CSGO is the premiere FPS game in the world but the game's depth doesn’t stop at popping heads. One of the best parts of the game is the vast amount of different skins you can get.
To explain it quickly, unlike other games where you buy skins outright, in CSGO the easiest way to get skins is to open Cases. These Cases each have a bunch of different skins contained within them and have a chance to drop one of them upon opening. This includes the chance to drop an exceedingly rare special item, usually a knife.
The Cases are easy to open just requiring the specific key for the case you want. But the problem is that there are so many different types of Cases it can be hard to determine which ones are the best.
Fear not as I have a list of the best Cases to open in CSGO and will share it with you for the small fee of $50. Just kidding, it's free for all you silvers to enjoy.
10) Chroma 2 Case
This case has some of the best overall options when it comes to opening cases. Basically, when opening a Chroma 2 case you are almost guaranteed to get a worthwhile skin. Whether you get the rarer M4A1-S | Hyper Beast or MAC-10 | Neon Rider, or the incredible looking AWP | Worm God or P250 | Valence you will be happy with whatever comes out.
- AK-47 | Elite Build
- MP7 | Armor Core
- Desert Eagle | Bronze Deco
- P250 | Valence
- Negev | Man-o'-war
- Sawed-Off | Origami
- AWP | Worm God
- MAG-7 | Heat
- CZ75-Auto | Pole Position
- UMP-45 | Grand Prix
- Five-SeveN | Monkey Business
- FAMAS | Djinn
- M4A1-S | Hyper Beast
- MAC-10 | Neon Rider
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Bayonet | Urban Masked
How to get the case?
- As a drop in-game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Chroma 2 Case Key
9) Danger Zone Case
Another case with very little in terms of downside, the Danger Zone Case drops some staple skins from CSGO. There isn’t a CSGO player who has seen an AK-47 | Asiimov laying next to a body and not picked it up to inspect, and with good reason it looks sick. Not to mention that the AWP | Neo-Noir and MP5-SD | Phosphor are some of the best designed skins for both guns in the game. Even the lower rarity Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze is still highly coveted.
- MP9 | Modest Threat
- Glock-18 | Oxide Blaze
- Nova | Wood Fired
- M4A4 | Magnesium
- Sawed-Off | Black Sand
- SG 553 | Danger Close
- Tec-9 | Fubar
- G3SG1 | Scavenger
- Galil AR | Signal
- MAC-10 | Pipe Down
- P250 | Nevermore
- USP-S | Flashback
- UMP-45 | Momentum
- Desert Eagle | Mecha Industries
- MP5-SD | Phosphor
- AK-47 | Asiimov
- AWP | Neo-Noir
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Gut Knife | Damascus Steel
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Danger Zone Case Key
8) CS20 Case
This Case was made in honor of Counter-Strikes 20th anniversary and Valve allowed community creators to input designs for skins with the best ones being accepted. This means this case was designed by CSGO players who all payed homage to the past, present, and future of CS. Needless to say every skin in this collection is one of a kind and more than worthy of anyone's inventory. Also, this case is the only one where you can get the original 1.6 CS knife for CSGO. Although it is exceedingly rare, I know you can do it!
- MAG-7 | Popdog
- SCAR-20 | Assault
- Tec-9 | Flash Out
- MAC-10 | Classic Crate
- Dualies | Elite 1.6
- FAMAS | Decommissioned
- Glock | Sacrifice
- M249 | Aztec
- Five-Seven | Buddy
- P250 | Inferno
- UMP-45 | Plastique
- MP5 | Agent
- P90 | Nostalgia
- MP9 | Hydra
- AUG | Death By Puppy
- FAMAS | Commemoration
- AWP | Wildfire
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as the Classic Knife | Fade
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- CS20 Case Key
7) Revolver Case
If you are a pistol fan this Case is especially for you. Although the other skins in the Case, like the M4A4 | Royal Paladin, are amazing as well this case offers some of the most pistol skins available in one spot. With 2 Revolver, a Tec-9, a Five-Seven, a P2000, and a Deagle skin you are pretty much guaranteed to walk away with a winner.
- R8 Revolver | Crimson Web
- AUG | Ricochet
- Desert Eagle | Corinthian
- P2000 | Imperial
- Sawed-Off | Yorick
- SCAR-20 | Outbreak
- PP-Bizon | Fuel Rod
- Five-SeveN | Retrobution
- Negev | Power Loader
- SG 553 | Tiger Moth
- Tec-9 | Avalanche
- XM1014 | Teclu Burner
- AK-47 | Point Disarray
- G3SG1 | The Executioner
- P90 | Shapewood
- M4A4 | Royal Paladin
- R8 Revolver | Fade
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Bayonet | Boreal Forest
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Revolver Case Key
6) Horizon Case
With some of the most stand out skins in memory the Horizon Case is always worth an open. These bright and fun skins will almost make you forget that you are in the middle of bloody combat. Each and every one is well designed and bright in a skin market that has way too many dark tones for my liking.
- AUG | Amber Slipstream
- Dual Berettas | Shred
- Glock-18 | Warhawk
- MP9 | Capillary
- P90 | Traction
- R8 Revolver | Survivalist
- Tec-9 | Snek-9
- CZ75-Auto | Eco
- G3SG1 | High Seas
- Nova | Toy Soldier
- MP7 | Powercore
- M4A1-S | Nightmare
- Sawed-Off | Devourer
- AK-47 | Neon Rider
- Desert Eagle | Code Red
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Gut Knife | Case Hardened
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Horizon Case Key
5) Clutch Case
If the last Case wasn’t to your liking then the Clutch Case is what you are looking for. The skins in this case all have a clean and sleek design with darker colors. The Clutch Case is named appropriately for these skins are more about lurking in the darkness and being what the enemy fears, the unseen.
- PP-Bizon | Night Riot
- Five-SeveN | Flame Test
- MP9 | Black Sand
- P2000 | Urban Hazard
- R8 Revolver | Grip
- SG 553 | Aloha
- XM1014 | Oxide Blaze
- Glock-18 | Moonrise
- Negev | Lionfish
- Nova | Wild Six
- MAG-7 | SWAG-7
- UMP-45 | Arctic Wolf
- AUG | Stymphalian
- AWP | Mortis
- USP-S | Cortex
- M4A4 | Neo-Noir
- MP7 | Bloodsport
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Karambit | Lore
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Clutch Case Key
4) Gamma 2 Case
This Case contains some of the best skins in the game in my opinion. The Tec-9 skin in this case is my favorite Tec-9 skin of all time and I been shot many a time while staring at it on the ground. But it isn’t just the Tec-9 skin here that makes the case worth while. The AK-47 | Neon revolution is also one of the best designed and most unique skins to come out of CSGO for some time. Hell even the low rarity CZ75-Auto | Imprint is cool.
- CZ75-Auto | Imprint
- Five-SeveN | Scumbria
- G3SG1 | Ventilator
- Negev | Dazzle
- P90 | Grim
- UMP-45 | Briefing
- XM1014 | Slipstream
- Desert Eagle | Directive
- Glock-18 | Weasel
- MAG-7 | Petroglyph
- SCAR-20 | Powercore
- SG 553 | Triarch
- AUG | Syd Mead
- MP9 | Airlock
- Tec-9 | Fuel Injector
- AK-47 | Neon Revolution
- FAMAS | Roll Cage
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Bayonet | Ultraviolet
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Gamma 2 Case Key
3) Chroma 3 Case
Another Case where you basically cannot lose the Chroma 3 Case makes the next appearance on the list. Every single skin in this case is worth having in your inventory, even the XM skin which is almost never said. If I had to pick any Case on this list just hoping to get a decent skin I would put the Chroma 3 Case toward the top of that list.
- Dual Berettas | Ventilators
- G3SG1 | Orange Crash
- M249 | Spectre
- MP9 | Bioleak
- P2000 | Oceanic
- Sawed-Off | Fubar
- SG 553 | Atlas
- CZ75-Auto | Red Astor
- Galil AR | Firefight
- SSG 08 | Ghost Crusader
- Tec-9 | Re-Entry
- XM1014 | Black Tie
- AUG | Fleet Flock
- P250 | Asiimov
- UMP-45 | Primal Saber
- PP-Bizon | Judgement of Anubis
- M4A1-S | Chantico's Fire
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Falchion Knife | Rust Coat
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Chroma 3 Case Key
2) Spectrum 2 Case
It’s not very often that you get skins for both the M4 and AK in one case and never are both of them be great skins. Well I guess that no longer holds true as the Spectrum 2 Case checks both of those boxes with the AK-47 | Empress and M4A1-S | Leaded Glass. Not to mention the great Sawed-Off, Tec-9, CZ75-Auto, MP9 and other skins also available in the Case. It’s another Case where you can't go wrong.
- Sawed-Off | Morris
- AUG | Triqua
- G3SG1 | Hunter
- Glock-18 | Off World
- MAC-10 | Oceanic
- Tec-9 | Cracked Opal
- SCAR-20 | Jungle Slipstream
- MP9 | Goo
- SG 553 | Phantom
- CZ75-Auto | Tacticat
- UMP-45 | Exposure
- XM1014 | Ziggy
- PP-Bizon | High Roller
- M4A1-S | Leaded Glass
- R8 Revolver | Llama Cannon
- AK-47 | The Empress
- P250 | See Ya Later
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as M9 Bayonet | Bright Water
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Spectrum 2 Case Key
1) Prisma Case
The Prisma Case boasts the best selection of overall skins in the game for my buck. It has a great selection of some the most sought after skins in the game and you can be happy with whatever comes out. And when I say that I mean literally every skin in this case, with maybe the exception of the P90 skin, is a great skin worth showing off in any Pub or Comp match.
- FAMAS | Crypsis
- AK-47 | Uncharted
- MAC-10 | Whitefish
- Galil AR | Akoben
- MP7 | Mischief
- P250 | Verdigris
- P90 | Off World
- AWP | Atheris
- Tec-9 | Bamboozle
- Desert Eagle | Light Rail
- MP5-SD | Gauss
- UMP-45 | Moonrise
- R8 Revolver | Skull Crusher
- AUG | Momentum
- XM1014 | Incinegator
- Five-SeveN | Angry Mob
- M4A4 | The Emperor
- Exceedingly Rare Special Item, such as Shadow Daggers | Marble Fade
How to get the case?
- As a drop in game
- Steam Market
Key Needed to Open
- Prisma Case Key
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