Apex Legends classifies its characters into four classes—offensive, defensive, recon, and support. Legends are sorted into these categories based on their unique tactical, passive, and ultimate abilities. Depending on a player's playstyle, they may find they gravitate toward some legends more than others.
That said, the legends have a preferable playstyle of their own. Most offensive legends are used aggressively while defensive characters have a slower, more deliberate style. There are some exceptions to the rule where classes overlap, as in Bangalore's case, because she is considered such a well-rounded legend.
This guide gives a simplified breakdown of each legend's strengths and their class utility to make choosing the right character easier.
14. Loba
This high society thief is a support legend. However, Loba's tactical allows her to play more aggressively than the typical support. Her Jump Drive bracelet gives her the options of flanking, fleeing, or repositioning to strategic vantage points.
Character Playstyle:
Support Utility:
- Provide valuable loot to team with Black Market ultimate.
- Ping epic and legendary loot with Eye for Quality.
What’s Fun About Loba:
- Surprise enemies by teleporting behind them and catching them off guard.
- See valuable legendary and epic loot before anyone else.
Loba Details:
13. Octane
Character Playstyle:
Offense Utility:
- Jump into battles with the Launch Pad or reposition team to a strategic vantage point.
- Use Stim to enclose on enemies quickly.
What’s Fun About Octane:
- Fly through the air on a Launch Pad.
- Run faster than all legends.
- Memorable quips.
Octane Details:
12. Mirage
Character Playstyle:
Offense Utility:
- Deploy holographic decoys to distract or confuse enemies while pushing.
- Use Life of the Party to sneakily flee battles to reposition or heal.
What’s Fun About Mirage:
- Surprising an enemy with a perfect bamboozle.
- Risky revives, allowing players to clutch otherwise un-clutchable moments.
Mirage Details:
11. Bangalore
Character Playstyle:
Strategic retreater
Offense Utility:
- Double Time passive makes her more difficult to heat during a firefight.
- Rolling Thunder deals considerable damage or can control enemy movement.
What’s Fun About Bangalore:
- Creative use of the Smoke Launcher which can be deployed over large distances.
- Double Time passive can work as an early warning detection for the well-trained eye.
Bangalore Details:
10. Rampart
Character Playstyle:
Push back enemies
Defense Utility:
- Place Amped Cover for teammates.
- Fortify interior locations and strategic positions.
- Use Sheila to push enemies back.
What’s Fun About Rampart:
- Innovative use of Amped Cover to control enemy movement.
- The satisfaction from hitting enemies through Amped Cover with a 20% damage boost.
- Spraying and praying with Sheila.
Rampart Details:
9. Caustic
Caustic Playstyle:
Defense Utility:
- Fortify and trap interior locations or other strategic positions.
- Place Gas Canisters in front of doors to control enemy movement.
What’s Fun About Caustic:
- Being a toxic player with the toxic trapper. Bait enemies into rooms filled with Gas Canisters for a deadly surprise.
- Saving his ultimate for the last and smallest Ring.
Caustic Details:
8. Revenant
Character Playstyle:
Offense Utility:
- Flank enemy teams with the help of Stalker.
- Push hostiles with Death Totem.
- Silence enemy abilities, providing his team with an advantage.
What’s Fun About Revenant:
- Climbing higher than any other legend.
- Using his ultimate to retrieve teammate banners or recklessly push.
- Downing enemies with Silence when an enemy is actually “one shot”.
Revenant Details:
7. Pathfinder
Character Playstyle:
Recon Utility:
- Use Survey Beacons to locate the next Ring location.
What’s Fun About Pathfinder:
- When not in cooldown, the Grappling Hook provides a height advantage in any battle.
- Lighthearted, wholesome quips that balance out some of the more villainous legends.
Pathfinder Details:
6. Gibraltar
Character Playstyle:
Hold the line
Push them back
Defense Utility:
- Eat more damage with Gun Shield and fortification perk.
- Shield teammates with Dome of Protection during firefights.
- Use Defensive Bombardment to damage enemies or push them back.
What’s Fun About Gibraltar:
- Helping teammates up with a pat of the back with the fastest revive in the game while within the Dome of Protection.
- Being a tank!
Gibraltar Details:
5. Crypto
Character Playstyle:
Distance-based combat
Recon Utility:
- Use Survey Beacons to discover the next Ring location.
- Scan banners to identify the number of nearby enemies.
- Ping open doors, supply bins, and other environmental clues for teammates with the Surveillance Drone.
What’s Fun About Crypto:
- Being able to accomplish just about anything remotely with his drone.
- Destroying enemy shields simultaneously in a way that no other legend can.
Crypto Details:
4. Wattson
Character Playstyle:
Defense Utility:
- Fortify interior locations and choke points with Perimeter Fences.
- Place an Interception Pylon to protect teammates and traps from projectiles.
What’s Fun About Wattson:
- Catching projectiles with the Interception Pylon, disrupting enemy tactics.
- Placing Perimeter Fences at the top of ziplines for a sneaky surprise.
Wattson Details:
3. Lifeline
Character Playstyle:
Loot Supplier
Team Player
Support Utility:
- Revive teammates with the D.O.C. Drone from behind the safety of a shield.
- Drop care packages for teammates.
- Heal friendlies with health drone.
What’s Fun About Lifeline:
- Reviving teammates during a firefight.
Dropping a care package for strategic cover.
Lifeline Details:
2. Bloodhound
Character Playstyle:
Recon Utility:
- Highlight hidden enemies with Eye of the Allfather.
- Ping environmental clues like footprints.
- Use Survey Beacons to reveal the next Ring location.
What’s Fun About Bloodhound:
- Eliciting fear in enemies with the Beast of the Hunt noise.
- Being the Apex Game’s greatest detective.
- Seeing through buildings to discover enemy hiding spots.
Bloodhound Details:
1. Wraith
Character Playstyle:
Front line pusher
Offense Utility:
- Push enemies and phase to safety with Into the Void.
- Reposition teammates with Dimensional Rift.
What’s Fun About Wraith:
- Placing strategic portals to bait enemies into traps.
- Pushing the limits during battles before phasing away.
Wraith Details:
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