I personally like all of the companions in Divinity Original Sin 2, in terms of both story and gameplay.
There’s different types of companions to suit your needs, so there’s a little something for everyone. Not only that, but you can romance every single one of them (yes, even the lizard and the skeleton).
You’re probably wondering which ones would suit your gameplay style the most, and I’m here to help you out with that.
Here’s a list of all six companions in the game, along with what they’re best at.
6. Beast
The magnificently bearded Beast is a dwarf who feels most at home sailing the seven seas. However, he’s got a few secrets involving the dwarven royal family - what’s he hiding under those braids? Either way, what’s clear is that his strength and vitality make him good for the front lines.
Choose this companion if…
- You need a tank. Dwarves get a natural vitality and dodging bonus with the sturdy talent.
- You need a balance of magic and physical damage. Beast’s default class (which can be changed) is battlemage, granting him the skills battering ram, blinding radiance, and shocking touch to start with.
- You want skills that affect the movement and sight of your enemies. Being a dwarf, Beast starts out with the petrifying touch and blinding squall skills.
- You want to hear the latest gossip about the dwarves and their royal family. Beast has all sorts of quests involving Queen Justinia and a lot of other dwarves. Dwarves also tend to be friendly with one another, so you may find that some characters will be kinder to Beast.
Companion details:
5. Lohse
When you first meet her, Lohse seems like a funny character with a bold personality. You probably guessed that she’s not your average human, though - she’s got demons and spirits living inside of her. Still, if you don’t pay attention to the voices in her head, Lohse’s skills in elemental magic make her a valuable party member.
Choose this companion if…
- You need a magician. Being an enchanter by default, Lohse starts with the skills electric discharge, hail strike, and rain. She’s great for dousing fires and shocking enemies!
- You want maddening song, a special source skill that Lohse starts out with. If their magic armor’s down, this source skill makes enemies go mad, causing them to attack each other. Pretty useful, right?
- You want an extra critical hit chance. Being a human, Lohse starts out with the ingenious talent. This gives her a 5% bonus critical chance and 10% extra critical multiplier.
- You want an advantage against one of the more difficult bosses, the Doctor. I won’t spoil too much, but you’ll probably want to snuff out the candles in Lohse’s personal quest.
Companion details:
4. Sebille
Sebille is an elf who escaped from slavery, and she’s out for revenge against her former master. Having been forced to kill some of her fellow elves, she knows quite a bit about knives, and can use her knowledge to help you sneak up on your enemies. Be careful, though - Sebille isn’t too fond of lizards, since her master was one. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with Sebille.
Choose this companion if…
- You need a character that’s sneaky. Sebille’s default class is rogue, which means she gets extra finesse and sneaking abilities. The scoundrel skills she starts out with allow her to backstab, which is always handy.
- You want the corpse eater talent, which allows you to unlock the memories of the dead. Sounds gross, but eating the many corpses you’ll find can unlock a lot of extra lore and give Sebille HP.
- You want a party member that can really move. Being an elf, Sebille naturally learns the flesh sacrifice skill, and she can also learn adrenaline since she’s a rogue by default. That’s two moves that can boost AP whenever you need it.
- You want the break the shackles skill, a special source skill that Sebille starts out with. It can remove several negative status ailments from her, which can really come in handy.
- You want to learn more about the secrets of the elves, and possibly save their entire race. Again, no spoilers, but Sebille turns out to be an important part of elven lore, and this becomes a big part of her personal quest. No pressure, it’s just the fate of an entire race.
Companion details:
3. The Red Prince
Having a prince on your team sounds like it would really help, doesn’t it? Well, Red is actually an exiled prince who was cast out for being… ‘friendly’ with demons. You also have to deal with his potential assassins, so there’s that. Even if he’s got a lot of issues, his strength, warfare skills, and fire breath make him a decent ally to have on the battlefield.
Choose this companion if…
- You need someone who’s good in physical combat. Being a fighter by default, Red gets extra strength and constitution, along with a warfare point. He starts out with the warfare skills battle stomp, bouncing shield, and fortify.
- You want someone who can set things on fire. Being a lizard, Red gets the dragon’s blaze skill by default, which pairs up nicely with his physical skills.
- You want the special source skill demonic stare, which The Red Prince starts out with. This skill drains some of an enemy’s magic armor and gives it to Red. More armor is always a plus!
- You need someone with elemental resistances. As a lizard, Red has the sophisticated talent (which has a very funny icon), giving him more fire and poison resistance.
- You want to learn more about the lizard race and The Red Prince’s past. With Red on your team, you’ll come across many lizards known as dreamers, which will guide your party on his personal quest. Without spoiling too much, it involves finding a certain Red Princess (isn’t it cute that they match?).
Companion details:
2. Ifan Ben-Mezd
The human mercenary Ifan Ben-Mezd may look intimidating with his battle scars and piercing gaze, but his skills in archery make him a valuable ally. Even though he’s an outlaw, he’s actually a pretty nice guy, and he’ll return the favor if you’re loyal to him. Also, he has a pet source wolf that you can use in battle, and he’s loyal to his master
Choose this companion if…
- You need an archer who deals critical hits often. Ifan is a wayfarer by default who starts with the skills pin down, fossil strike, and elemental arrowheads. Being a human, he also has the ingenious talent, which gives him more critical hits.
- You want to understand animals and don’t feel like giving your main character the pet pal talent. Animals can give you extra quests and lore, so I feel that this talent is a must-have. As a side note, imagining the rugged, muscular Ifan crouching down to talk to a rat is a pretty funny mental image.
- You want a pet wolf that can be used in battle. Ifan’s special source ability, soul wolf, summons his trusty wolf pal onto the battlefield, and his piercing bite makes him a decent ally. However, you’ll need summoning points for the wolf to be of much use.
- You want to learn more about the lone wolves, a band of mercenaries that Ifan is a part of. Ifan’s next target is Alexandar, son of Lucian the Divine, and that’s just who he wants revenge against. It’s pretty convenient that you have the same enemy.
Companion details:
1. Fane
Though the undead Fane looks spooky on the outside, on the inside he’s just a scholar who’d rather be reading a book. His bare bones mean that he has to keep his face and body hidden from most NPCs. However, his skills in magic and his story’s huge part in the lore make him an awesome ally. Fane is definitely the best choice for a companion if you want lore - his actions in the distant past changed the world itself.
Choose this companion if…
- You want a bit of a challenge. As an undead, Fane is hurt by regular potions and healing spells - like the zombie that he is, he only heals with poison. Gather poison potions and use poison spells on him if you want him to survive.
- You’re tired of dealing with lockpicks. If you ever find a chest with no key to open it, Fane’s bony undead fingers can double as unbreakable lockpicks (don’t worry, Fane can’t break his bones). As an add-on to this skill, try giving him some thievery points.
- You need a magician that can set people on fire from afar. Being a wizard by default, Fane starts out with searing daggers, fossil strike, and ignition, all skills that are great for flames and explosions. He also gets the far out man talent, which increases the range of his skills.
- You want the special source skill time warp. Fane starts out with this skill, and it’s a good one - when you target a party member with it, the character gets a free turn!
- You want lore, and plenty of it. Seriously, Fane is thousands of years old - he has a lot of secrets, and some of the things he did in his backstory changed the entire world. Want to learn more about the world of Divinity Original Sin 2? Go with Fane.
Companion details:
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