Hit it With a Big Stick
We've all known the Barbarian archetype since Conan brought its namesake to comics in the 70's and our screens in the 80's. It's the big brawny fighter character, the giant weapon wielding warrior. Barbarians are a timeless classic in the high fantasy RPG genre and Elden Rings brings them to us in a fantastic way.
Souls games have always been iconic for making the character look like one of the smallest things in the world, even against your basic trash mob enemies. That makes all the weapons look extra large on us, but even more so when it comes to the colossal weapons. These massive beauties easily dwarf our player in size, and hit the enemy for insane amounts of damage.
Playing the Barbarian Class
So what makes a Barbarian fighter? First and foremost is the Strength stat. Barbarians are the primary class that focuses on the Strength stat, to make the most out of their weapons. This is because the majority of the weapons for the Barbarian class usually fall under the colossal weapon category or they end up scaling the best with Strength.
The next major part of the Barbarian is the weapon of choice. Barbarian warriors wield some of the heaviest weapons in the game, and work for any build that's either using a colossal version of a weapon or the oversized version of the weapons. Greatswords are usually on the lightest end of the weapons here, but we see everything from hammers, axes and clubs, to spears and swords.
Talismans are also a key part of this build, since most of the purpose of the build is to hit the opponent as hard as possible every time for that big damage chunk off an enemy's health bar. We see new boosts in the Two-handed wielding thanks to talismans and a whole variety of ways to mix and match them to fit into any build.
Of course, with every DLC comes new armor and these new armors were, I think, what a lot of players were waiting for. We see several themed sets in the game which are used to boost specific types of damage. The original barbarian builds were more built to spec with a balance of the strongest weapons that we could find and armor to make sure we didn't go over our weight balance. Even that is covered in the new talismans
Picking the Top 5
There are a ton of colossal weapons in Elden Ring, and we can even downsize to the Greatswords and some of the axes and still be in fine fighting form. This top 5 list is based on an overall look at the new DLC weapons and how upgrades have been added to key classics, as well as a look at the newest potential powerhouse builds that we get in DLC exclusive content.
5. Bloody Butcher

What is a Bloody Butcher
Life gain builds are never a bad thing in the land of Elden Ring, and they got a new upgrade in Shadow of the Erdtree. When it comes to Barbarian builds, that hasn't changed since this build has now been given a new weapon in the Bonny Butchering Knife. This is a new version of an already existing weapon called the Butchering Knife which we got from an invader in the Caelid region in the early game. The original weapon can be enchanted with different ashes of war, but the new one goes for straight damage, and has a sharpening skill that hits hard and heals at the same time.
Playing the Bloody Butcher Pros and Cons
- Life gain makes for one of the tankiest builds in the game, even without the Blasphemous Blade.
- This can be either a dual wield, or a two handed build with two of the Butchering Knives thanks to the DLC.
- The original Butchering Knife can be given affinities and ashes of war which makes it customizable with multi-hit special skills
- Passive life-gain isn't enough to cancel high damage attacks from bosses and strong enemies. This build still can be taken out fast by enemies that can take out anything over 500 health in a hit.
- This is a build that requires more stats in more areas than other barbarian builds. It can sometimes feel like a balance between which stats are needed with which affinities.
Weapon Loadout
1. Bonny Butchering Knife
- Requirements: 16 Strength, 20 Dexterity
The Bonny Butchering Knife is the newest version of the original Butchering Knife that we see dropped in Caelid. It's the primary weapon of the local special enemies which all carry the same weapon, but it's also a special skill version of the weapon. The newest skill isn't as versatile as the original, but it hits hard, and it's capable of some serious damage.
2. Butchering Knife
- Requirements: 16 Strength, 20 Dexterity
The Butchering Knife is one of the original must have pieces for this build and it only got better now that it's been given a second one, called the Bonny Butchering Knife with the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. Even though the Bonny Butchering Knife has better vampiric stats with the weapon, we run it in the offhand because it can't be enchanted with ashes of war which makes the Butchering Knife the better choice for this build.
Both of the Butchering Knives leech HP, but the original Butchering Knife leeched 1% of your HP per hit. That may not seem like much, especially with a Greataxe in hand. But the Butchering Knife can be given ashes of war which include special skills like Golden Land, Prelate's Charge, and Waves of Darkness. Golden Land is better for a Paladin build, but Prelate's Charge deals fire damage and is probably the most berserker in nature for this build. Waves of Darkness is great for destroying trash mobs, on the other hand, with an aggressive AOE effect that also keeps the player in the middle of the fight.
The thing is, that each of these techniques, including Waves of Darkness, hit the opponent multiple times per attack, which means that the build can leech a lot of HP for every use of the special ability. So when it comes to this build, the Butchering Knife is every bit as great for the vampiric player as the Blasphemous Blade. Keen affinity seems to be the best affinity for this weapon most of the time but it's also good for a few different types of special ability that may change this depending on how you play.
3. Erdtree Seal
- Requirements: 40 Faith
The Erdtree Seal is just one of the better seals in the game and it works. It does mean a higher Faith stat for the build, but since this can easily be used to add some flavor to the build it works. If you're not going to mess around too much with the Faith in this build, I highly recommend just using the Dragon Communion Seal since it has very low requirements and also has no weight, which is great.
4. Main-Gauche
- Requirements: 7 Strength, 15 Dexterity
The real reason for the Main-Gauche is that it can be enchanted with Seppuku, and it's an aesthetic choice for the build. It's not one that I might use very often, but it serves the purpose, and it has the ability to power stance with thrusting swords as a side note. Great for a musketeer build in the future, perhaps?
Gear Loadout
- White Mask- Increases damage dealt when blood loss occurs in the area
- Rakshasa Helm- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Royal Remains Helm- Slowly restores HP over time
- Rakshasa Armor- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Royal Remains Armor- Slowly restores HP over time
- Rakshasa Gauntlets- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Royal Remains Gauntlets- Slowly restores HP over time
- Rakshasa Greaves- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Royal Remains Greaves- Slowly restores HP over time
Extra Essentials
- Two-Handed Sword Talisman- Increases damage 15% when two-hand wielding a weapon
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth- restores HP on consecutive hits
- Lord of Blood's Exultation- increases attack power when blood loss occurs in the area
- Blessed Dew Talisman- Slowly replenishes health over time.
- Great-Jar's Arsenal- vastly increases Equip Load
- Bull-Goat Talisman- Increases poise by 33%
- Talisman of Lord's Bestowal- Increases poise by 54% after drinking from a flask of tears
- Blessing's Boon- Slowly heals health over a period of time
- Beast's Vitality- restores health over a period of time
- Bloodflame Blade- enchants the right hand armament with bloodflame
- Swarm of Flies- Releases a swarm of flies that cause blood-loss in the vicinity
- Golden Vow- Increases damage dealt by 15% and lowers damage received by 10%
- Flame, Grant Me Strength- Increases physical and fire damage dealt by 20%
- 50 Vigor
- 25-65 Mind
- 30-40 Endurance
- 65-80 Strength
- 50-80 Dexterity
- 35-50 Intelligence
- 25-60 Faith
- 30-80 Arcane
4. Devonia Devastator

What is the Devonia Devastator
Crucible knights may be one of the more frustrating enemies in the games sometimes, but they're also some of my favorite enemies in terms of power and aesthetic. It's kind of like fighting an armor of cast down angels when they use their wings. With the Shadow of the Erdtree we got a brand new crucible knight build inspired by Devonia.
We once again see the return of some of the Aspect of the Crucible spells, as well as some new options from Shadow of the Erdtree such as the Thorns and Bloom incantations. We also see some range in the Land of Shadow incantation but for the most part, the Aspect of the Crucible is our bread and butter offensive.
Playing the Devonia Devastator Pros and Cons
- This build hits hard and has videos producing upwards of 20k damage in an instant.
- This is an aggressive build that trades a lot of blows. If you're not an aggressive player, this is a bad build to try and use.
- This is also a build that requires a deceptive amount of precision and timing to not lose.
- The Crucible spells got new incantations for the arsenal, and Holy damage is very useful in the DLC against the new bosses.
Weapon Loadout
1. Devonia's Hammer
- Requirements: 30 Strength, 13 Dexterity, 19 Faith
This is the original bread and butter of the build, coming to us from the Devonia Destroyer build by Fextralife. It has a powerful hammer charge up ability called Devonia's Vortex and essentially annihilates large foes with huge amounts of damage. That being said, this does have a long wind up time, which means being able to take hits and trade damage is vital for this build.
We also see the added benefit that the Crucible Axe armor set actually does boost this skill, on top of the power of the Godfrey Icon, Shard of Alexander, and any number of skill boosting talismans in this build.
2. Erdtree Seal
- Requirements: 40 Faith
The Erdtree Seal is just the best of the seals for any build and it has the best Faith Scaling. To get the best out of my incantations I usually like to run Faith at least up to the soft cap of 60. That ends up making the Erdtree seal the best performing seal for any build that deals in Faith damage.
3. Jellyfish Shield
- Requirements: 20 Strength, 14 Dexterity
Guts doesn't usually carry a shield, so it's not really a good fit for the build in terms of show accuracy. The reason for the Jellyfish Greatshield is because it has the Contagious Fury skill which boosts damage an extra 20%. You can't really go wrong with that kind of damage buff, so it doesn't hurt to have this slung on your back when going into a fight with a BBEG.
Gear Loadout
- Crucible Axe Helm- Increases damage from Aspects of the Crucible incantations by 4%, while weighing less than other Crucible options.
- Rakshasa Helm- Boosts all damage dealt and received by 2%
- Fire Knight Helm- Increases Maximum HP 2%, Stamina 5%, and Equip Load by 4%
- Crucible Armor- Increases damage from Aspects of the Crucible incantations by 4%
- Rakshasa Armor- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Crucible Gauntlets- Increases damage from Aspects of the Crucible incantations by 4%
- Rakshasa Gauntlets- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Crucible Greaves- Increases damage from Aspects of the Crucible incantations by 4%
- Rakshasa Greaves- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Radahn's Greaves- Heavy armor with great poise
Extra Essentials
- Two-Handed Talisman- Enhances attacks with two-handed weapons by 15%
- Shard of Alexander- Increases skill damage by 15%
- Godfrey Icon- Increases charged spells and skills by 15%
- Great-Jar's Arsenal- vastly increases equip load
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman- reduces physical damage taken by 20%
- Spear Talisman- increases damage dealt by thrusting attacks
- Claw Talisman- increases the damage of jumping attacks.
- Verdigris Discus- Raises defense with higher equipment load
- Blade of Mercy- Raises attack power by 20% after each critical hit
- Erdtree's Favor- Raises maximum HP, Stamina, and equip load
- Holy Scorpion Talisman- Increases holy damage dealt by 12% and damage taken by 10%
- Golden Vow- Increases damage dealt by 15% and reduces damage taken by 10%
- Flame, Grant Met Strength- Increases physical and fire attack by 20% for 30 seconds.
- Aspect of the Crucible: Thorns- creates a mass of bristling thorns on the back to fire across the area.
- Aspects of the Crucible: Horns-Summons large shoulder horn to charge and gore enemies
- Aspects of the Crucible: Tail-Creates a large tail to sweep the area around the caster for physical damage.
- 50 Vigor
- 25-35 Mind
- 35-60 Endurance
- 80-99 Strength
- 13- 35 Dexterity
- 16-25 Intelligence
- 25-65 Faith
- 19-22 Arcane
3. Messmer's Flame

What is Messmer's Flame
Messmer is one of the new enemies in the game and with him comes the black keep, a whole host of new fire based elite knights, some nasty sorcerers, and a whole host of armor, weapons, and spells. This puts fire and flame skills as some of the best for use throughout the whole game, with Messmer making it that much more consistent.
This is also one of the most diverse builds of any Barbarian build because it allows so many options for range, buffs, AOE damage, and protections. Thanks to all this fire and flame, we now have the option to make one of the hardest hitting and most consistent Barbarian builds to come out of the Lands Between or the Shadow Lands.
Playing Messmer's Flame Pros and Cons
- Fire damage gets a lot of boosts in the new spells, skills, and talismans. This build sees a lot of buffs that make fire one of the highest boosted elements in the game
- Fire Damage is good against the majority of the enemies in the game and sees central use in many builds because of this.
- This build has both range and AOE options making it one of the most diverse attack pattern barbarians out there to deal with any situation.
Weapon Loadout
1. Fire Knight's Greatsword
- Requirements: 22 Strength, 18 Dexterity, 12 Faith
The Fire Knight's Greatsword is one of the new Colossal swords in the game and it packs a pretty powerful punch in terms of colossal swords. We see the same move sets in this sword as the Godslayer Greatsword and the Zweihander here, making it a pretty fluid weapon in terms of basic attacks.
What makes it even better is that it can be infused with ashes of war and given all sorts of flame affinity skills that make for a powerful combination. This is also a sword that scales well with Strength and Faith, so as we pump up those stats for the build as a whole, we see our weapon scale with it, which is great for the build.
Ash of War: Flame Skewer
Ash of War: Flame Spear
Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw- Fire Affinity
Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Ash of War: Eruption
2. Watchdog's Greatsword
- Requirements: 30 Strength, 10 Dexterity
This is a build that we can start a little earlier on with a Watchdog's Greatsword or even the original Greatsword as an alternative weapon. If you're going for reach, the Greatsword seems to be the better option, but both of them have their charms in terms of uses and I prefer the Watchdog's Greatsword for builds like this.
This can be given pretty much the exact same ashes of war that the Fire Knight's Greatsword can be given, so that works out.
Ash of War: Flame Skewer
Ash of War: Flame Spear
Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw- Fire Affinity
Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes
Ash of War: Eruption
3. Fire Knights Seal
- Requirements: 8 Strength, 23 Faith
This seal is one of the new seals that boosts Messmer Fire incantations that are cast using it, making it perfect for this build. There's also the Giant's Eye Seal which can be used as well, but we prefer this seal for new incantations and the Giant's Eye Seal for Fire Giant and Fire Monk incantations.
Gear Loadout
- Rakshasa Helm- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Fire Knight Helm- Increases Maximum HP 2%, Stamina 5%, and Equip Load by 4%
- Messmer's Helm- Increases flame skills and spells by 10%
- Winged Serpent Helm- Enhances Fire Knight Skills by 10%, including Flame Skewer
- Rakshasa Armor- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Fire Knight Armor- Boosts Messmer Fire incantations by 5%
- Blackflame Monk Armor
- Rakshasa Gauntlets- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Fire Knight Gauntlets
- Blackflame Monk Gauntlets
- Rakshasa Greaves- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Fire Knight Greaves
- Blackflame Monk Greaves
Extra Essentials
- Two-Handed Sword Talisman- Increases damage 15% when two-hand wielding a weapon
- Talisman of the Dread- Boosts Magma damage by 14%
- Fire Scorpion's Charm- Boosts fire damage by 12% and damage taken by 10%
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman- Boosts Physical damage negation by 20%
- Shard of Alexander- Boosts skills by 15%
- Godfrey Icon- Increases charged skills and spells by 15%
- Two-Headed Turtle Talisman- Increases stamina recovery by 22.2%
- Crusade Insignia- Increases damage upon defeating enemies.
- Golden Vow- Increases damage by 15% and reduces damage taken by 10%
- Flame, Grant Me Strength- Increases physical and fire damage by 20%
- Fire Serpent- Summons a serpent of flame that can be charged and flies at the enemy
- Messmer's Orb- This spell raises you into the air and then charges down to detonate a fiery explosion which does AOE damage in all directions.
- Rain of Fire- Calls down a large rain of flame to lay waste to the enemy.
- Howl of Shabiri- Causes madness buildup which increases attack by 25% and damage taken by 30%
- 50 Vigor
- 20-35 Mind
- 30-45 Endurance
- 70-99 Strength
- 18-40 Dexterity
- 7-25 Intelligence
- 25-80 Faith
- 9-20 Arcane
2. Guts 2.0

What is Guts 2.0
Berserk has long been a popular anime and an inspiration for aspects of the Elden Ring game, so we saw a Guts build pretty early on. Shadow of the Erdtree dropped and the Guts build got a great new upgrade in a new version of the original ash of war, as well as an all new ash of war that we can slap on the old Greatsword.
We also see a boost in the original Guts arsenal with a new crossbow, new armor such as the Rakshasa armor which boosts damage dealt and received, and even incantations that fall under the roar category which means the old Talismans still have their uses. So do the new Talismans which give us several boosts to our poise, damage, and defensive power.
Playing the Guts 2.0 Pros and Cons
- The original Guts build got stronger with upgraded versions of the ashes of war that made it stronger. We now have more fluid attack combos which deal even more damage.
- The Guts build is easy to pick up for new players and is simple to operate, using might makes right to win most of the battles.
- This build can either be very tanky with the right incantations, or it can be a glass cannon depending on what talismans and armor are used. Not finding the balance can leave this build beaten pretty often.
- This build deals primarily physical damage which means that it works even against the final boss of the games.
Weapon Loadout
1. Greatsword
- Requirements: 31 Strength, 12 Dexterity
The Greatsword is the bread and butter of this build. Not only is it visually perfect as a match to the Guts blade, but it's also hands down one of the strongest colossal swords in the game. It packs a massive punch and scales fairly well with strength, making it one of the best weapons in the game. However it also has even more benefits in the way it is upgraded.
Most builds highly recommend putting this weapon on a Heavy infusion with the Savage Lion's Claw ash of war. For most intents and purposes this is hands down the way I would go in terms of pure damage. However, there are a lot of ways that this build can be taken and surprisingly, this weapon gets great bleed buildup at 60 arcane, as well as a high damage with the Occult infusion at the same stat. On top of that, this weapon also can use pretty much every roar in the book, further boosting the damage that it does and creating some of the stronger variations of this build seen on Youtube.
Ash of War: Savage Lions Claw :
Ash of War: Spinning Gravity Thrust
2. Clawmark Seal
- Requirements: 4 Strength, 10 Faith
The Clawmark Seal is the seal that we use for buffing our incantations up with extra damage. It grants us a 10% increase to Bestial Incantations, which makes it a solid choice. It's weaker than the Erdtree Seal at high levels, but since we aren't really sinking that much into faith for this build, it's better to just stick with the Clawmark Seal to get the most out of the build.
3. Cinquedea
- Requirements: 10 Strength, 10 Dexterity
We dont really use this dagger for much of a dagger build, but it does give a boost to Bestial incantations which makes them even more powerful, and Guts builds are all about that extra power
4. Repeating Crossbow
- Requirements: 13 Strength, 15 Dexterity
This is just about the only build where I really include much range when it comes to Barbarian builds. However, Guts is well known for his automatic crossbow, and this is the perfect addition to the build to fit the theme of the great Berserk character
Gear Loadout
- Rakshasa Helm- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Divine Beast Helm- Boosts Strength, Dexterity, and Storm damage by 10$
- Malekith Helm- Aesthetic helm for the Guts appearance and Berserk armor
- Pelt of Ralva- Boosts Bear Communion by 15%
- Rakshasa Armor- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Malekith Armor- Aesthetic choice with decent poise
- Deathbird Omen Armor- Boosts jump attacks by 10% ??
- Rakshasa Gauntlet- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Malekith Gauntlets- Aesthetic choice with decent poise
- Young Lion's Gauntlets- Heavy armor with good poise
- Rakshasa Greaves- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Malekith Greaves- Aesthetic choice with decent poise
- Young Lion's Greaves- Heavy armor with good poise
Extra Essentials
- Two-Handed Talisman- Enhances attacks with two-handed weapons by 15%
- Shard of Alexander- Increases skill damage by 15%
- Godfrey Icon- Increases charged spells and skills by 15%
- Great-Jar's Arsenal- vastly increases equip load
- Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman- reduces physical damage taken by 20%
- Spear Talisman- increases damage dealt by thrusting attacks
- Claw Talisman- increases the damage of jumping attacks.
- Verdigris Discus- Raises defense with higher equipment load
- Blade of Mercy- Raises attack power by 20% after each critical hit
- Erdtree's Favor- Raises maximum HP, Stamina, and equip load
- Godskin Swaddling Cloth- Restores HP on successive hits
- Talisman of Lord's Bestowal- Boosts poise by 54% after drinking from a flask of tears.
- Roar Medallion- Boosts roar and breath attacks by 15%
- Golden Vow- Increases damage dealt by 15% and damage negation by 10%
- Flame, Grant Me Strength- Increases Physical and Fire damage by 20%
- Bestial Vitality- Slowly restores health over time
- Bloodflame Blade- Enchants the right hand armament with bloodflame
- Bestial Constitution-Relieves blood buildup and frostbite damage
- Beast Claw-Creates claws that tear through the land in a forward shockwave
- Bestial Sling-Throws multiple hard rocks at the enemy
- Gurranq's Beast Claw-Creates a 360 shockwave of claws that tear through the surroundings
- Roar of Rugalea- Channels the roar of a great red bear, that can be charged
- 45-60 Vigor
- 18-35 Mind
- 50-65 Endurance
- 65-99 Strength
- 14-35 Dexterity
- 7-25 Intelligence
- 10-25 Faith
- 20-60 Arcane
1. Thor the Mighty

What is Thor the Mighty
The DLC gave us a ton of new weapons that have the fun little ability that they can be thrown. With that came the Smithscropt weapons which include a great axe for a Kratos build and the new Smithscript Greathammer. The first thing I thought of when I looked at this thing was 'Mjolnir!' Then I saw a video of a player charging it up and throwing it at the enemy.
This weapon hits hard, and I do mean hard. Even the Royal Knight-type enemies can be one shot with this massive piece, and when you're carrying it around, it feels exactly like an Elden Ring oversized hammer of the God of Thunder. If you give your character red hair and the right Leda Armor, you can even make it look like the Thor character from the Record of Ragnarok series found on Netflix.
Playing Thor the Mighty Pros and Cons
- Lightning builds are just great and this is a colossal weapon that can beat on enemies for colossal level damage using the same skills that other weapons build.
- You can throw the hammer. How cool is that? On top of that, there are several videos of boosted up players using the Smithscript hammer to one shot even some of the tougher base enemies in the game.
- Lightning builds are great but the Smithscript Hammer can be enchanted for a bunch of purposes, making it a versatile heavy hitter weapon if you need to.
- Some of the late game bosses are resistant to elemental damage so it isn't always effective
- Hammers are strong against some of the most resilient enemies in the game, and not many enemies are that strong against the blunt force damage that hammers deal
Weapon Loadout
1. Smithscript Greathammer
- Requirements: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 11 Intelligence, 11 Faith
The Smithscript Greathammer is a giant hammer weapon that came to us as part of the Smithscript DLC weapons. The Smithscript weapons are all great because of their ability to be thrown and then magically return to hand. That includes the Smithscript Greathammer which is swung around in a circle before being flung at the enemy with devastating force.
This hammer already hits hard, has a longer range than other Smithscript weapons and it has the extra value that it can be infused with ashes of war. This makes it a perfect weapon for a barbarian build since it has so much versatility.
Ash of War: Lightning Slash
Ash of War: Thunderbolt
Ash of War: Lightning Ram
Ash of War: Stormcaller- Lightning Affinity
Ash of War: Blinkbolt
Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw- Lightning Affinity
Ash of War: Cragblade- Lightning Affinity
Ash of War: Prayerful Strike- Lightning Affinity
2 Veteran's Prosthesis
- Requirements: 15 Strength, 12 Dexterity
This is one of the better lightning weapons in the game when it's buffed up and it serves its purpose well. It can be hard finding the right types of weapons for this build, but this lets the player jump around the arena and throw their hammer around as they need. The synergy between the two main weapons can prove a powerful lightning force
3. Gravel Stone Seal
- Requirements: 4 Strength, 18 Faith
The Gravel Stone Seal is the main seal for any Ancient Dragon Cult incantation build, just because it boosts all incantations of this type by 15%. It doesn't scale quite as well as the Erdtree Seal does, but it does scale well enough to get a fair bit of use out of it. On top of that we see extra damage dragons, and that's never a bad thing.
Gear Loadout
- Rakshasa Helm- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Death Knight Helm- Boosts Ancient Dragon spells and skills by 2%
- Elden Lords Crown
- Young Lion's Helm
- Rakshasa Armor- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Death Knight Armor- Boosts Ancient Dragon spells and skills by 2%
- Leda's Armor- Boosts damage after dodges, back rolls, and
- Rakshasa Gauntlet- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Death Knight Gauntlets- Boosts Ancient Dragon spells and skills by 2%
- Rakshasa Greaves- Increases damage dealt and received by 2%
- Death Knight Greaves- Boosts Ancient Dragon spells and skills by 2%
- Young Lion's Greaves
Extra Essentials
- Two-Handed Sword Talisman- Increases damage 15% when two-hand wielding a weapon
- Smithing Talisman- increases the damage of thrown weapons 10%
- Radagon Icon- Grants +30 virtual dexterity when casting spells
- Lightning Scorpion Talisman- increases lightning damage by 12% and damage taken by 10%
- Shard of Alexander- increases the damage of skills by 15%
- Rotten Winged Sword Insignia- increases damage on consecutive attacks
- Godfrey Icon- increases damage of charged skills and spells by 15%
- Enraged Divine Beast- increases the damages of storms by 10%
- Two-Headed Turtle Talisman- Increases stamina recovery by 22.2%
- Vyke's Dragonbolt- Enchants the right hand weapon with red dragon lightning and increases the players equip load
- Ancient Dragon Lightning Strike- Summons down a wide lightning strike area of red lightning
- Lannseax's Glaive- Produces a large lightning glaive that sends out large waves of lightning
- Golden Vow- Increases damage 15% and reduces damage taken by 10%
- 35-50 Vigor
- 30-35 Mind
- 25-30 Endurance
- 70-99 Strength
- 60-80 Dexterity
- 11-22 Intelligence
- 40-80 Faith
- 9-18 Arcane
One-Shot Wins All
I think it's safe to say that there are a lot of gamers out there who really do just like the idea of being the big beefy fighter with the giant sword that just swings it around to break stuff. Mostly enemies, but I'm just as guilty of wandering around a room and smashing everything breakable with whatever weapon I have in hand. In fact, it's pretty easy when you consider that even jumping too close to a chair can break it sometimes.
But the Barbarian class of fighter gives us an all new form of smash stuff mentality, and the Shadow of the Erdtree just made it that much better. We have seen plenty of new builds, new armor, new gear, and amazing new bosses that we can try our hands at in the game. I'll also be the first to admit that I love watching videos of players dishing out anywhere from 5k-100+k with the right devastating combos.
How you play Elden Ring is really up to the player. That said, if you like to smash stuff and run around with the biggest stick to beat someone with that you can find, then the Barbarian is the way to play for you.