What are the addons and why do you need them?
The addons are pretty self-explanatory, but I get a feeling that you desire more information, sweetie. My article today will focus on air/ground/water vehicle addons that come in all shapes and sizes, from different video games and even a famous film franchise.
Now, what is it that you can do with these addons? Plenty of things, you can run over people(with planes or cars), race with yo homies, crash them into buildings, dang, some of ‘em even have armed helicopters if you want to commit some genocide on poor Dr. Kleiners. You surely came to the right place <3
10.ILT-Replica (Ford Pinto)
So adorable but so fragile ;(
This little guy might look lame, but he sure is fun to drive around(not for too long though), there’s plenty of cool things to do with Pinto - for example, you can crash into a building in slow-mo, attach thrusters to the back of the car and watch it disintegrate on the way or just try to drive around with it, that alone will be a challenge!
What’s cool about this vehicle addon:
- Fully destructible
- It’s customizable(cuz it’s made of props)
- ll, looks kinda cute
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1248541618
9. GTA V Submersible
It’s small like Pinto, but you can at least move underwater with this fella!
If you guys played GTA V there’s not much to this vehicle, it moves underwater and you can explore water maps with this fella. The model looks the same as in GTA 5, both the exterior and the interior. If you wanna do something fun I suggest doing a Submersible 1v1 with your friend(Boop yourselves to death).
What’s cool about this vehicle addon:
- It’s pretty much a replica of the Submersible from GTA V
- If you find submarines to be too icky, this one's for you!
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1428077445
8. Xerasin's Micro Vehicles
Look how small it is <3
Microscopic vehicles, don’t expect these tiny fellas to be fast and furious cuz they don’t get down like dat. Their job is to be small and adorable and they’re delivering! But seriously boys, if your parents were too poor to afford you toy trucks/cars(like mine), this addon is for you, it’s pretty silly and fun at the same time and it’s worth getting!
What’s cool about this vehicle addon:
- 7 vehicles in total
- Controls are explained in the game
- Besides land vehicles it also has aircraft!
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=217764731
7. Drivable yacht
Not for plebs.
It’s a big ass yacht, it’s very nice looking and you can make plebs grind their teeth at you for your fortune, that of course if you’re playing on an RP server. It looks pretty HQ and the controls are pretty smooth. The boat has its own interior, and if my memory serves me right, this boat is sinkable. Pretty nice addon!
What’s great about this vehicle addon:
- HQ textures
- Eye-pleasing interior
- You can laugh at poor people from the safety of your yacht!
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?l=polish&id=107590810
6. [simfphys] GTA San Andreas Cars
Rise and shine, Dr Freema- Oops, wrong game - your name is CJ and all you had to do was to follow the damn train! This is a pretty cool addon as it brings a lot of nostalgia from my childhood, running as CJ and beating the crap out of Ballas with a bouquet of flowers. Had plenty of fun and the author put in a lot of work, so give it a try lads!
What’s great about this vehicle addon:
- All cars from GTA:SA are available
- Easy controls
- Sports/police cars/trucks/buses
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1737050476
5. Halo Vehicles
Hey bruh, if you’re an old school fanboy of Halo, then this addon pack is most definitely for you, I myself wasn’t really a massive Halo fan(don’t hang me plz), but I enjoyed the dominant SCI-FI aspect and a pretty lengthy list of these vehicles. If you’re a Halo fanatic, get it, if not, get it anyways cuz it’s pretty awesome to cruise around in a spaceship in gm_gooniverse!
What’s great about this vehicle addon:
- 29 vehicles in total
- They can be pretty small and big asf at the same time
- Some of the ships are armed
- Can carry multiple people
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=948151094
4. Star Wars Vehicles Collection
Ugh, I just had to include it
Yes, boys, you’ve heard it right, Star wars, and believe me, the collection is ENORMOUS!
It’s so enormous in fact that I don’t even know how many vehicles there are in total, if I was to count all of ‘em it would have taken me longer than writing this article. Idk if there are people who don’t know what Star Wars is, perhaps some Eskimos or tribe members, but it’s a very old SCI-FI film franchise and this addon collection focuses on its vehicles. Pretty cool!
What’s great about this vehicle addon collection:
- Massive list of vehicles
- SCI-FI content
- Combat/passive vehicles
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=616179223
3. [LW] Cars
They look sexeh...
Luxurious, fast, and pretty. They are incredibly well done, both the exterior and the interior, and they’re surely fun as hell to drive around. You can see those cars in RP servers and watch little kiddies ride 300 miles per hour, CDM 13 people, and crash into a tree, then proceed to get permabanned from the server. There’s a fairly long list of these cars and they threw me off my feet with how well they look like!
What’s great about this vehicle addon collection:
- 29 cars in total
- Very detailed design
- Faster than Keemstar
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=915100199
2. Neurotec Vehicle Addon Pack
It has more than WW1 tanks, I promise!
Yes, this is an addon pack that will focus on realistic military armed vehicles, some of them are from World War 1, some of ‘em are from World War 2, even the Cold War, and from the current times. The content includes tanks(WW2 Germany, Soviet Union, France, Commonwealth, USA), helicopters(transport/armed), besides that it also has artillery. Hey man, if history is your thing I suggest you trying this add-on out, you can run over your friends in a 3km/h WW1 era tank. Sounds fun and very dramatic!
What’s great about this vehicle addon collection:
- Diverse content from WW1, WW2, Cold Era, and modern times
- 30 addons in total
- Oh shiet, it even has jets!
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=541456965
I sexually identify as an attack helicopter.
Now, this is not a long list of vehicles, nor is it SCI-FI or anything, it just simply delivers air vehicles. I loved ‘em ever since I’ve discovered them, which was YEARS ago, it has a biplane, attack helicopters, and a little bird. I fell in love with those cuties, they’re easy to control and I used to spend HOURS upon HOURS in single player, just flying and nuking NPC’s.
This addon doesn’t offer anything else besides aircraft, but I do not care, I enjoyed the hell out of it and it’s very well done. You’re gonna learn fast how to properly take off/fly/land with the biplane, the same thing with the helicopters. They are easily crashable though, so don’t fly too near to buildings, or suffer the consequences.
What’s great about this vehicle addon:
- Easy to control aircraft
- Some of them are armed(mostly the attack helicopters)
- Multiple spots in the helis
- Hours of fun guaranteed!
Download link: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=104990330
So in summary boyz, these add-ons were fun to experience, some of you might be rabid about me not placing Star Wars or Halo on the first spot - please, don’t get triggered, I never cared about these two I only care about fun. And my definition of fun is spamming rockets at Dr Kleiners from an attack helicopter.
I did my best to judge these addons based on their controls and the amount of fun I’ve personally had with ‘em, I also tried to include SCI-FI/realism content to make sure everyone would find something for themselves - Anyways guys, thank you for reading and see you next time!
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