The monkey villagers are one of the more popular species in the series, even though there are only 9 of them in the series. Each one has their own unique look and personality making them even more lovable in their own way. The monkey villagers differ from that of other more popular species, as they are missing one personality type; smug. They have become quite popular with fans due to their unique looks.
Since they each have their own physical characteristics that make them different from one another, fans quickly found their least and most favorite. The more popular ones were sought out by fans so they could bring them to their island. While the least popular ones were let to move away since not many people wanted them. Even though some were ranked as least popular, this didn’t mean they weren’t loved by someone.
9. Tammi- Bad
Tammi has an odd looking physical appearance compared to the other monkey villagers. Some fans aren’t a huge fan of her physical appearance which makes her one of the least liked monkey villagers. Her appearance resembles that of a ring tailed lemur, which you would think would be cute, however her red eyes with gray outlines make her a bit scary looking to some. Even though to most, appearance isn’t everything, a lot of fans look for cute villagers for their island, so it does play a part in the decision for most.
Tammi has a peppy personality so she’s often very outgoing, bouncy, and engaging with you. This helps make her loved by some fans. Despite her odd appearance, her sweet engaging personality makes fans fall in love with her. Although she gets along with most villagers on the island, the cranky villagers will not get along with her so well and will often spread rumors about her. She may not be the most loved, but some feel sorry for her and end up loving her in the long run.
Tammi Stats:
Favorite Styles: Cute & Active
Favorite Colors: Purple & Green
Hobby: Fashion
Sign: Aries
Personality: Peppy
8. Monty- Bad
Monty is a cranky monkey villager who isn’t as popular as the other monkey villagers. Being a cranky villager, he won’t get along with most of the other villagers and may act a bit out of touch and bitter towards you. Even though he may show his bitter side often, he is still a very sweet monkey. He can often be found sitting under a tree on the island reading a book staying to himself. This is probably for the best, so he doesn’t start any arguments with other villagers.
Even though Monty isn’t the cutest monkey villager, he still grabs the attention of fans. He has a very unique look to him compared to the other monkey villagers. He doesn’t resemble your average real life monkey, but this doesn’t stop fans from liking him. His white body, gray face, and orange ears make him his own unique self. Inviting him to your island may be the best thing you can do if you’re looking to bring some unique villagers into the mix.
Monty Stats:
Favorite Styles: Cool
Favorite Colors: Yellow & Gray
Hobby: Education
Sign: Sagittarius
Personality: Cranky
7. Simon- OK
Simon was introduced in the series in Animal Crossing: Wild World and has been in all the games following. Simon’s name comes from simian, which is an order of primates. His physical appearance somewhat resembles a red eared monkey or a red shanked douc. His physical appearance may not be appealing to some, but his personality makes up for it.
Simon falls into the lazy personality category. He can often be found running around the island with his arms extended. He will also talk about food with the player and other villagers. He gets along with most villagers, although the jock villagers may be annoyed with him at times due to his lazy and laid back attitude. Since he has such a chill attitude, he is very easy to get along with and brings a sort of mellow mood to the island.
Simon Stats:
Favorite Styles: Simple & Active
Favorite Colors: Red & Colorful
Hobby: Play
Sign: Capricorn
Personality: Lazy
6. Tiansheng- Good
Tiansheng was introduced in Animal Crossing: New Horizons as part of the 2.0 update. He wasn’t in any games prior to this, so as a newly added villager he quickly became loved. His name and physical appearance reference Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, who was a protagonist in a popular novel in Japan. Having a unique background definitely helped him become popular with fans.
Tiansheng is a jock villager and will often talk about fitness and activity with the player and other villagers. He will get along with the other personality types except lazy, who he will get irritated with easily due to their laid back attitude. He may sometimes annoy cranky villagers due to his hyper energetic personality, but they will still get along. If you’re looking to bring some fitness and fun to your island, Tiansheng is your monkey.
Tiansheng Stats:
Favorite Styles: Cool & Elegant
Favorite Colors: Green & Yellow
Hobby: Fitness
Sign: Leo
Personality: Jock
5. Elise- Good
Elise is unique in her own way. Aside from her odd and somewhat strange physical appearance, she’s also the only snooty monkey villager in the series, thus making her very unique. Most fans want her for her snooty personality as she creates a sort of rude dialogue towards the player that most fans find funny and likable. Although she may come off as rude to some, she can still be very sweet as your friendship with her grows.
Her catchphrase “puh-lease” refers to how some rude people would respond to others in conversation. Her favorite saying “Do as I say, not as I do” also ties into the snooty and rude personality dialogue. Once you get to know her more, she begins to grow on you and becomes a favorite. Even her physical appearance will begin to grow on you. You just gotta give her a chance.
Elise Stats:
Favorite Styles: Elegant & Gorgeous
Favorite Colors: Purple & Red
Hobby: Fashion
Sign: Aries
Personality: Snooty
4. Flip- Good
Flip is a unique jock monkey villager. Aside from his strange orange appearance, he can be a real treat to have on the island. He gets along well with most other villagers aside from the occasional disagreement with the lazy villagers. He has a fun loving attitude and loves music. He can often be found singing on the island, even if there’s no music or stereo present.
Since Flip is a jock, he will often talk about exercise and activities to the player and other villagers. He will also often criticize you for your lack of exercise. No worries though, he’ll make up for it later by mailing you a letter with some workout tips. He’s a great addition to the island and will bring fun and excitement to any island he visits.
Flip Stats:
Favorite Styles: Active & Simple
Favorite Colors: Blue & Yellow
Hobby: Music
Sign: Scorpio
Personality: Jock
3. Deli- Great
Deli is a lazy monkey villager that has been in the series since Animal Crossing: New Leaf. It was then that fans began to fall in love with him. It wasn’t enough that his cute appearance pulled fans in, but also his relaxed and laid back attitude that everyone loved. His physical appearance is likely based on a gray langur, which is a species of monkey native to India. His name is also rumored to come from this as well as this particular species is often found in Delhi, a territory in India.
Deli’s favorite hobby is nature. He can often be found looking at plants and flowers up close with a magnifying glass. If you have fossils placed on your island he will often be found studying those as well. His love for nature and his laid back attitude make him a fun loving villager that everyone loves to hang with.
Deli Stats:
Favorite Styles: Gorgeous & Elegant
Favorite Colors: Purple & Brown
Hobby: Nature
Sign: Gemini
Personality: Lazy
2. Shari- Great
Shari is a top favorite for most fans due to her sweet and loving personality. She has a big sister personality, so she’s very sweet towards the player and other villagers. She is actually the only monkey in the series with the big sister personality. Although some of her dialogue and personality may match some of the snooty villagers, she has a more sweet and caring dialogue than the snooty villagers.
She loves music and will often be singing around the island without music. Sometimes you can even catch her putting on her own little show at the town hall plaza with other villagers watching. Other villagers that also love music will sometimes join her when singing on the plaza. If you love music, this monkey will have your whole island singing and dancing in no time!
Shari Stats:
Favorite Styles: Cute & Active
Favorite Colors: Aqua & Yellow
Hobby: Music
Sign: Aries
Personality: Big Sister
1. Nana- Best
Nana is a normal pink monkey villager. Aside from her adorable physical appearance, her personality is sweet, and caring towards others. She has been in the series since Animal Crossing: Wild World. Her name is rumored to come from the banana. It is also rumored that her name came from another popular game Ice Climbers, as it references a character in that game with the same name and same color appearance. Her catchphrase “po po” is also rumored to reference the same game, as it is another character within that game.
Fans came to love her not only for her cute appearance and her sweet personality, but also for her love of education. She loves to read and learn about new things. She’s often found sitting under a tree on the island wearing glasses reading a good book. You can also find her in her home doing the same thing. She’s almost always got a book in her hand. This lovable monkey will help bring joy and education to any island she’s visiting.
Nana Stats:
Favorite Styles: Cute
Favorite Colors: Pink & White
Hobby: Education
Sign: Virgo
Personality: Normal