Divinity Original Sin II allows for a lot of room when it comes to character creation. Some of these customizations are very detailed such as Civil Abilities. Civil Abilities will help you a ton through your playthrough of the game. From saving money, convincing characters or pick-pocketing, Civil Abilities prove very useful. Here I will list off the Civil Abilities, least recommended to most recommended, and explain the most useful ones.
1. Telekinesis
Reddit user u/nyanristuff guides a crate in battle using Telekinesis
Telekinesis is a very cool Civil Ability that allows you to move items, such as crates and barrels, regardless of their weight. Investing in this ability will increase the range by 4m per point.
Telekinesis Strengths:
- When in need of moving a heavy crate or barrel, Telekinesis becomes very useful
- Telekinesis makes looting spread out items very quick
- You can slam down heavy crates and barrels on your enemies when in battle
Telekinesis Weaknesses:
- Telekinesis is not game-changing and you can get armor that has more of the same kind of power
- It is more a ‘quality of life’ skill than a useful one
Should You Get Telekinesis?:
- I do not recommend putting your hard-earned points into Telekinesis
- You can find armor with Telekinesis so it would be useless to put points into this Civil Ability
- However, if you do like how easy Telekinesis makes the game feel, then this is the Civil Ability for you
2. Loremaster
Reddit u/FreidenkerCH has identified all of their objects with Loremaster
This Civil Ability makes identifying objects way easier. If you have this ability, you will be able to reveal some objects in your inventory that were hidden at first. This ability also can give you information on NPCs and monsters.
Loremaster Strengths:
- With Loremaster, you will be able to identify unidentified items
- You will not have to find an NPC to help you identify items
- It is quicker and gives you access to the unidentified item immediately
Loremaster Weaknesses:
- You will not be able to identify an item without an identifying glass
- You can just go to an NPC to identify your items
Should You Get Loremaster?:
- Investing your points in this ability is great, however, you might not want it on your main character
- Maybe get someone else to have this ability to identify your items for you
- If you do not want to keep going back to an NPC to identify your items then this Civil Ability is for you
3. Lucky Charm
Phero from Youtube has found a Lucky Rabbit's Paw with Lucky Charm
Investing in Lucky Charm will increase your chance of finding extra loot when looking around in vases, crates, or wherever. A distinct sound will play when Lucky Charm is successful in finding you extra loot.
Lucky Charm Strengths:
- You will get items that you normally wouldn’t find while looting
- A lot of these items are very rare and sell for a lot
- Some of these items can be very useful
Lucky Charm Weaknesses:
- Lucky Charm is more of chance then definite rare loot
- In order to get the best items, you will need to level up
- You might find good items, but it probably will not be very useful to you
- You have to check every barrel and crate to land a lucky find
- Items are very random
Should You Get Lucky Charm?:
- A lot of the items you receive might not be useful to you
- If you do get something useless to your build, you can sell it for a high price, so this could make you more money
- I believe if you are using Lucky Charm to gain gold, then it would be wiser to switch to the Thievery Ability
- If you have a lot of hope and patience and love surprises, this ability could be for you
4. Sneaking
Nerd Commando Game Studios from Youtube uses Sneaking to get past enemies
With the Sneaking Civil Ability, you can climb inside of barrels and sneak past your enemies without being seen. It is a bit tedious at times, but if you’re not ready to fight, or you want to position yourself on the battlefield without starting a fight, this Civil Ability is for you. If you invest in this ability, your movement speed while sneaking will increase and enemies sight cones will shrink.
Sneaking Strengths:
- You will be able to get around a lot of your enemies
- If paired with Thievery, Sneaking can become even more useful
- When positioning yourself in preparation for a fight, Sneaking can give you the advantage of being anywhere you please
Sneaking Weaknesses:
- Its most useful purpose would be pick-pocketing characters and that is it
- If you do not have enough points invested in the ability, it will make enemies see you easier
Should You Get Sneaking?:
- It is not necessary for the game, it is more of a ‘quality of life’ ability
- I do believe if you are going down the route of Thievery, then Sneaking is a must-have
- If you’re a hard-core thief who wants an alternate way of making money, this Civil Ability is the one for you
5. Thievery
Jowehots from Youtube steals from their enemy's pockets with Thievery
Thievery improves your pick-pocketing skills as well as lockpicking skills. In my opinion, it is a very useful Civil Ability because you will be able to steal from characters which can fill your own pockets with gold and very useful items such as skill books. This ability also lets you lockpick doors which gives you access to places you couldn’t get to before.
Thievery Strengths:
- Not only are you able to steal items and skill books, but also all of the gold off of a character
- This ability will allow you to make a lot of gold and a lot of gold is always good
Thievery Weaknesses:
- You have to be very strategic about your moves and the NPCs look around for who stole their stuff and it might trigger a fight
- Without Persuasion, you might be fighting the character you pick-pocketed
- You need lockpicks in order to pick a lock
Should You Get Thievery?:
- Thievery is at the top for me only because I really enjoy having gold at my dispense in the game
- As you level up, items become more expensive and with Thievery, you will always have enough gold on you
- If you are in a party with a friend, this ability becomes way easier to use due to them distracting the NPCs
- You will be able to steal from shops also, so if you love gold and prefer gaining items for free, this is the ability for you
6. Bartering
Valandryl from Youtube uses Bartering to buy and sell their items
This Civil Ability allows you to barter with merchants and improves your skills of haggling down a price. With each point invested in Bartering, your items become more expensive while trader’s items become cheaper.
Bartering Strengths:
- You will be able to save a lot and earn even more than a person without Bartering
- You will get many items for a lot cheaper
- Your items are more expensive
- The merchant’s items are less expensive
Bartering Weaknesses:
- It takes a lot of leveling up in order to get the full effect of this ability
Should You Get Bartering?:
- I believe investing in Bartering will give advantages more than disadvantages
- You will be able to save your money and earn a lot more, who doesn’t like cheaper items?
- If you are wanting to sell your items at a more expensive price and save on items, then this Civil Ability is for you
7. Persuasion
Michel from Playscope uses Persuasion to save a young woman
Persuasion is by far my favorite Civil Ability. It helps you convince characters into decisions that would benefit you and your team. Persuasion also makes characters like you and increases the base attitude of a stranger by 5 per point invested.
Persuasion Strengths:
- You can convince characters to make decisions for the better of your game
- The game will have different dialogue for players with Persuasion
- Persuasion can get you out of sticky situations and into the best situations
- This ability will open up a lot of possibilities in the game for you
- If you pair Persuasion with Pet Pal, you can persuade animals to your benefit also
Persuasion Weaknesses:
- You will not be able to pull off some persuasions if you are not a high enough level
- If you do not successfully persuade a character, you might end up in a bad situation
Should You Get Persuasion?:
- I believe Persuasion is the best Civil Ability that is useful from the beginning to the end of the game
- If you persuade correctly, you will be able to go places others couldn’t and also gain special items
- Persuasion can help get you out of sticky situations, like fights
- If you want different routes in the game, extra dialogue that adds to the story and to gain more from your silver tongue, then this is the Ability for you
Civil Abilities are helpful in their own unique ways. Some of them can gain you access to different areas, some can give you a surplus of gold. It really depends on what you want and what you need. So, make sure to pick the best ones for you and your party!
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