What are the Best Mining Ships in Eve Online?
EVE Online is notorious for being a difficult game to break into, and oftentimes even the simpler aspects of the game, like mining, are not without their own learning curve. While mining is certainly the introductory activity in EVE Online, it’s still important to know which mining ships are the best, this quick guide will break down the top five mining spaceships in the meta right now and will hopefully help you make an easier ‘gank-free’ transition into mining whether you’re a newbro or a grizzled veteran.
5. Venture (Best intro mining ship)
The Venture, while not the best ship in terms of Ore Per Hour (OPH) is by far the best bang for your buck intro mining ship. If properly fitted, ore yields are reasonable, and ganks can be survivable due to its native +2 bonus to warp strength. Even if you do end up ganked, they’re quite cheap ships to replace and often larger alliances will SRP (Ship replacement Program) them.
Ship Details:
- Cost-Effective
- Difficult to Gank
- Several Gifted for free during the tutorial
How to Get it:
- Given out for free during the tutorial
4. Procurer (Best ‘Beginner’ mining shi
The Procurer is the quintessential newbro mining-ship. Every miner on their first day playing EVE Online inevitably opens the ship directory and quickly finds themselves daydreaming about one day being able to fly their first Procurer. It’s tanky, and it has some impressive bonuses, the Procurer is an all-around good pick for miners with a little bit of experience under their belts (No pun intended).
Ship Details:
- 5% Bonus to shield hit points per skill level
- Can fit Strip Miners and Ice Harvesters
- Cheap & Tanky
How to get it:
- Purchase on your local market, trade hubs usually have better pricing
- Produce from a blueprint with materials
3. Hulk (Best mid-game mining ship)
In times gone by, the Hulk was the end goal of every null-sec miner. The hulk is all about mining yield, meaning it can mine lots of ore very quickly, but it is not very tanky, nor does it have a big ore-hold. So while this exhumer will net you quick ore, you’ll have to have a freighter or something similar running cans from the belt back to the station.
Ship Details:
- Faster mining, which means higher profits.
- Good bonuses that scale with Exhumer skill level
- 25% Reduction in Strip & Ice Miner duration & activation costs
How to get it:
- Purchase off the market. Try to join a mining & industry heavy alliance if you have the skills to fly this one and buy it cheaper directly from a builder.
2. Orca (Best AFK mining ship)
The Orca, long before CCP ever thought of going free to play or adding skill injectors, the Orca was really only a glorified bait ship used by hilarious pirates in Minmatar Low-sec. These days, the Orca is arguably the best ship for AFK mining, grab some mining drones, warp to the belt, sit back and relax while your Orca stacks ISK. Don’t forget your Cyno and Liquid ozone!
Ship Details:
- Very Tanky
- Massive Hold
- Will produce fun fights
How to get it:
- Purchase off the market. Try to join a mining & industry heavy alliance if you have the skills to fly this one and buy it cheaper directly from a builder.
1.The Rorqual (Best endgame mining ship)
The Rorqual is the last word in endgame mining. Since the addition of excavator drones into the game, Rorquals have become the highest yield mining ship in EVE, being able to harvest nearly twice that of a hulk in the same amount of time. Moreover, Rorquals have a jumpdrive, and are quite tanky if fitted correctly. Once again, remember your Cyno & Ozone in case you need to call your friends into help! (You need friends if you’re going to fly a Rorqual safely)
Ship details:
- JumpDrive Capable
- Tanky
- Great for producing fights
- Highest mining yield
How to get it:
- Purchase off the market. Try to join a mining & industry heavy alliance if you have the skills to fly this one and buy it cheaper directly from a builder.
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