Eve Online Best Empire - Which To Choose

05 Jul 2024

Eve Online Best Empire - Which To Choose


5. Provi-Bloc

As the name implies, Provi-Bloc is a coalition of alliances that controls the Providence region in the galactic south. They’re really the only coalition that has stood the test of time, as Provi-bloc has existed nearly since the Tranquility server came online. Unfortunately, Provibloc isn’t much of an offensive power on its own, as they rarely deploy beyond their home region. However, Providence itself has never been conquered, and the reasons for that are varied, but at least in part it’s due to each Providence member group engendering a real sense of pride in being a Provi-Member, turning each and every Provi-pilot into a stalwart and fanatical defender of their home space.


Empire Review: Intermediate                                                                                  

  • Skilled defenders of their region
  • Decent quality space
  • Rarely, if ever, deploys offensively

Join this empire if:

  • You’re a ratter
  • You’re a miner
  • You do not like pirates


4. The Imperium

The Imperium is the largest, single most expansive coalition in EVE History on top of arguably being the most successful from a historical point of view. They currently control much of the galactic east and have their fingers in just about every pie in the game, controlling a good chunk of the trade hub markets indirectly or otherwise. Formerly known as the “CFC” or “Cluster**** coalition”, the Imperium’s principal alliance is Goonswarm which has a long and storied history in EVE Online and has come to be hated by the majority of the player base for one reason or another.


Empire Review: Strong

  • Large, extremely wealthy organization
  • Huge variety of things to doand sub-groups to be apart of
  • Large super capital fleetand game presence

Join this empire if:

  • You can handle non-stop meme culture
  • You’re miner, ratter, or industrialist
  • You are a newer player 

3. Test Alliance Please Ignore

TEST might not be the biggest or the strongest empire in the game but it is one of the best for new players in EVE Online and therefore deserves a place on this list. As I said, TEST isn’t the strongest; they only control a small area in the galactic south (Paragon Soul etc.,) and their space isn’t as valuable compared to other places, but TEST is all about the new-bros. As a new player in TEST alliance, you can really hone the skills you would like to develop and get 1 on 1 advice from Veteran EVE nerds. Moreover, TEST has been around forever and was once a force to be reckoned with, so there’s no shame in staying in TEST for the entirety of your EVE career should you choose to do so.


Empire Review: Weak (but great for new players)

  • Not much space
  • Not very valuable space
  • Great new player experience, fun-focused

Join this empire if:

  • You are down to just mess around sometimes
  • You are looking to learn
  • You are primarily interested in PvP

2. Pandemic Horde (Pandemic Family)

Pandemic Horde is a very recent invention. It was originally conceived as a sort of training alliance in which pilots would receive 1 on 1 mentorship opportunities from pilots of the elite mercenary alliance ‘Pandemic Legion’. It has since taken on a life of its own, meaning, people enjoy being in the alliance and decide to stay for long periods of time despite opportunities to graduate to ‘better’ alliances that participate in more advanced activities within the game. This is due in part because the alliance fights its own battles, has its own fleets, and FCs, and is already partnered with one of the best alliances in the game historically, Pandemic Legion. This alliance is a good choice for new players, but far from the best.


Empire Review: Strong

  • Large swathes of space
  • Massive super-capital fleet
  • Strong presence politically and economically 

Join this empire if:

  • You are new, or extremely experienced (Joined Pandemic Legion if you’re experienced)
  • You enjoy large fleet ops
  • You want to get into null-sec

Black Legion.

Black Legion. is an old alliance shrouded in mystery. For years they have contracted out their massive fleet of Dreadnaughts and super-capitals for just about every meaningful engagement in EVE for the past decade. For those who hire them, they are the keenest spear or the most stalwart shield, Black Legion is the last word in mercenary alliances. However, they do not control much space and are not terribly powerful when compared to larger coalition blocs, never the less, Black Legion has bested all of them time and time again often using cunning hit and run tactics. This is an alliance for the most dedicated and highly skilled EVE player.


Empire Review: Intermediate

  • Controls no space directly
  • Has a large fleet of dreadnaughts and super capitals
  • Politically relevant, can change the tide of a war

Join this empire if:

  • You are 100mil + Skillpoints
  • You are experienced in capital warfare
  • Are decently wealthy in EVE
  • Don’t mind moving around a lot

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