NaVi, or Natus Vincere, is the Ukraine-based esports team, their name latin for “born to win”. Their ability to react and respond to the push-pull nature of CS:GO and abuse the enemy’s decision making is legendary. Although #10 on our list, expect this team to fly up the roster.
What Makes NaVi a Crowd Favorite:
The constant unpredictability
The non-stop mind games
Their newly found momentum thanks to their superstar “S1mple”
Notable Achievements:
Only team in history to win 3 CS 1.6 majors in a single year
Only organization to attend all CS:GO majors
Current record holders for prize money won in a single year
Natus Vincere:
9. Cloud9
The NA dream that spawned the international meme
C9 began as a small group rooted in the game League of Legends in America. In 2014 the current CEO picked up the original crew and the brand gathered some serious steam, and is now one of the most widely known organizations worldwide.
What Makes Cloud9 a Crowd Favorite:
Unyielding aggression
Their left-handed, high-sens awper “Woxic”
Their underdog tenacity
Notable Achievements:
First team to win all but one map in ESL Pro League
First North American team to win an S-tier international event in 10 years
First NA team to win a major championship: Boston-2018
Despite the name, their rise to fame isn't all that complicated
Another American team COL, briefly known also as “Los Angeles Complexity”. They are one of the oldest organizations on the CS scene, starting back in 2004! They’ve had their hand in crushing opponents for a while, and are still going at it.
The Russian VP entered the CS;GO scene back in 2012. Much like Complexity they’ve actually been around since 2003. After VP entered the international scene they really hit their stride in 2014.
What Makes VP a Crowd Favorite:
VAC-worthy shots, insane predictions, and sweaty clutches
The unstoppable “Plow” starting in 2014
Notable Achievements
Clinching the $500,000 reward in the Flashpoint tournament
Mouz, founded in Germany way back in 2002, refers to “sports played with a computer mouse”, hence the name. In addition they were originally one of the 7 in the G7 Federation.
Although the Swedish organization NiP was founded in 2000 and were active till their dissolution in 2007, they returned in a big way in 2012. Now, they’re easily on the top 10 list for CS:GO pro teams.
What Makes NiP a Crowd Favorite:
The legendary and infamous Allu
The perfect positioning for cheeky plays
Their goofing around in tournaments with hundreds of thousands on the line
Notable Achievements:
87-0 LAN streak in 2012-2013
Founders of G7
Only team to win IEM Oakland in 2017
Ninjas in Pyjamas:
4. FaZe Clan
The iconic combination of personality and talent
FaZe is an American CS:GO organization. Based out of LA and founded in 2010, and was originally a Call of Duty group that started on Youtube.
What Makes FaZe a Crowd Favorite:
Their signing of superstar NiKo
That classic FaZe swagger
Flashy, all-or-nothing plays
Notable Achievements:
Multiple championships won with stand-ins
2017 Eleague winners, taking $500,000
Top competitors for being relatively late to the CS:GO scene
If you're very clever, you might guess where this team comes from
MiBR, short for Made in Brazil MiBR was another founder of G7, alongside NiP. Although their future is becoming more uncertain, their past has made them legends. What will happen with this team in the coming months may see them change positioning on this list, but for now they land the 3 spot.
What Makes MiBR a Crowd Favorite:
Their fade away in 2012, and rumored return in 2016
Surgical counter-tactics and constant pressure
Their fanbase’s unrivaled passion (to the point contention)
Notable Achievements:
The only South American champion of the Electronic Sports World Cup
Founders of G7
ZOTAC Cup Masters 2018
Made in Brazil:
2. Astralis
The Danish, late-blooming powerhouse
Astralis, the renowned Danish organization founded partially by members from Team’s SoloMid and Questionmark. Although starting in 2016 they have made an undeniable mark on the CS:GO landscape.
What Makes Astralis a Crowd Favorite:
The nade stacks, the merciless nade stacks
Incredibly methodical countering of aggression
Unrivaled technical play
Notable Achievements:
2018’s “Esports Team of the Year”
Most Majors in CS:GO history
Only team to win a major without losing a single map in the playoffs
The EU founded team Fnatic finishes out the list at #1. Another founder of the now defunct G7, and best known for fielding a huge list of legendary players, it’s no secret how they made it here.
What Makes Fnatic a Crowd Favorite:
The perfect utility usage
Aggressive and unparalleled gunwork
Clutches. For. Days.
Notable Achievements:
Former core roster: JW, Flusha, Olofmeister, and KRIMZ stated to be best of all time
Their “Legend Status” streak of 12 consecutive majors taken
Hi there, I'm David. I like long walks on alien beaches, horseback riding through the undead, and candle-lit dinner cutscenes. A sucker for all things gaming, be it tangible or virtual.
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rocket League, Mass Effect