soldier, great biotics, amazing body, Samara is a key member in ME2 for the suicidal mission. Samara the justicar in back once again, but this time embodied by Rana Mcanear. This cosplay is one of the best you will find online, and it is certainly the hottest Samara you will ever see. The details in the cosplay are amazing and each one of Rana’s poses are as hot and dangerous as Samara herself.
4. Miranda Lawson by Danica-Rockwood
Cosplay by Danica Rockwood
It is impressive the number of curves this girl has. Danica Rockwood as Miranda Lawson screams temptation.
Let's face it! You want her to keep walking towards you
The big ball of fire is not even a comparison with the hotness of Danica. She is a star.
Danica Rockwood knows people love Miranda’s custom after winning her loyalty, and she knows how to look like a sexy girl and a determined soldier. Her amazing body leaves in awe everyone who stares at her.
3. Jack by Anna Ormeli
Cosplay by Anna Orneli
Anna Orneli is made for being Jack.
She needs recognition for painting Subject Zero's tattoos all over her stunning slim body
Orneli owns this photoshoot flawlessly, making this cosplay a delight.
Even though Jack made some players angry because of her rudeness, a lot of players fell in love with her because of her sad background and her beautiful body. Anna Orneli is the best and hottest girl who can personify Jack. Anna wearing this perfect cosplay will be the reason for you to start loving Jack or to fall in love once again.
2. Liara T’Soni by Ekaterina
Cosplay by Ekaterina
We do not know for sure if Ekaterina's cosplay of Liara T'soni is a photography taken in Mass Effect's universe
There is not much things to say about this sight. There is certainly a lot to watch.
This is perfection made an Asari.
Liara has made every Mass Effect player fall in love with her not just because of her intelligence or her biotic powers, but also because of her sexiness. A lot of players wanted to complete the story line between Shepard and Liara just to see her love Sheppard at the highest expression of love. Ekaterina shows us a beautiful and sexy body not just in the usual Liara cosplay, but also in her underwear, ready to love Sheppard.
1. Miranda Lawson by Hannuki
Cosplay by Hannuki
Hannuki is undoubtedly the goal to achieve for every Miranda Lawson cosplay
This woman will make every Mass Effect player to make their Shepards to fall into her love trap
Having her waiting for your orders is the dream of many.
Miranda’s outfit after her loyalty mission is incredible, and Hannuki is the best girl who can wear it. This suit shows Hannuki’s beautiful curves, and her aesthetic face filled with resolution and sexiness are an explosive combo for the entire galaxy. Hannuki fulfill each and every characteristic Miranda has, from her intelligence to her attractive body.
These are the 50 best and hottest cosplays you will ever find on the internet. This attractive beautiful women will make you fall in love with Mass Effect story and with them every time you will look at them, and they deserve a lot of love and respect for the amazing job they have done creating and wearing these cosplays.