Fusion rifles are one of the coolest weapons available for Destiny 2. These weapons excel at short-range combat and deal massive damage comparable with the shotgun, though the fusion rifle has a greater distance. Once the trigger is pulled, a quick charge is then a powerful burst of energy is released. The enemies killed by this dissipate into the ether colored by the chosen energy type in the weapon, leaving little to no trace behind. Here is an updated list of the ten best you can find in the game.
Tempered Dynamo

Tempered Dynamo is not only fast and generous when it comes to damage dealing. Its big magazine size, its charge time, and its low bounce make it fantastic for PVP. Its most prevalent feature is its perk Opening Shot that allows you to blast through enemies and other players at incredible speeds. Exploiting this perk is the main feature of this gun.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 80
- Range 57
- Stability 52
- Handling 35
- Reload Speed 32
- Charge Time 740
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 65
- Inventory Size 30
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 80
- Bounce Intensity 20
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: Precision Frame
- Battery: Particle Repeater
- Sight: Meryin RDL, Rasmussen ISA
- Trait: Backup Plan
- Trait: Rampage
Why is Tempered Dynamo Great? PVP
- Opening Shot
- Magazine Size
- Low Bounce
How to obtain Tempered Dynamo:
Dropped in Scourge of the Past Raid
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyLdXEyNJuQ&ab_channel=VicShoman
Techeun Force

Though on the shorter end of the range and damage spectrum when it comes to fusion rifles, the Techeun force excels with shot reload times, charge times, and boats a large magazine. You will need to get close and play it more like a shotgun, but the benefits are quick rates of fire; with the autoloading holster, as long as you have ammo, all you need to do is a momentary switch, and your locked and loaded ready to take on the next threat.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 70
- Range 45
- Stability 45
- Handling 34
- Reload Speed 41
- Charge Time 660
- Magazine 6
- Aim Assistance 44
- Inventory Size 29
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: Adaptive Frame
- Battery: Accelerated Coils
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Trait: Auto-Loading Holster
- Trait: Backup Plan
Why is Techeun Force Great? PVP
- Autoloading holster for fast reloads
- Good magazine size
- Back-Up plan allows for reduced charge time and increased handling after swapping your weapon
How to obtain: Last Wish Raid Drop
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DNgdOWasZc&ab_channel=Tehrminatr
One Thousand Voices

This dream weapon made from the flesh and dreams of the Ahamkara is a beast. Fantastic range, powerful impact, great aim assist. You will find yourself hard-pressed to find something better. The only drawback is its long charge time and the fact that you have four shots. The weapons feel more like a long-range rifle so treat it as such. Fire and hide are the way to go.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 100
- Range 100
- Stability 46
- Handling 10
- Reload Speed 37
- Charge Time 1000
- Magazine 4
- Aim Assistance 100
- Inventory Size 80
- Zoom 25
- Recoil 100
- Bounce Intensity
Weapon Perks.
- Barrel: Legendary Barrel
- Battery: Legendary Battery
- Stock: Fitted Stock
- Trait: Unforeseen Repercussions
- Intrinsic: Ahamkara’s Eye
What Makes One Thousand Voices Great
- Amazing damage per shot
- Fantastic Range
- Almost impossible to miss
How to obtain: Once you cleared the Last Wish raid and beat Riven of a Thousand Voices. Once finished with the Queen's path Trail, you can loot this weapon from a ton of the chests that requires an Ethereal key (make sure you have one).
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkQAcsn0zzs&t=1s&ab_channel=Mtashed
Timelines Vertex

Timeless Vertex is one of the most stable work-horses. This is the best example of a work-horse fusion rifle. It does it all, and it does it well. It is not the most powerful, nor is it the fastest. It is the most balanced, decent reload, a reasonable rate of fire, and average to low range. The main feature is that compared to others, it's constant and great for fighting PVE enemies. Take this to strikes and other team activities to excel and conquer.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 70
- Range 42
- Stability 46
- Handling 42
- Reload Speed 46
- Charge Time 660
- Magazine 6
- Aim Assistance 60
- Inventory Size 50
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: Adaptive Frame
- Battery: Enhanced Battery, Accelerated Coils
- Sight: Spark PS, Torch HS3
- Trait: Snapshot Sights
Why is Timelins’ Vertex Great? PVE
- The adaptive frame makes it well-rounded, reliable, and sturdy.
- Snapshots make it great to fire down sights
How to obtain Timelines’ Vertex: Either obtain and open legendary engrams or can be found in faction and require the player to rank up.
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HenbODqSNMQ&ab_channel=DeathFr0mAboveX
Hollow Words

Hollow Words is one of the first shining examples of a fusion rifle that can be taken to both PVE and PVP and does well in both. High impact, good range, extended mag. This thing does it all and keeps coming back for more. It might be the best fusion rifle for mid-range combat.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 80
- Range 54
- Stability 44
- Handling 31
- Reload Speed 28
- Charge Time 740
- Magazine 6
- Aim Assistance 63
- Inventory Size 26
- Zoom 18
- Recoil 75
- Bounce Intensity 25
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: Precision Frame
- Battery: Projection Fuse
- Barrel: Chambered Compensator
- Trait: Unrelenting
- Trait: Feeding Frenzy
Why is Hollow Words Great? PVE and PVP
- Unrelenting allows for health regeneration through rapidly defeating enemies
- Precision Frame keeps the weapon predictable and easy to aim
How to obtain Hollow Words: Contact, Public Event
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AP7C8EPToq4&ab_channel=unknown
Erentil FR4

This fusion rifle fits best in the hands of players that like to lay in wait, setting up ambushes and turning to a second position to repeat the process. This is particularly effective for PVP events like control. Erentil high impact but slow charge is why the lying-in wait is essential. The good news is its range makes up for its slow charge. So, take this one out to the PVE arena and set up your traps.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 95
- Range 59
- Stability 30
- Handling 26
- Reload Speed 28
- Charge Time 860
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 65
- Inventory Size 30
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 60
- Bounce Intensity 40
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: High-Impact Frame
- Battery: Accelerated Coils, Liquid Coils
- Sight: Candle PS, Flash HS5
- Trait: Under Pressure
- Trait: High-Impact Reserves
Why is Erentil FR4 Great? PVP
- Slow fire but high damage
- The rounds at the end of the mag do even more damage
- Great for lying in wait and ambush other players.
How to obtain Erentil FR4: Earn Rank from Banshee-44 packages
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoSEzR-cwUo&ab_channel=IFrostBolt
Exiles Curse

Exile's curse wins the argument by being simply more versatile. There is no need to stand still to get the most out of the weapon. The perk feeding frenzy also encourages the player to kill, and the gun becomes faster and faster to reload.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 95
- Range 53
- Stability 34
- Handling 34
- Reload Speed 27
- Charge Time 860
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 61
- Inventory Size 26
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 79
- Bounce Intensity 21
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: High-Impact Frame
- Battery: Accelerated Coils
- Barrel: Full Bore
- Trait: Multikill Clip
- Trait: Field Prep
Why is Exiles Curse Great? PVP
- Slow to fire but amazing damage
- Feeding frenzy allows for quick reload after an enemy kill
How to obtain: Earned by completing challenges in trails of Osiris and obtaining the Flawless Chest
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dAGbnm5ZeI&ab_channel=TrueVanguard
Gallant Charge

The Gallant Charge is the high-impact weapon of choice for facing enemies in PVE. This weapon behaves much like previous entries were standing in hiding so the gun can do its most tremendous damage. The combination of its perks makes it a vicious monster to take out, though. Melee kills will reload the magazine partially, and a second feature allows to pick up heavy ammo that will also apply to the energy weapons reserves.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 95
- Range 53
- Stability 31
- Handling 27
- Reload Speed 24
- Charge Time 860
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 61
- Inventory Size 22
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 76
- Bounce Intensity 24
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: High-Impact Frame
- Battery: Liquid Coils
- Barrel: Full Bore
- Trait: Lead from Gold
- Trait: Grave Robber
Why is Exiles Curse Great? PVE
- Slow rate of fire but high damage
- Heavy ammo also becomes secondary weapon ammo for this weapon
How to obtain: Complete Sundial Activities on Mercury
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVVLwg1pVs4&ab_channel=FalloutPlays

Versatility, chalk it up to that. Weapons that can be used in more than one way make their way up the list. This fusion rifle not only hits hard, but parts of its energy can also bypass enemy elemental shields. If you just want to change it up and Megaman it for a while against enemies, you can charge shot three kinetic slugs. This weapon is just fun and well worth the time. Good for PVE and PVP.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 80
- Range 32
- Stability 52
- Handling 34
- Reload Speed 32
- Charge Time 740
- Magazine 5
- Aim Assistance 65
- Inventory Size 30
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 75
- Bounce Intensity 25
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: Saint’s Fists
- Battery: Liquid Coils
- Barrel: Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Trait: Breakthrough
- Stock: Composite Stock
Why is Gallant Charge Great? PVE
- Multiple forms of fire
- Great for PVE and PVP
How to obtain Bastion: Obtained from Master Rahool
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVVLwg1pVs4&ab_channel=FalloutPlays
Loaded Question

If you're going to do something, do it right. Loaded Question is precisely that, a rifle that does its job right. It is also good enough to be used for both PVE and PVP. Slow firing but significant damage, but what makes it stand out is with a full mag/battery, and the first shot does extra damage. This feature stands out since, most times, it's the last rounds that usually take the bonuses. So, it rewards you for starting alive and managing to reload.
Weapon Stats.
- Impact 95
- Range 57
- Stability 32
- Handling 32
- Reload Speed 27
- Charge Time 860
- Magazine5
- Aim Assistance 66
- Inventory Size 30
- Zoom 15
- Recoil 77
- Bounce Intensity 23
Weapon Perks.
- Exotic: High-Impact Frame
- Battery: Ionized Battery, Reservoir Burst
- Scope: Red DOT 2 MOA
- Trait: Auto-Loading Holster
Why is Loaded Question Great? PVE
- High Damage
- Great reload perk
How to obtain Bastion: Complete the “Loaded Question” Quest from Zavala
See weapon name in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WV1sh-J6Gk8&ab_channel=Aztecross
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